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$ \pi^0\to \gamma\gamma$ parity conservation

Let's consider the decay process $\pi^0\to \gamma \gamma$. After we spontaneously broke the chiral symmetry of QCD coupled to an abelian gauge field $A^\mu$, we end up with the Goldstone boson ...
Alex's user avatar
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Evidence of more generations in the QCD beta function

We know that the beta function for QCD is $$ \beta = -\left(11 - \dfrac{2N_f}{3}\right), $$ where $N_f$ is the number of fermions in the theory. We have $\beta_{\text{SM}} = -7$. Now, my question is, ...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Understading dimensions in quark bilinears

I have encountered myself with the following definition for $\pi$-fields as quark bilinears: $$ \pi^a = i\bar{q}\tau^a \gamma_5 q \ ,\quad\text{with }\ q = \left(\begin{array}{c}u\\d\end{array}\right) ...
SrJaimito's user avatar
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Quark condensate and VEV of $\pi^0$

In David Tong's lectures on the Standard Model I saw that there is a quark condensate, which is just a Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV) of the $\bar{q}_{Li}\, q_{Ri}$ operator, $$ \left< \bar{q}_{Li}...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
3 votes
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Isospin doublet and quark content from contraction of quarks

Let's introduce a quark $SU(2)$ doublet. We are in the $m_u \approx m_d$ limit. So we have $$ q = \begin{pmatrix} u\\ d \end{pmatrix}. $$ Then we can construct the Nucleonic field $$ N := q q q = \...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Do all antiquarks carry and anti-color charge, or can they carry RGB color charges as well?

I know there are antiquarks with anticolor charges. Are there also antiquarks that instead carry color charges? Basically, which of these lists describes the types of quarks that there are: List one: ...
blacktopshaman's user avatar
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Is there any physical reason behind the choice of Lie group in a Yang-Mills theory?

A Yang-Mills theory can be constructed for any Lie group that is compact and semisimple. The motivation behind this is discussed in this question. Is there any physical reason we choose $SU(3)$ or $U(...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Difference between $ SU(3)$ and $ SU(3)_c $ group

I am reading quark model. I don't understand what's the meaning of a color $SU(3)$ or $SU(3)_c$ group and how it differs from a general $SU(3)$ group. Please elaborate.
Sagar K. Biswal's user avatar
3 votes
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When do pairs of quarks form jets vs mesons?

For certain processes with low momentum transfer, such as the Kaon decay shown below, quarks will form bound states of mesons. Whereas for higher momentum-transfer processes, such as the decay of an ...
Jackson Burzynski's user avatar
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Beyond sexaquarks?

There are some candidates for tetraquarks, pentaquarks or even now sexaquarks/hexaquarks. But, I wonder, what are the highest molecular quark states taking into account QCD? Are there heptaquarks, ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Why is the electromagnetic force not an emergent property of the strong force? [closed]

Two up quarks in a proton lead to an imbalance, which results in the proton having the ability to attract electrons. Two down quarks in a neutron lead to balance in the electromagnetic force, leading ...
xxl's user avatar
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How do we known that $\langle \bar{\psi}_i \psi_j\rangle=(250 MeV)^3\delta_{ij}$?

I have started to read the phenomenology of QCD in low energy regime. I understand that, from the QCD renormalization group equation, the QCD becomes nonperturbative theory when energy scale is below $...
StupiXPerson's user avatar
9 votes
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Why are gluons massless as their range is finite?

The range of electromagnetic waves and gravitational force is infinity and the particles exchanged during these interactions are photons and gravitons respectively. Both are massless following the ...
Vanshika Dhiman's user avatar
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Why Lambda Baryon and Sigma Baryon unequal sum isospin with "really" isospin?

For information isospin for $u$-quark = 1/2, isospin for $d$-quark = -1/2 and isospin for $s$-quark = 0. Lambda Baryon consists $uds$ quarks,therefore sum isospin 1/2-1/2+0=0, It true. But sum isospin ...
user338062's user avatar
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Background cuts [closed]

I am considering background events like, $p p \rightarrow t \bar{t}$ and QCD events where t is a top quark. I want also to reduced the QCD events such that QCD events will be less observed than that ...
King Meruem's user avatar
-1 votes
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Superposition of charge states in the Neutral Pion

The quarks of neutral pions don't exist in a pure flavour state, and instead are described as a superposition of up-antiup with down-antidown: $\frac{u\bar{u}-d\bar{d}}{\sqrt{2}}$ However up and down ...
Jamie S's user avatar
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Global symmetries QCD goldstone bosons

Beside the local $SU(3)$-Color-symmetrie The QCD Lagrangian also has global symmetries: $$L_{QCD}=\sum_{f,c}\bar{q_{fc}}(i\gamma^\mu D_\mu - m ) q_{fc} - \frac{1}{4}F^a_{\mu \nu} F^{a \mu \nu} $$ $SU(...
taxus1's user avatar
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Why do gluon jets have more particles?

From papers on the concept of quark/gluon jet tagging, I've seen that gluon jets have more particles and a broader radiation pattern. Why does carrying more color charge allow them to produce more ...
user13948's user avatar
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Why are protons/neutrons spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ when they are made up of three valence quarks (also spin-$\frac{1}{2}$)?

If we take the composite angular momentum of the three valence quarks, we should have a proton/neutron spin angular momentum of, $$S=\{ \frac{1}{2},\frac{3}{2} \}$$ using the general rule for adding ...
Adrien Amour's user avatar
3 votes
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What gives rise to mass gap for gluons, even if they are massless?

It is known that QED does not have a mass gap. On the other hand, at the heuristic level, QCD has a mass gap. But photons and gluons are both "massless". Could anyone explain (at least at ...
Keith's user avatar
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Is there an energy release from gluon expansion and contraction?

When an electron drops to a lower orbit, energy is released as a photon. Gluons expand and contract in-between quarks, described like springs or rubber bands that have tremendous force when extended ...
foolishmuse's user avatar
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How can I show the following contraction of the electromagnetic field strength and its dual? [closed]

Given the electromagnetic field strength $F^{\mu\nu}$, and its dual $$\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu} =\dfrac{1}{2}\varepsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}F_{\alpha\beta},$$ how can I show that $$\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\nu\...
João Paulo Melo's user avatar
6 votes
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Can free quarks exist?

I know that currently free quarks do not exist but can they exist under any circumstance? The Physicsworld article Quarks break free at two trillion degrees states that they do but I want a ...
Sanket Dash's user avatar
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Are glueballs confined without a connection to quarks?

Without being bound to quarks through the strong force, is there any reason why glue balls would be confined? Are they confined
foolishmuse's user avatar
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Why are gluons color charged but not photon? Could there be a charged EM force carriers like gluons or neutral color charge carrier like photon?

Gluons have a color charge why don't photons have an electric charge like gluons?
unknow unknown's user avatar
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$\alpha_s$ strength in quarkonium potential energy formula

The top answer to Is there an equation for the strong nuclear force? explains that there is a coulomb's law-like formula: $V(r)=−\frac{4}{3}\frac{α_s(r)ℏc}{r}+kr$ that describes how quarks and ...
eaeaa1232's user avatar
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Why is there still disagreement over the mass of the bottom (or beauty) quark, but none of the others?

Wikipedia (among other places) lists two values for the alleged mass of the B quark, 4.18 and 4.65 GeV. Only one of the two possible masses listed has a link to another Wiki page explaining the ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Why is "a phase for the QCD vacuum" considered a fundamental constant and what does it even mean?

We can read about fundamental physical constants in Wikipedia: There is, however, no single "correct" way of enumerating them, as it is a matter of arbitrary choice which quantities are ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Do quarks have a non-zero electric dipole moment?

It is written here, in this PSE link that an electron has a measured perfect spherical charge density therefore a zero electric dipole moment (i.e. perfect monopole charge). My question is, are quarks ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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Do Quarks Exist?

Do Quarks Really Exist? Is there any experiment which can confirm the existence of Quarks and what kind of force is that which binds them to form neutron and proton?
Kushagra's user avatar
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Can a gluon split into three gluons: $g \rightarrow ggg$? (four gluon vertex)

I know $gg \rightarrow gg$ is possible, but is $g \rightarrow ggg$ possible? I don't see this anywhere although I think you could conserve colour charge (e.g. $r\bar{g} \rightarrow r\bar{g} + g\bar{b}...
nemo's user avatar
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Is $SU(3)$ (and not $U(3)$) the symmetry group of color interactions because $U(1)$ is already used for EM?

I have already seen this question. It was answered that $U(3)$ can be decomposed into $SU(3) \times U(1)$, and $U(1)$ is already used for the EM interaction. Still, I wonder why the EM interaction ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Correlation of the strong force with fractional charges? [duplicate]

As far as we know the quarks are not free not because of their fractional charges but because of the independent strong force interaction that grows with distance within the radius of the proton or ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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Hadronization time

In the process of hadronization what is the characteristic time? I was thinking about at the inverse of $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}$ but can also be a dependence from $\sqrt{s}$. Can anyone help me?
Tony Stack's user avatar
7 votes
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Do gluons care about flavor?

I think the answer to my question is no, but I can't find an explicit statement about this on my books or online. I know that gluons are the vector bosons for QCD, the $SU(3)$ gauge theory of color, ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
2 votes
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Does "lifetime of up quark" have a physical meaning?

I saw this question about the lifetime of an up quark. As far as I know, free quarks are never observed in experiments. Then what is the significance of a statement like "the lifetime of an up ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
2 votes
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How do we understand the ${\bf 3}$ of $Q_L({\bf 3}, {\bf 2})_{1/3}$?

A left-handed quark doublet of the Standard Model is specified as $Q_L({\bf 3}, {\bf 2})_{1/3}=(u,d)^T$. I have a problem understanding this quark doublet as a triplet of ${\rm SU}(3)$. Any help? I ...
Solidification's user avatar
14 votes
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Why aren't all quarks clumped together in one giant hadron?

As far as I am aware, the strong interaction is attractive only, and its carrier, the gluon, is massless meaning it has unlimited range. If this is the case, how come we only observe quarks in pairs ...
eaeaa1232's user avatar
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How is the colour quantum number not conserved in this process?

I stumbled upon this CERN article, where I found this diagram describing the process $gg \rightarrow HH$: I'm still new to QCD, and I don't see how a coloured gluon can decay into colourless final ...
Physicist_285's user avatar
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Can the process gluon + gluon $\rightarrow$ 2 Higgs proceed in the following way in the standard model?

At order $g_s^2$, usually only a triangle quark loop and box diagram are considered, I was wondering, is there some reason that excludes these diagrams from the possible standard model channels?
Physicist_285's user avatar
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How many extra dimensions needed to model the Strong interaction with a Kaluza-Klein extended theory?

The blog / video (See: - Does the Universe have Higher Dimensions? Sabine Hossenfelder's blog) is discussing the ...
shm.physics's user avatar
2 votes
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Do the “$SU(3)$ colors” live in a 3-dimensional vector space?

Previously I asked a question about the visualized colors: Do the "colors" live in a 3-dimensional vector space? (My earlier question is unfortunately closed) Now I like to ask the “$SU(3)$ ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
3 votes
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What is "Colombia Plot" in reference to lattice QCD?

In High Energy Physics papers, I often see a diagram as shown below: I am still studying Quantum Field Theory, and I could not understand the only reference I could find about this plot: https://...
Ordinary Superhero's user avatar
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How does the electroweak interaction and QCD form $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$?

I'm trying to get a foothold into quantum field theory from a mathematical background. I see the use of $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ in gauge theory and wonder the following questions to help me bring QFT ...
Andreas Tzionis's user avatar
1 vote
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Understanding Jet Clustering: Why is only $p_{T}$ used?

Let's only consider iterative jet clustering algorithms. Famous ones are the $k_{T}$ ($p = 1$), anti-$k_{T}$ ($p = -1$) and Cambridge/Aachen ($p = 0$) jet reconstruction algorithms. All these ...
user avatar
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Why is the $SU(4)$ group not suitable for describing color symmetry?

How to demonstrate that the $SU(4)$ group cannot be a group of symmetry of a color charge?
Lord_of_Physics's user avatar
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Is there any progress in the study of the relationship between Rubik's cube and quark?

After Golomb discovered the relationship between Rubik's cube and quark, Anthony E. Durham improved it. Is there a link to Anthony E. Durham's work? May be the principal bundles can explain the ...
xingzheshengcun's user avatar
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What are extrinsic and intrinsic flavour production?

In terms of Feynman diagrams, what are extrinsic and intrinsic flavour production? See for example this paper this paper (p.2).
Thomas Wening's user avatar
2 votes
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Can mesons be in $b \overline{b}$, $r \overline{r}$, $g \overline{g}$ states?

Can a meson be in a pure $b \overline{b}$, $r \overline{r}$, $g \overline{g}$ state or does it have to be in the $\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\left(b \overline{b}+r \overline{r}+g \overline{g}\right)$ state? ...
Quanta's user avatar
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Negative running coupling constant in QCD?

Considering the one-loop running coupling constant in QCD: $$\alpha_s(\mu) = \frac{a_s(\mu_0)}{1 + \frac{33-2f}{6 \pi}ln\left( \frac{\mu}{\mu_0}\right)}$$ where f is the number of quarks flavours with ...
Stefano Barone's user avatar

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