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Questions tagged [conditional-independence]

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51 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Testing for conditional independence: What's the correct way?

My goal is to check if two variables $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z$. For simplicity, let's assume the joint distribution is multivariate normal. In this case, we can compute ...
Vimal's user avatar
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Ratio between expectation of maximum of $n$ and $n-1$ IID random variables

Let $X_1, ..., X_n$ be iid random variables. Define $Z_n = \max(X_1, ..., X_n)$. Can we lower bound $$\mathbb{E}[Z_{n-1}] \geq (1-f(n))\mathbb{E}[Z_n]$$ Using some $f(n)$. I am mainly interested in ...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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Bayesian structure learning: how to identify z as a collider in x-z-y structure?

In BNSL(Bayesian Network Structure Learning) problem, we are asked to learn a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) over a randon variable set $U$, given samples of the underlying distribution of $U$. The ...
Mengfan Ma's user avatar
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Identifiability of a probability given a set of conditional independence statements and distributions

I am seeking help for finding papers demonstrating the identifiability of a probability given a set of conditional independence statements and a set of probability distributions. More specifically, I ...
Sanghack Lee's user avatar
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Conditional independence of four variables

I read an argument about variables $A,B,C,D$ that are not mutually independent. It supposed the existence of $P(A,B,C,D)$ where $A \perp B \mid \{C,D\}$ and $C\perp D \mid \{A,B\}$ (with $\perp$ ...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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Building independence maps (I-maps) from data

I am just getting into Bayesian networks, and I am having a hard time understanding how this algorithm works: (The algorithm is from Probabilistic Graphical ...
Lou Salome's user avatar
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Hierarchical models and conditional independence

Suppose that we have a hierarchical model given by (this is Example 4.4.5 of Berger and Casella(2002)) \begin{align*} X\mid Y&\sim\text{binomial}(Y,p),\\ Y\mid\Lambda&\sim\text{Poisson}(\...
Cm7F7Bb's user avatar
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Undirected graphs and implications of independence (Wasserman chapter 18)

In Wasserman's All of Statistics chapter 18, he defines the following undirected graph: Let $V$ be a set of random variables with distribution $\mathbb{P}$. Construct a graph with one vertex for each ...
NovicePatience's user avatar
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Two random variables X1 and X2 may be partially dependent i.e. X1 is independent of X2 but X2 is dependent on X1?

$X(t)$ is a stochastic process defined on the time interval $(0,T)$. Discretizing the time interval one can specify a random variable $X(t_i)$ as: $$t_0= 0 < t_1,t_2,...,t_{n−1},t_n=T$$ And may be ...
Adrian Daniliuc's user avatar
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Conditional expectation function and causal inference

!For the question itself skip to the last paragraph! It is my understanding that iff we have a model of the form $$Y = m(X) + e$$ and $E[e|X] = 0$ we know that $m(X)$ is the conditional expectation ...
ArOk's user avatar
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Conditional independence statements for probabilistic motivation for linear regression

So the motivation for using the squared loss in linear regression can be written as the following (I think): Assume $\{(\mathbf{x}_i, y_i) \mid i = 1, \dots n\}$ are repeated independent samples from ...
Dylan Dijk's user avatar
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Implications of violating Bayesian network independence assumptions during inference

Consider the example Bayesian network below where $X \perp \!\!\! \perp Y $ (X is independent of Y). Assuming that this is the true independence structure of the process that is generating the data, ...
Douw Marx's user avatar
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Does conditional independence imply the following identities?

I was reading this paper , and it heavily uses conditional independencies for deriving various identities, ...
numpynp's user avatar
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What is the most elegant way to express conditional independence on a line graph?

Consider a Markov graph $$x_1 -x_2-x_3-...-x_t$$ In such a graphical model, we have the conditional independence property $x_{s-1} \perp x_{s+1:t} | x_s \;\forall\; x=2,...,t-1$ and $x_{1:s-1} \perp ...
J.Galt's user avatar
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Bootstrap method for chi squared test of independence

I really need some advice about using the chi-squared test of independence. I want to use the bootstrap-chi-squared method for conditional independence testing. The problem is that the DOF is really ...
user3441553's user avatar

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