
In David Tong's lectures on the Standard Model I saw that there is a quark condensate, which is just a Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV) of the $\bar{q}_{Li}\, q_{Ri}$ operator, $$ \left< \bar{q}_{Li}\, q_{Ri} \right> = - A \delta_{ij} \, . \tag{3.47} $$

Now, this leads me to think that there might also be a VEV for the $\pi^0$, which is composed of the linear combination $$ \pi^0 \equiv \dfrac{u \bar{u} - d \bar{d}}{\sqrt{2}} \, . $$

I don't think there are any reason why this would be forbidden, as it seems like the vacuum "can give you the needed energy", and it doesn't seem like we are violating any of the QCD symmetries (like Isospin!).

So, am I right? And, if so, how can I compute the VEV of the 0-pion $$ \left<\pi^0 \right> \equiv \left<\dfrac{u \bar{u} - d \bar{d}}{\sqrt{2}} \right>\, ? $$


1 Answer 1


Nonono! You've made a bad hash of standard notation.

The interpolating operator for the neutral pion you wrote is far too schematic/complacent, and lacks an all-important $\gamma^5$. You might consider $(\bar u \gamma^5 u - \bar d \gamma^5 d)/\sqrt 2$.

QCD, of course, supports a scalar condensate of quarks triggering spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, but not a pseudo-scalar one, as the QCD vacuum does not break parity! Specifically, $\langle \Omega| \pi^0|\Omega\rangle= \langle \Omega|\Pi^\dagger \pi^0 \Pi|\Omega\rangle=-\langle \Omega| \pi^0|\Omega\rangle$ so that $\langle \pi^0\rangle=0$.

It is more complicated than that, covered in good QFT books. The neutral pion is the pseudogoldstone boson of the SSBroken axial charge $\int d^3x~~\bar q \gamma^5 \gamma^0 \tau^3 q$, so it pops into and out of the roiling QCD vacuum, a much longer story.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for the answer! Though, are you sure that the $\pi^0$ is the pseudo-Goldstone of the $U(1)_A$? Isn't that the $\eta'$? I believe that the $\pi^0$ comes from the breaking of $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 23 at 14:22
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    $\begingroup$ Yes, you should be sure too. You ignored the $\tau^3$ in the axial charge I wrote. It is not the $U(1)_A$ generator. It is the 3rd component of the $\vec R- \vec L$ generators in the chiral group, one of the three spontaneously/dynamically broken ones. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 23 at 15:51
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    $\begingroup$ The language of your edit is common, but wrong. The three non abelian generators do not close into an SU(2). Where do you get this stuff? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 6 at 11:22
  • $\begingroup$ Indeed, the U(1) links to the η’, but how did you end up there? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 6 at 11:46
  • $\begingroup$ Hi Cosmas, I'm sorry, you're right. I'd swear I read somewhere that the broken generator of the $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$ formed a group called $SU(2)_A$, but I cannot find any trace of this in the bibliography I usually consult. They only make reference to the unbroken $SU(2)_D$ (sometimes called vector instead of diagonal). So I'll revert my edit! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 6 at 11:55

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