16 Free Hitchcock Movies Online

Alfred Hitch­cock, the mas­ter of sus­pense, direct­ed more than 50 fea­ture films dur­ing his long career. Today, his work is admired world­wide, and he’s con­sid­ered one of our finest direc­tors. Although many of his land­mark films remain copy­right­ed, some of his impor­tant works, par­tic­u­lar­ly his ear­ly ones, have slipped into the pub­lic domain. And so we have cat­a­logued 16 Alfred Hitch­cock films that you can watch online – for free.

All Hitch­cock films appear in our big meta col­lec­tion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More. You might also par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy our col­lec­tion of Free Noir Films.

  • Black­mailFree — Eng­land’s first “talkie” fea­ture film, star­ring Anny Ondra, John Long­den, and Cyril Ritchard. (1929)
  • Bon Voy­age — Free — A French lan­guage WWII pro­pa­gan­da film by Alfred Hitch­cock. (1944)
  • Down­hill — Free — In this silent film, a pub­lic school­boy “takes the blame for a friend’s theft and his life falls apart in a series of mis­ad­ven­tures.” Also released under the title, When Boys Leave Home. (1927)
  • Easy Virtue Free — Ear­ly silent film direct­ed by Alfred Hitch­cock. Loose­ly based on a play by Noël Cow­ard. (1928)
  • Jamaica Inn - Free — A young woman dis­cov­ers that she’s liv­ing near a gang of crim­i­nals who arrange ship­wrecks for prof­it. Stars Mau­reen O’Hara, Robert New­ton and Charles Laughton. (1939)
  • Mem­o­ry of the Camps — Free — An attempt to revive a World War II film meant to doc­u­ment the Holo­caust. Hitch­cock was involved with the orig­i­nal project. (1985)
  • Sab­o­tage – Free – Alfred Hitch­cock directs this British thriller based on Joseph Conrad’s nov­el The Secret Agent. Also released as The Woman Alone. (1936)
  • Secret Agent Free — Direct­ed by Alfred Hitch­cock, this film was loose­ly based on sto­ries by W. Som­er­set Maugh­am. Stars John Giel­gud, Peter Lorre, Madeleine Car­roll and Robert Young. (1936)
  • The 39 Steps — Free — One of Alfred Hitchcock’s first hits. British thriller is based on the nov­el with same name by John Buchan. (1935)
  • The Lodger: A Sto­ry of the Lon­don Fog Free — One of Hitchcock’s silent clas­sics. A land­la­dy sus­pects her lodger is a mur­der­er killing women around Lon­don. It’s said that this is Hitch­cock­’s first “Hitch­cock­ian” film. (1927)
  • The Manx­manFree – Hitchcock’s last silent film. (1929)
  • The Plea­sure Gar­denFree — After sev­er­al col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts, Hitch­cock made his solo direc­to­r­i­al debut in the Ger­­man-British co-pro­­duc­­tion based on a nov­el by Oliv­er Sandys.
  • The Skin Game — Free — A 1931 Hitch­cock film based on a play by John Galswor­thy recounts the trag­ic tale of a fam­i­ly feud. (1931)
  • Waltzes From Vien­na Free — Alfred Hitch­cock told Fran­cois Truf­faut that this film (about the writ­ing and per­for­mance of The Blue Danube) was the low point of his film career. (1934)
  • Young and Inno­cent — Free — Orig­i­nal­ly released in the US as The Girl Was Young, this Alfred Hitch­cock film was based on Josephine Tey’s nov­el A Shilling for Can­dles. (1937)

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch Alfred Hitch­cock Make Cameo Appear­ances in 37 of His Films (Plus Free Hitch­cock Films Online)

Alfred Hitch­cock Recalls Work­ing with Sal­vador Dali on Spell­bound

1000 Frames of Hitch­cock: See Each of Alfred Hitchcock’s 52 Films Reduced to 1,000 Artis­tic Frames

Alfred Hitchcock’s Rules for Watch­ing Psy­cho (1960)

Relat­ed Con­tent:

37 Hitch­cock Cameos over 50 Years: All in One Video

Alfred Hitch­cock Recalls Work­ing with Sal­vador Dali on Spell­bound

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.