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A list of failed attempts towards a proof of confinement [closed]

Can one give a list of failed or open attempts (not necessarily Supersymmetric) towards a proof of confinement in 4d regarding YM or QCD?
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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How to avoid the ordinary Coulomb solution in QCD?

To see where QCD starts to differ from the behavior of EM fields, we might begin by looking at the classical field. A search brings up [question 339978] and [question 360061] but no answer is found ...
Jos Bergervoet's user avatar
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$ \pi^0\to \gamma\gamma$ parity conservation

Let's consider the decay process $\pi^0\to \gamma \gamma$. After we spontaneously broke the chiral symmetry of QCD coupled to an abelian gauge field $A^\mu$, we end up with the Goldstone boson ...
Alex's user avatar
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The commutation relations of photon and gluon?

In QED, the photon field has the following commutation relations: \begin{equation} [A^{\mu}(t,\vec{x}),A^{\nu}(t,\vec{y})]=0, \tag{1} \end{equation} where $A^{\mu}(t,\vec{x})$ is the photon filed. ...
Qin-Tao Song's user avatar
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Asymptotic Freedom QCD

I'm trying to understand the derivation of asymptotic freedom with the renormalisation group equations. I'm reading Taizo Muta's book on QCD. What I don't understand is how he obtains the last ...
Gogoman96 X's user avatar
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QCD parton shower hard scale

Currently I'm studying parton showers from QCD and I'm having trouble with understanding how the hard scale $Q$ is related to the virtuality and energy of the parent parton. The Sudakov factor $\Delta(...
Jesse's user avatar
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Why does an all connected diagram contribute to two-point function?

I am recently reading E.Witten's review for $1/N$ expansion of QCD. In there, considering the main contribution of quark bilinears like $\bar{q}q$, then He mentions that in free field theory there is ...
S tomio's user avatar
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Visualization of a gauge field with non-null winding number

In QCD you may add the term $\mathcal{L}_{\theta} = \theta\dfrac{g^2}{16\pi^2} \text{Tr}F\tilde{F}$, which turns out to be a total derivative. Now, it can be proven that the action of this lagrangian ...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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How is the mass distributed in ordinary matter?

How is the mass distributed in ordinary matter? In the ordinary things around us, we know that most of the mass is in the cores of the atoms, the electrons around it contributing only a very small ...
Jos Bergervoet's user avatar
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Ghosts in QCD Lagrangian

The QCD Lagrangian is $$ \mathcal{L}_{\text{QCD}} = -\dfrac{1}{2} \text{Tr}\, G_{\mu\nu}G^{\mu\nu} + \sum_i^{N_f} \bar{q_i} \left(i \gamma^\mu \mathcal{D}_\mu - m_i\right)\,q_i, \tag{1} $$ where $\...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Colour Factor in QCD Pair Annihilation

My question occurred when I was reading Introduction to Elementary Particles by David J. Griffiths. In chapter 8, part 8.5, he is calculating the colour factor of quark-antiquark annihilation. My ...
quantumology's user avatar
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Motivation for the shape of the theta vacua

I understand that the reason why we construct the theta vacua is because instantons allow tunnelling between different vacuum states, $\left|n\right>$. This means that we have to consider a real ...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Euclidean LQCD not on a lattice?

How much the idea of calculating Euclidean path integrals in LQCD is fundamentally tied to using formulations based on the discretized spacetime lattice? In computational approaches to quantum many-...
mavzolej's user avatar
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How does the on-shell (OS) scheme work if we assume mass to be zero?

When calculating the self-energy correction of a massless quark up to one loop, I get $$i\Sigma(p)=i\frac{\alpha_s}{4\pi}C_F/\!\!\!{p}\left[\frac{1}{\varepsilon_{\text{UV}}}-\gamma+\ln(4\pi)+1+\ln(\...
Ozzy's user avatar
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Can $\gamma^5$ matrices be ignored in $q\bar{q}\to ZZ$ processes?

In the $q\bar{q}\to ZZ$ process, the following Feynman diagram in LO appears: This means for each vertex, the Feynman amplitude contains a term proportional to $(g_V-g_A\gamma^5)$, which makes $D$-...
Ozzy's user avatar
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What is the meaning of twist in OPE?

In Operator Product Expansion (such as explained in Peaking) there appear a quantity for an operator called twist, defined to be $d-s$ where $d$ is the scaling dimension of the operator and $s$ is it'...
Fabio Canedo's user avatar
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Deriving gluon propagator in axial gauge

I am currently checking my work against an answer and I understand most of it except I am having difficulty understanding the signs in a particular part. The question is as follows: (a) Derive the ...
Aidan's user avatar
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When can colour charge indices be equated?

I'm currently studying QFT and QCD for the first time and I have a question about the colour charge indices given below. I was asked the following question: (a) Derive the Feynman rule for the 3-...
Aidan's user avatar
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Subleading correction to the gluon propagator in large $N$ expansion

I was reading Callan, Coote and Gross' paper on 2-dimensional QCD, where they show that the model that 't Hooft proposes in his work indeed produces quark confinement. In section VIII, they analyze ...
Marcosko's user avatar
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Possible cases of matter fields for $SU(2)$ theory which retains asymptotic freedom?

Let us assume $4$ spacetime dimensions. QCD, the $SU(3)$ gauge theory with quarks as the matter fields, have the asymptotic freedom property as long as there are 16 quark flavors of mass below the ...
Keith's user avatar
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Parton distribution functions and virtual particles

Parton distribution functions are distributions of quarks and gluons inside the nucleon, but besides the three valence quarks, they are virtual particles right? So if virtual particles are just a ...
rafa's user avatar
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Using Compton scattering to derive the deep inelastic cross-section for the parton model

In the second volume of The Quantum theory of Fields, Weinberg provides the inelastic cross-section for the scattering of an electron from a nucleon with four momentum $p$ based on the parton model: $$...
agc's user avatar
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Deriving Euler-Lagrange Equations in Light-Front Quantization from the Heisenberg Equation

I'm delving into light-front quantization, with a focus on understanding the roles of good and bad fermions. Using Collins' formulation in Foundations of Perturbative QCD, we define the projectors as: ...
schoreg's user avatar
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Schwinger proper-time representation of Feynman propagator in Coordinate space

I'm working on a QCDSR paper which calculates mass of $B$ meson in the present of external magnetic field. the author works with Schwinger proper-time representation of Feynman propagator in momentum ...
hossein mohseni's user avatar
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Has the mass of a proton been calculated from current quarks, through the renormalization process?

That's basically my question. Has the mass of the proton been calculated using QCD and the interactions between the current quarks? Perturbative methods obviously can't be used as they deal with ...
Il Guercio's user avatar
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When to consider and when not to consider the loop contributions from light quarks?

Consider the following Lagrangian: $$ \tag 1 \mathcal{L} = \frac{\partial_{\mu}a(x)}{f}\sum_{q}\bar{q}\gamma^{\mu}\gamma_{5}q $$ This is a Lagrangian of the axion-like particles (ALPs) $a$ interacting ...
Name YYY's user avatar
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How exactly does a proton form from quarks? What is the exact sequence and mechanism?

What are the steps that lead to the bonding of two up quarks and one down quark into a proton? For instance, does an up quark "bind" with a down quark in quark-gluon plasma, which then binds ...
xxl's user avatar
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Why does non-perturbative QCD need to be regularized and renormalized?

The $n$-point correlation functions of QCD, which define the theory, are computed by performing functional derivatives on $Z_{QCD}[J]$, the generating functional of QCD, $$\frac{\delta^nZ_{QCD}[J]}{\...
orochi's user avatar
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Why is there only one coupling constant in Yang-Mills theory? Why are gluon self-coupling and gluon-matter coupling constants the same?

Is it non-trivial that the coupling constant $g$ in gluon self-interaction terms is the same as the coupling constant $g$ in gluon-fermion interaction term in Yang-Mills theory? Pure Yang-Mills theory ...
TOAA's user avatar
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How do we known that $\langle \bar{\psi}_i \psi_j\rangle=(250 MeV)^3\delta_{ij}$?

I have started to read the phenomenology of QCD in low energy regime. I understand that, from the QCD renormalization group equation, the QCD becomes nonperturbative theory when energy scale is below $...
StupiXPerson's user avatar
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Integral of the square of the spectral density in a quantum field theory

The quantity of interest is $$ \int_0^\infty dE \, \rho(E)^2 $$ where $\rho(E)$ is the spectral density in a Quantum Field Theory. I am wondering whether it has any physical meaning, and it can be ...
knuth's user avatar
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Theta vacua eigenstates

I have been trying to prove the very simple result that the eigenstates of an operator with matrix elements $$ \langle n^\prime | H | n \rangle \sim g(|n^\prime-n|), $$ in a basis $\{|n\rangle\}^{+\...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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How is the pion related to spontaneous symmetry breaking in QCD?

In chapter 19 of An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin & Schroeder, they discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) at low energies in massless (or nearly massless) QCD, given by $$\...
Flynn Linton's user avatar
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Goldstone bosons in 2 and 3 quark flavor symmetries [closed]

In my (undergraduate) advanced elementary particles class last semester, we learnt that for a 2 quark (u/d) model the symmetry of the Lagrangian is (and breaks as) $$ U(2)_L \otimes U(2)_R = SU(2)_L \...
Yaezir's user avatar
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Renormalizability of massless Gross-Neveu theory

We have the following Lagrangian density: $$ \mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_i i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi_i + \frac{g^2}{2} \left( \bar{\psi}_i \psi_i \right)^2 $$ which corresponds to the two-...
MicrosoftBruh's user avatar
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1-loop Feynman diagrams of $g \to gg$ in pure QCD

I'm very new to QFT, and I'm drawing one-loop Feynman diagrams of the process $g \to gg$ in pure QCD. I use MadGraph to generate all the diagrams by ...
LitDream's user avatar
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Generalities about propagators and its application to scalar chromodynamics

In an exercise for a course on quantum field theory, I am given the following Lagrangian: $$ \mathcal{L} = -\frac{1}{2} G_{\mu\nu}^a G^{a\mu\nu} + 2 (D_\mu \phi^\dagger)^a(D^\mu \phi)^a - 2 m^2\phi^{\...
Albert's user avatar
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Asymptotic Freedom and the Continuum Limit

Suppose I have a family of effective field theories, parametrized by a cut-off $\Lambda$ and a coupling constant $g$ and specified in terms of generating functionals $Z_{\Lambda,g}(J)$. Asymptotic ...
Thorstein's user avatar
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Why Lambda Baryon and Sigma Baryon unequal sum isospin with "really" isospin?

For information isospin for $u$-quark = 1/2, isospin for $d$-quark = -1/2 and isospin for $s$-quark = 0. Lambda Baryon consists $uds$ quarks,therefore sum isospin 1/2-1/2+0=0, It true. But sum isospin ...
user338062's user avatar
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Why there is only $t$-channel for $u+\bar d\rightarrow u+\bar d$ scattering?

I am reading Griffith's textbook on particle physics about the $u+\bar d\rightarrow u+\bar d$ scattering for QCD. On page 285, it says there is only one possible channel ($t$-channel): Why there are ...
IGY's user avatar
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Structure functions for mesons

I was researching about structure functions and understand how it's a probability density function that describes the distribution of quarks inside hadrons. However, since mesons also have quark gluon ...
Jungwoon Song's user avatar
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Are all mass eigenstates also spin eigenstates?

Is there a rigorous way to show that a mass eigenstate of a particle must also be an eigenstate of the total spin operator? If this wasn't true, you could imagine that a composite particle in a mass ...
klippo 's user avatar
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How do we measure the gluon scattering?

In QFT, we often calculate the 'Feynman amplitude' for gluon scattering. As we know, Gluon is gauge boson mediating the strong force between quarks. By color confinement, Quarks are never seen in our ...
Sasha Shin's user avatar
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Calculating Diagrams with Wilson Lines to One Loop

I have a question concerning the calculation of amplitudes containing Wilson lines. I want to calculate the jet function defined by equation (3.3) from this paper. $$\mathcal{J}(\text{arguments})u_s(p)...
George Smyridis's user avatar
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Global symmetries QCD goldstone bosons

Beside the local $SU(3)$-Color-symmetrie The QCD Lagrangian also has global symmetries: $$L_{QCD}=\sum_{f,c}\bar{q_{fc}}(i\gamma^\mu D_\mu - m ) q_{fc} - \frac{1}{4}F^a_{\mu \nu} F^{a \mu \nu} $$ $SU(...
taxus1's user avatar
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Which configurations are important in lattice QCD?

The failure of perturbation theory in describing strongly-coupled QCD is because it can't account for field configurations that are 'large'. My questions is: from experience in lattice QCD, what kind ...
dennis's user avatar
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Topology active subgroup for the QCD vacuum

I've been reading about the nontrivial topological structure of the QCD vacuum and, when studying the different equivalence classes created by the pure gauge fields, all papers say that it is possible ...
Ramon's user avatar
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What gives rise to mass gap for gluons, even if they are massless?

It is known that QED does not have a mass gap. On the other hand, at the heuristic level, QCD has a mass gap. But photons and gluons are both "massless". Could anyone explain (at least at ...
Keith's user avatar
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How does AdS/CFT help us understand non-perturbative aspects of QCD?

I've heard AdS/CFT has found applications in many areas of physics where nonperturbative aspects leave us crippled in making any simple calculations. Among these applications, I also have heard that ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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How can I show the following contraction of the electromagnetic field strength and its dual? [closed]

Given the electromagnetic field strength $F^{\mu\nu}$, and its dual $$\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu} =\dfrac{1}{2}\varepsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}F_{\alpha\beta},$$ how can I show that $$\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\nu\...
João Paulo Melo's user avatar

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