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Square of the Feynman amplitude for $a +b\to c+d$ and its reverse

In quantum field theory, if a process $a +b\to c+d$ is allowed by a certain interaction Lagrangian (hermitian), the reverse process, $c+d\to a+b$, must also be allowed (as far as I understand) by the ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Asymptotic states and physical states in QFT scattering theory

Context In the scattering theory of QFT, one may impose the asymptotic conditions on the field: \begin{align} \lim_{t\to\pm\infty} \langle \alpha | \hat{\phi}(t,\mathbf{x}) | \beta \rangle = \sqrt{Z} \...
Steven Chang's user avatar
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On the symmetry of changing the sign of helicity of incoming and outgoing particles in the invariant matrix element

Let $\Psi_\Lambda^{\{\mu\}}\propto U_\Lambda^{\{\mu\}}$ and $\psi_\lambda^{\{\nu\}}\propto u_\lambda^{\{\nu\}}$ be spinors of spin $s$ fermions where $s \geq 1/2$ with respective helicites $\Lambda$ ...
infinitezero's user avatar
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Field strength renormalization for fermions

Following section 7.1 and 7.2 in Peskin and Schroeder (P&S), I've tried to consider what the derivation of the LSZ formula looks like for (spin $1/2$) fermions (in the text, they explicitly ...
User3141's user avatar
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How can I calculate the cross-section of a $N+\pi \rightarrow N + \pi$?

In the same theme as my previous question, I have the diffusion process $$N+\pi \rightarrow N + \pi$$ where the Lagrangian for this theory is $$L = \partial^\mu\psi\partial_\mu\psi^* - M²\psi\psi^*-\...
LittleBlue's user avatar
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Independence of $S$-matrix in QED of a gauge of EM field

Due to existence of several ways to fix a gauge of an EM field in QED, there are several ways to quantize it. That leads to non-uniqueness of photon propagator and hence to non-uniqueness of integrals ...
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Field redefinitions in the Higgs mechanism

Consider the Higg's mechanism for a simple $U(1)$ theory. Leaving aside the lagrangian which consists of a kinetic term for the gauge field, a covariant derivative term and the potential term for the ...
Nakshatra Gangopadhay's user avatar
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Feynman diagrams in string theory

I am beginning to study string theory, I have a beginner level doubt: If we consider a Feynman torus diagram in string theory, it is a worldsheet. What does it represent? Does it actually mean that in ...
SX849's user avatar
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Existence of eigenstates in the context of continuous energies in the Lippmann-Schwinger equation

In the book QFT by Schwartz, in section 4.1 "Lippmann-Schwinger equation", he says that: If we write Hamiltonian as $H=H_0+V$ and the energies are continuous, and we have eigenstate of $H_0$...
Gao Minghao's user avatar
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Calculating LSZ reduction for higher order in fields terms

Consider a theory with only a single massless scalar field $\phi(x)$ and a current $J^\mu(x)$ which can be polynomially expanded as fields and their derivatives and spacetime \begin{align} J^\mu(x) = ...
Mmmao 's user avatar
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How do vacuum bubbles "dress" terms in the $S$-matrix numerator?

I am self-studying QFT using the book "A modern introduction to quantum field theory" by Maggiore. On page 124-125 he's doing the calculation in the interaction picture for a process with ...
Andrea's user avatar
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The definition of the path integral

I still have big conceptual questions about the path integral. According to (24.6) of the book "QFT for the gifted amateur" from Lancaster & Blundell the path integral is equal to $$Z =\...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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Why does $S$-matrix theory end up being a covariant formalism when it is not obvious that it is?

A principle of QFT that is frequently invoked, repeated, and potentially subject to rigorous verification is that the theory in question must exhibit Lorentz covariance and be invariant under the ...
Davius's user avatar
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Discontinuity of the scattering amplitude and optical theorem

The generalized optical theorem is given by: \begin{equation}\label{eq:optical_theorem} M(i\to f) - M^*(f\to i) = i \sum_X \int d\Pi_X (2\pi)^4 \delta^4(p_i-p_X)M(i\to X)M^*(f\to X).\tag{Box 24.1} ...
Andrea's user avatar
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How is dimensionality of $S$ preserved term by term in a perturbative expansion?

In a schematic notation, the scattering matrix element $$\langle p_{out}|S|p_{in}\rangle := 1 + i (2 \pi)^4 \delta^4(p_{in} -p_{out}) M$$ between an incoming state with momentum $|p_{in}\rangle$ and ...
Albert's user avatar
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Deriving a contradiction from the LSZ condition

I'm reading the LSZ reduction formula in the wikipedia: To make the argument simple, let $$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}(\partial \varphi)^2 - \frac{1}{2}...
Sung Kan's user avatar
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Quantization of a massless scalar

Let $t$:time, $r$:distance, and $u=t-r$. Since any massless particle should propagate along u=const. , we need to change the asymptotic infinity of a massless scalar from time infinity to null ...
gerogero's user avatar
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Schrodinger's picture and Heisenberg's picture in finding interaction ground state and two-point correlator

In section 4.2 of An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by M.E.Peskin and others, it derives interaction ground state by observing the time evolution of ground state in free field theory (pg.86), ...
Ting-Kai Hsu's user avatar
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Explict Form of Ground State in Interacting Field Theory

In An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and Schroeder chapter 4, it has discussed about the ground state $|\Omega\rangle$ (where $|0\rangle$ is the ground state in free field theory) in ...
Ting-Kai Hsu's user avatar
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Derivation of Peskin & Schroeder eq. (4.29)

Background material: These are the parts that I can follow. Previously Peskin & Schroeder have derived already the expression of the interaction ground state $|\Omega\rangle$ in terms of the free ...
Rescy_'s user avatar
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LSZ reduction formula and connected Feynman diagrams in Peskin & Schroeder [duplicate]

I don't understand why in the LSZ reduction formula I need to consider only connected Feynman diagrams when I compute scattering amplitudes. From what I read in Peskin & Schroeder it seems that ...
Alex's user avatar
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LSZ theorem for trivial scattering

The $1\to1$ scattering amplitude is trivial and is given by (take massless scalars for simplicity) $$ \tag{1} \langle O(\vec{p}) O^\dagger(\vec{p}\,')\rangle = (2 | \vec{p}\,|) (2\pi)^{D-1} \delta^{(...
stringynonsense's user avatar
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Conservation of angular momentum in LSZ reduction formula

I recently solved a problem involving calculating an LSZ reduction formula for the decay of a polarized photon into two pions. Specifically, I wrote an expression for the matrix element $\langle p_+,...
user1394273's user avatar
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Angular momentum and the $S$-matrix

I have been curious about the status of angular momentum in the context of the $S$-matrix and scattering amplitudes. In particular, if we pass to a classical scattering problem and imagine scattering ...
Panopticon's user avatar
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Some calculation in Mahan book, p73 [closed]

On page 73 of Mahan, Many-particle physics, 3rd edition, one finds $$ _0\langle|S(-\infty,0) = e^{-iL}_0\langle|S(\infty,-\infty)S(-\infty,0). $$ I'm wondering why this is true, as in the previous ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Calculate first-order term of the $S$-matrix for the $\phi^{4}$ theory [closed]

Before I ask a question, I will start with a small introduction. I want to evaluate the $S$-matrix order-by-order in an expansion in small $\lambda$ for a $2 \rightarrow 2$ scattering in $\phi^{4}$ ...
Jochem4T's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the $S$-matrix in Quantum Field Theory

In his Harvard lectures on QFT, Sidney Coleman defines the $S$-matrix as, $$ S \equiv U_{I}(\infty, -\infty) $$ Where $U_{I}(-\infty, \infty)$ is the time evolution operator in the interaction picture....
ShKol's user avatar
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Sidney Coleman's Lectures Notes on QFT: Question regarding incoming states and free states

In Sidney Coleman's Lecture Notes on Quantum Field Theory, under section 7.4, we have the following, For a scattering of particles in a potential, we have a very simple formula for the S-matrix. We ...
ShKol's user avatar
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General interpretation of the poles of the propagator

I am somewhat familiar with the fact that the poles of the Feynman propagator in QFT give the momentum of particle states. I'm also familiar with the KL spectral representation in that context (See ...
P. C. Spaniel's user avatar
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How to apply multiple Klein-Gordon operators to products of propagators?

I have the 4-point correlation function for a scalar free field $$ \langle{0} | T \phi_1 \phi_2 \phi_3 \phi_4 | 0 \rangle = -\left[ \Delta_F(x_1-x_2) \Delta_F(x_3-x_4) + \Delta_F(x_1-x_3) \Delta_F(x_2-...
SrJaimito's user avatar
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