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Isospin doublet and quark content from contraction of quarks

Let's introduce a quark $SU(2)$ doublet. We are in the $m_u \approx m_d$ limit. So we have $$ q = \begin{pmatrix} u\\ d \end{pmatrix}. $$ Then we can construct the Nucleonic field $$ N := q q q = \...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Color symmetry and flavor symmetry in QCD

In QCD, there is an SU(3) color symmetry for each flavor of quark as well as an SU(3) flavor symmetry for $u, d, s$ (although the latter is approximate). Why is there a gauge field for the SU(3) color ...
Shen's user avatar
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A Question about a $U(1)_{B-L}$

I know I can write the QCD lagrangian like this: $$ \mathcal{L} = (i\bar{q}_{R} \gamma_{\mu}\partial_{\mu} {q}_{R} + i\bar{q}_{L}\gamma_{\mu}\partial_{\mu} {q}_{L}) + \text{other terms} $$ When ...
IamZack's user avatar
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What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?

What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons? The $uud$ proton and $udd$ neutron are both spin 1/2, implying that two of their spin 1/2 quarks are always parallel and the other is always opposed. ...
Terry Bollinger's user avatar