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Ghosts in QCD Lagrangian

The QCD Lagrangian is $$ \mathcal{L}_{\text{QCD}} = -\dfrac{1}{2} \text{Tr}\, G_{\mu\nu}G^{\mu\nu} + \sum_i^{N_f} \bar{q_i} \left(i \gamma^\mu \mathcal{D}_\mu - m_i\right)\,q_i, \tag{1} $$ where $\...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Deriving gluon propagator in axial gauge

I am currently checking my work against an answer and I understand most of it except I am having difficulty understanding the signs in a particular part. The question is as follows: (a) Derive the ...
Aidan's user avatar
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When can colour charge indices be equated?

I'm currently studying QFT and QCD for the first time and I have a question about the colour charge indices given below. I was asked the following question: (a) Derive the Feynman rule for the 3-...
Aidan's user avatar
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Renormalizability of massless Gross-Neveu theory

We have the following Lagrangian density: $$ \mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_i i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi_i + \frac{g^2}{2} \left( \bar{\psi}_i \psi_i \right)^2 $$ which corresponds to the two-...
MicrosoftBruh's user avatar
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Generalities about propagators and its application to scalar chromodynamics

In an exercise for a course on quantum field theory, I am given the following Lagrangian: $$ \mathcal{L} = -\frac{1}{2} G_{\mu\nu}^a G^{a\mu\nu} + 2 (D_\mu \phi^\dagger)^a(D^\mu \phi)^a - 2 m^2\phi^{\...
Albert's user avatar
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Is there a first-order formulation of CP-violating QCD?

In QCD without a CP violating $\theta$ term, (I believe) we can express the gauge kinetic Lagrangian in a first-order form with the field strength $F_{\mu\nu}$ taken to be Lagrange multipliers. Up to ...
rossng's user avatar
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Mass term in QCD is not hermitian? [duplicate]

Accordingly to the result $$ (\bar{\psi}\psi)^\dagger = (-1)\bar{\psi}\psi \tag1$$ coming from the fact that fields with and without bar anti-commutes, you can deduce that the QCD mass term $$ -m\...
Vicky's user avatar
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Is there any way to understand why a chiral rotation shifts $\theta$ besides the usual "path integral measure" computation?

I'm looking for a way to understand why a chiral rotation $$ \Psi \to e^{i \alpha \gamma_5} \Psi $$ shifts the QCD $\theta$ parameter: $\theta \to \theta + c \alpha$. (I know that it also has an ...
jak's user avatar
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Why is the strong CP term $ \theta \frac{g^2}{32 \pi^2} G_{\mu \nu}^a \tilde{G}^{a, \mu \nu}$ never considered for $SU(2)$ or $U(1)$ interactions?

The Lagrangian one would write down naively for QCD is invariant under CP, which is in agreement with all experiments. Nevertheless, if we add the term \begin{equation} \theta \frac{g^2}{32 \pi^2} ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to understand the QED, QCD and standard model Lagrangians? [closed]

How do you read the QED, QCD and standard model Lagrangians? What do all the symbols and tensors represent? And, how can you derive them by yourselves?
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