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187 votes
2 answers

Why do we not have spin greater than 2?

It is commonly asserted that no consistent, interacting quantum field theory can be constructed with fields that have spin greater than 2 (possibly with some allusion to renormalization). I've also ...
James's user avatar
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Scattering, Perturbation and asymptotic states in LSZ reduction formula

I was following Schwarz's book on quantum field theory. There he defines the asymptotic momentum eigenstates $|i\rangle\equiv |k_1 k_2\rangle$ and $|f\rangle\equiv |k_3 k_4\rangle$ in the S-matrix ...
SRS's user avatar
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20 votes
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Equivalence Theorem of the S-Matrix

as far as I know the equivalence theorem states, that the S-matrix is invariant under reparametrization of the field, so to say if I have an action $S(\phi)$ the canonical change of variable $\phi \to ...
gaugi's user avatar
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5 votes
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The use of $a^\dagger(\mathbf{k}) = -i \int d^3x e^{ikx}\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_0 \phi(x)$ in the derivation of the LSZ-formula

I noticed that in Srednicki's derivation of the LSZ-formula the expression (chapter 5) for the creation (and also later for the annihilation) operator by the field operator: $$a^\dagger(\mathbf{k}) = -...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
13 votes
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Physical meaning of partition function in QFT

When we have the generating functional $Z$ for a scalar field \begin{equation} Z(J,J^{\dagger}) = \int{D\phi^{\dagger}D\phi \; \exp\left[{\int L+\phi^{\dagger}J(x)+J^{\dagger}(x)}\phi\right]}, \end{...
Orca's user avatar
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Scalar derivative couplings: Effects on S-matrix and Feynman Rules

In Schwartz's field theory book ch. 7.4.2 he claims that interaction Lagrangians like $${\cal L}_{\rm int} = \lambda \phi_1(\partial_{\mu}\phi_2)(\partial_{\mu}\phi_3)\tag{7.101}$$ lead to the Feynman ...
Welcome_Green's user avatar
14 votes
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Why does the action have to be hermitian?

The hermiticity of operators of observables, e.g. the Hamiltonian, in QM is usually justified by saying that the eigenvalues must be real valued. I know that the Lagrangian is just a Legendre ...
user1412135's user avatar
10 votes
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Why can we shift the field $\phi$, so that $\langle \Omega | \phi(x) | \Omega \rangle = 0$?

Problem Introduction In different derivations of the LSZ reduction formula the author makes a shift of the field $\phi(x)$ $$ \phi'(x) = \phi(x) - \langle \Omega | \phi(x) | \Omega \rangle, $$ and ...
Gabor's user avatar
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9 votes
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Different kinds of S-matrices?

It seems to me that the notion of an "S-matrix" refers to several different objects One construction you can find in the literature is allowing the coupling constant to adiabatically approach 0 in ...
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7 votes
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Time-ordered operator in Srednicki

On page 51 Srednicki states, "Note that the operators are in time order...we can insert $T$ without changing anything". This I agree with. But then on the next paragraph he states "The time order ...
Physics_maths's user avatar
4 votes
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Regarding a small step in the derivation of the LSZ formula

I'd like to prove the LSZ formula, but there is a specific step that is bugging me a lot. I know there are many subtleties in its derivation, but I'm not worrying about this right now: I'm trying to ...
AccidentalFourierTransform's user avatar
3 votes
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Confusion over assumptions made in the LSZ reduction formula

I've been reading through a derivation of the LSZ reduction formula (, lecture 2, pages 2-3) and I'm slightly confused about the arguments made about the ...
user35305's user avatar
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21 votes
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Unitary quantum field theory

What do physicists mean when they refer to a quantum field theory being unitary? Does this mean that all the symmetry groups of the theory act via unitary representations? I would appreciate if one ...
Yaniel Cabrera's user avatar
16 votes
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When we define the S-matrix, what are "in" and "out" states?

I have seen the scattering matrix defined using initial ("in") and final ("out") eigenstates of the free hamiltonian, with $$\left| \vec{p}_1 \cdots \vec{p}_n \; \text{out} \right\rangle = S^{-1} \...
A. Zerkof's user avatar
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12 votes
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Free Vacuum vs Interacting Vacuum and Wick's theorem

I'm studying perturbation theory in QFT and I stumbled on a conceptual problem. My understanding of the interplay between LSZ reduction formula and the Gell-Mann & Low perturbation series is that:...
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