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Discontinuity of the scattering amplitude and optical theorem

The generalized optical theorem is given by: \begin{equation}\label{eq:optical_theorem} M(i\to f) - M^*(f\to i) = i \sum_X \int d\Pi_X (2\pi)^4 \delta^4(p_i-p_X)M(i\to X)M^*(f\to X).\tag{Box 24.1} ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Scattering Amplitude & Unitarity

In Srednicki's Quantum Field Theory chapter 11, the probability of a $2 \to n$ scattering process is calculated to be $$ P = \frac{|\left<f|i\right>|^2}{\left<f|f\right>\left<i|i\right&...
Mike's user avatar
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Weinberg, Effective Field Theories

Weinberg in his QFT Volume 1 points out in Chapter 12, section 12.3, near Fig. 12.4 (Is Renormalizability necessary?) that for expansions in EFTs in powers of $k/M$, where $k$ is the energy scale of ...
physicsbootcamp's user avatar
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Proof of unitarity of gauge-invariant $S$-matrix in Peskin and Schroeder

I'm reading chapter 9.4 "Quantization of the electromagnetic field" of Peskin's and Schroeder's book. When proving the unitarity of the gauge-invariant $S$-matrix, a trick is used. $$ SS^\...
David Shaw's user avatar
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What does it mean for QFT to be unitary?

I understand the statement that 'X QFT is unitary' is shorthand for saying 'the S-matrix of X QFT is unitary', cf. e.g. this Phys.SE post. Is there some definition of unitarity that is stronger than ...
Jojo's user avatar
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Why does S-matrix have poles?

Why does unitarity require amplitudes to have singularities? I can see this by constructing amplitudes for specific processes, but what is the rationale behind the general rule? For concreteness, ...
GRrocks's user avatar
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QFT: relation between Cutkosky's cutting rules and the optical theorem

I'm self-studying QFT and am trying to see the relation between Cutkosky rules and the optical theorem, which are presented together as consequences of unitarity in almost every elementary ...
Facieod's user avatar
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What does QFT say about non-linear processes?

In QFT one can use the S matrix theory. We have a IN free system in the far past. It interacts in a black box in the present and there is a free OUT system in the far future. We have OUT = S IN with ...
Naima's user avatar
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Unitarity and amplitudes

In Bootstrap and Amplitudes: A Hike in the Landscape of Quantum Field Theory there are few statements about analytical structure of amplitudes. I want to understand statement: In a local theory of ...
Nikita's user avatar
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For which values of lambda the euclidean two-point function $(p^2 +m^2)^{-\lambda}$ is reflection positive

The case $\lambda=1$ is well known free field kernel. What about $\lambda$ in between 0 and 1 ?? ... for $\lambda>1$ I have a proof that the kernel is not reflection positive , ...
Ron Grensky's user avatar
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Do all unitary-preserving regulators necessarily turn real loop integrals into pure imaginary numbers?

The optical theorem, which results from the unitarity of the $S$-matrix, relates the imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude to the total cross section. When using this theorem in practice, ...
knzhou's user avatar
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Perturbative proof of unitarity of $S$-matrix in QED

In any standard textbook on QFT I know it is claimed that the $S$-matrix in QED is a unitary operator. I have never seen any proof of it. This should be compared with the analogous property of $S$-...
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Optical theorem in QFT

I've been working with the Optical theorem in the case in which final and initial states are equals and I have the following doubt. Let's write the scattering matrix $S$ as: $$S = 1 + i·T \tag1$$ ...
Vicky's user avatar
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Why can we use time-dependent perturbations when evaluating the S-matrix?

Suppose we have Hamiltonian $H_0 + V$. When working in the interaction picture we may derive the evolution operator of $|\psi_I(0)\rangle$ which is given by $$S(t,t_0) = T\left[\exp \left( -i \int_{...
user110503's user avatar
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Allowed Field Re-definitions in QFT

I am trying to understand which field redefinitions are allowed in a QFT. The textbooks I have read appear to treat this topic flippantly. I assume that one cannot arbitrarily manipulate the ...
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