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Questions tagged [goldstone-mode]

The Goldstone mode is a massless quantum excitation arising in systems with spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetry. That is, the Noether symmetry currents are conserved, but the vacuum is not invariant under the symmetry, so the symmetry is not immediately apparent, realized non-linearly. Goldstone Modes are found throughout physics, with some celebrated examples stemming from the Higgs Mechanism.

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Goldstone Theorem in Schwartz, follow-up

This is somewhat of a related question to Goldstone theorem in Schwartz and is related to equation 28.16 in Schwartz's QFT book. One way to prove that $$ \langle \Omega | J^\mu(x) | \pi(p) \rangle = i ...
infinity's user avatar
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Unitary Gauge Removing Goldstone Bosons

The Lagrangian in a spontaneously broken gauge theory at low energies looks like $$ \frac{1}{2} m^2 ( \partial_\mu \theta - A_\mu )^2 $$ and the gauge transformations look like $\theta \rightarrow \...
infinity's user avatar
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Why are there no Goldstone modes in superconductor?

Usually, the absence of Goldstone modes in a superconductor is seen as an example of the Anderson-Higgs mechanism, related to the fact that there is gauge invariance due to the electromagnetic gauge ...
cx1114's user avatar
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Goldstone theorem for classical and quantum potential

Consider a quantum theory $$\mathcal{L}(\phi^a) = \mathcal{L_{kin}}(\phi^a)-V(\phi^a),\tag{11.10}$$ depending on any type of fields $\phi^a$. The VEV of this theory are constant fields $\phi_0^a$ such ...
Alex's user avatar
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Soliton and Goldstone boson

I'm learning Gross-Pitaevskii model. By spontaneous symmetry breaking one obtains Bogoljubov modes, which ensures Landau criterion. So those modes have two features, for one they are Goldstone bosons ...
JinH's user avatar
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Existence of low temperature phase in 2-Dimensional XY-Model

I'm reading the lecture notes of David Tong on Statistical Field Theory, specifically chapter $4.4$ on the Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition. He considers the XY model in $d=2$ dimensions and states the ...
Μπαμπης Ποζουκιδης's user avatar
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Spectral function of superconductor in the BEC regime: how does Higgs mechanism affect the spectrum?

Consider the standard BCS theory but assume that the interaction energy $U$ that enters the definition of gap parameter (i.e. $\Delta = (U/N)\sum_k \langle c_{-k\downarrow} c_{k\uparrow} \rangle$, ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Goldstone bosons and spontaneous symmetry breaking in the complex triplet model

In the Standard model electroweak theory, the Higgs field is a complex doublet field, which couples to the $SU(2)$ gauge field. Suppose we replace the complex doublet with a complex triplet $\Sigma$: $...
Daren's user avatar
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Infinite conductivity, goldstone bosons and generalized voltage

Weinberg [1] has put forth an elegant argument (summarized in [2, Section 3.3] and at the bottom of the question), which suggests that the broken symmetry phase of any $U(1)$ gauge theory will be ...
phonon's user avatar
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An issue with spectral representation in Coleman's proof of Goldstone's theorem in his Lectures on QFT

I am working through the proof of Goldstone's theorem in Coleman's Lectures on QFT in chapter 43.4. He uses a Källén-Lehmann-like spectral representation of $$\langle 0 | j_{\mu}\left(x\right)\phi\...
Emilia's user avatar
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Goldstone bosons in 2 and 3 quark flavor symmetries [closed]

In my (undergraduate) advanced elementary particles class last semester, we learnt that for a 2 quark (u/d) model the symmetry of the Lagrangian is (and breaks as) $$ U(2)_L \otimes U(2)_R = SU(2)_L \...
Yaezir's user avatar
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Explanation of massive Goldstone modes

I'm solving this exercise with a Heisenberg Hamiltonean in linear spin-wave theory and at some point we are asked to compute the dispersion relation at $k=0$, which leads me to finding two different ...
Rye's user avatar
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Global symmetries QCD goldstone bosons

Beside the local $SU(3)$-Color-symmetrie The QCD Lagrangian also has global symmetries: $$L_{QCD}=\sum_{f,c}\bar{q_{fc}}(i\gamma^\mu D_\mu - m ) q_{fc} - \frac{1}{4}F^a_{\mu \nu} F^{a \mu \nu} $$ $SU(...
taxus1's user avatar
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liquid-vapor interface goldstone modes

The free energy of a liquid-vapor interface (far from critical point) can be approximates as $$ \mathcal{F}=γ A+\frac{γ}{2}\int dxdy|\nabla h(x,y)|^2 $$ where $h(x,y)$ is the height of the interface ...
Nitzan R's user avatar
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What is meant by the statement that Wigner-Weyl is linear realization and Nambu Goldstone is nonlinear realization?

In a paper, "Nonlinear Realization of Global Symmetries" by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, I see the line "There are basically two ways of symmetry realization in Hilbert space. One is such that ...
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