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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Silent Weapons is a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel by David Mack published by Pocket Books in 2012. It is the eighth novel in the post-Nemesis TNG Continuity, published under the banner of The Next Generation and centers around political intrigues on Orion.

Publisher's description[]

From the back cover

The second book in a new trilogy by the national bestselling author of Star Trek: Destiny!


Three years after the disastrous final Borg Invasion, a bitter cold war against the Typhon Pact has pushed Starfleet's resources to the breaking point. Now the rise of a dangerous new technology threatens to destroy the Federation from within.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise crew answer a distress call, only to become targets in a deadly game of deception. To protect a vital diplomatic mission, they must find a way to identify the spies hiding in their midst, before it's too late.

But Worf soon realizes the crew's every move has been predicted: Someone is using them as pawns. And the closer they get to exposing their enemy, the deeper they spiral into its trap....


A Federation patrol vessel detects unauthorized activity on Tirana III: the SS Basirico is on the surface, excavating something. When they order the Basirico to stand down from their activities, the patrol vessel is attacked and destroyed by an unknown vessel.

Data is on Orion, continuing his search for Emil Vaslovik. However, when a Soong-type android is detected trying to break into the Bank of Orion and Data's Starfleet Intelligence contact is murdered, Data is taken into custody by Starfleet and held at the Federation Embassy.

The USS Enterprise-E is investigating the disappearance of the patrol vessel when they receive a distress call from Data and travel to Orion. There, they quickly learn the reason for the heightened security they find in-system: President Nanietta Bacco is on the planet, conducting secret talks with the Gorn.

In fact, however, the Gorn are acting under instructions from the Breen to prolong the talks. Esperanza Piñiero is murdered and replaced with one of the Breen's Soong-type androids, who then fires on both Federation and Gorn personnel at a diplomatic function. Geordi La Forge manages to capture the android and examination by the Enterprise crew reveals it has not been fitted with a positronic brain but a telepresence system allowing the Breen to control it telepathically. With this evidence, Data is released.

Concerned that the Breen seem willing to sacrifice his people, Gorn Imperator Sozzerozs informs Bacco of the duplicitous nature of the talks. The remaining Breen androids attack the bank where the delegates are located, but the Breen's supervisor prevents them firing a fatal shot and Data manages to destroy them both.

The Enterprise follows the control signal to a planet inside Federation space and discovers the Breen operators dead. Starfleet begins tracking down the active but unprogrammed androids located in their space, but the Enterprise crew realise this is a diversion: The new ship movements have left a clear passage between Tirana III, where the patrol vessel was destroyed, and Breen space.

At Tirana III, the Enterprise discovers the Basirico excavating a vessel capable of generating artificial wormholes which crashed there after crossing from another reality. A Breen ship tries to get the Basirico away without revealing its true allegiance, but Captain Jean-Luc Picard opens fire, destroying the Basirico and the crashed ship, and forces the Breen to leave empty-handed. The Breen Domo, Brex, is deposed and replaced by Pran, while the Gorn secretly continue talks with the Federation.

The business concluded, Data continues his search and locates his mother Juliana Tainer, only to be informed that Vaslovik has been abducted.



Enterprise-E personnel[]

Anders • Abby Balidemaj • Hailan Casmir • T'Ryssa Chen • Corinne Clipet • Beverly Crusher • Ravel Dygan • Dina Elfiki • Joanna Faur • Tamala Harstad • Geordi La Forge • Cyriaque Lamar • Jean-Luc Picard • Rene Jacques Robert Francois Picard • Ilana Reichert • Jill Rosado • Sal • Aneta Šmrhová • Taurik • Tropp • th'Verroh • Gary Weinrib • Worf
Referenced only
Jasminder Choudhury • Havers • Hegol Den • Newitz • James Talenda • Taro Katín • Taro Trinell

Federation government and Starfleet personnel[]

Boaden Ackles • Nanietta Bacco • Marta Batanides • Morgan Bateson • Data • Cort Enaren • Sophie Fawkes • Treg mor Glov • Karithal • Alan Kistler • Kohl Chamiro • th'Neyloh • Peshtal-Azda • Esperanza Piñiero • Safranski • Sinkonnen • Hilar Tohm • Steven Wexler • Zsestoz
Referenced only
Leonard James Akaar • Kitto • James T. Kirk • Alynna Nechayev • Or-Tal • Ra-ghoratreii • William T. Riker • Deanna Troi • T'Vos • Tzasiz


Berro • Brex • Dolon • Gren • Hain • Konar • Naaz • Olar • Pazur • Pran • Raas • Saav • Sair • Tran • Vess • Vog • Zadlo


Azarog • Hazizaar • Oszor • Saroz • Sozzerozs • Szamra • Tezog • Togor
Referenced only


Bodell • Císol • Keilo Essan • Idina • Jarek (Major) • Jasser • Akili Kamar • Gell Kamemor • Siro Kinshal • Ramil Landar • Tesitera Levat • Kal Pollus • Juliana Tainer
Referenced only
B-4 • Louis Blanchard • Jack Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Arthur Conan Doyle • Kellerasana zh'Faila • Kivas Fajo • Dixon Hill • Sherlock Holmes • Kahless • K'mtok • Lore • Martok • Nolon • Nolon • Edgar Allan Poe • Q • William Shakespeare • Shinzon • Noonien Soong • Emil Vaslovik, aka Ahkarin, Johannes Brahms, Flint, Leonardo da Vinci • John Watson


Alpha Quadrant • Azeban V • Breen (Ansirranana) • Cestus III (Two Rivers) • Komatsu sector • Korwat • Linnavhava • Orion (Orion capital city • Kinarvon • Sieelek Medical Center • Sahalax Grand Oasis) • Pi-3 Orionis • Pyrithia • Pyrithia IV • Romulus (Hall of State, Ki Baratan) • Tirana • Tirana II • Tirana III • Tirana IV
Referenced only
Andor • Azure Nebula • Ba'ku • Beta Aurealis • Betazed • Briar Patch • Cardassia Prime • Deep Space 9 • Earth (LaBarre, France • Palais de la Concorde, Paris • Ostrava, Czechoslovakia • Oxford University) • Gornar • Imperial Star Resort • Kora II • Mangala • Pike City • Ramatis • Salavat • Skarbow III • Tezwa • Tyberius Prime • Vulcan

Starships and vehicles[]

Archeus • USS Atlas (Sovereign-class) • SS Basirico (Mardiff-class) • USS Enterprise-E • hovercar • Mlotek (Breen warship) • ShiKahr (Memory Omega starship) • Sirriam (interceptor)
Referenced only
USS Bozeman • USS Callisto • USS Enterprise-D • Hastur-zolis (Gorn battle cruiser) • USS Nogura • USS Osiris • USS Roanoke (runabout) • Romulan warbird • Scimitar • USS Stargazer • USS Starling

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Argelian • Bajoran • Betazoid • Bolian • Breen (Fenrisal • Paclu) • Cardassian • Denobulan • Efrosian • Gorn • Grazerite • Human (Immortal) • Klingon • Miradorn • Orion • Rigelian • Romulan • Selay • Soong-type android • Tellarite • Thallonian • Trill • Vulcan
Referenced only
Aenar • Amoniri • Borg • Caeliar • Changeling • Chelon • Ferengi • Hirogen • Jem'Hadar • Kinshaya • Nalori • Pakled • Tholian • Tzenkethi • Zibalian

States and organizations[]

Bank of Bolarus • Bank of Orion • Breen Confederacy • Breen Intelligence Directorate • Cardassian Union • Confederate Congress • Criminal Investigation Division • Federation Council • Federation Security Agency • Ferengi Alliance • Ferenginar Credit Exchange • Federation Embassy on Orion • Federation Security Service • Fellowship of Artificial Intelligences • Fesarian Federation • Gorn Hegemony • Gorn Imperial Guard • Gorn Imperial Senate • Judge Advocate General • Klingon Empire • Nizora • Officer Exchange Program • Orion Colonial Police • Orion Colonies • Pacifica United • Protection Detail • Royal Betazed • Ruling Conclave of the Tholian Assembly • Special Research Division • Spetzkar • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Intelligence • Starfleet Medical • Tal Shiar • Thotaru • Typhon Pact • Tzenkethi Coalition • United Federation of Planets

Science and technology[]

android • artificial wormhole • chronometer • cloaking device • communicator • disruptor • force field • hologram • impulse drive • impulse engine • isolinear chip • padd • phaser • positronic matrix • quantum transmitter • replicator • sensors • shields • slipstream drive • subspace communication • telepresence drone ships • thruster • transponder • tricorder • turbolift • warp core

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • agent • ambassador • assistant chief medical officer • Autarch of the Tzenkethi Coalition • captain • chairman • Chancellor of the High Council of the Klingon Empire • chief engineer • chief medical officer • chot • commandant • commander • communications officer • counselor • director • doctor • Domo of the Breen Confederacy • Emperor of the Klingon Empire • ensign • Federation Councillor • Federation Secretary of the Exterior • first officer • gith • glinn • governor • Imperator of the Gorn Hegemony • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • Majesty • major • nizor • Number one • Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire • President of the United Federation of Planets • Presidential Chief of Staff • second officer • security chief • sikta • thot • XO • wazir • Zulta-osol

Other references[]

23rd century • 24th century • 2366 • 2372 • airlock • Argus Array • Berengarian raptor • Borg Invasion of 2381 • Breen Standard • bridge • city • credit • distress signal • DNA • Dominion War • engineering • frère Jacques • fútbol • gas giant • General Order 24 • glenget • Great Bird of the Galaxy • hail • Happy Bottom Riding Club • humanoid • Khitomer Conference • Koziol-zellos • metaphasic radiation • mining • moon • Operation Zelazo • orbit • planet • poker • rank • sakto • salvage • shuttle • sickbay • soccer • sohii • starbase • starship • terlo • thalaron radiation • transporter room • Treaty of Antos • violin • warp speed

Food and drink[]

Arcturian bitters • asparagus • chicken • coffee • Delovian nectar • honey • Jack Daniel's • kanar • maple syrup • oolong tea • orroyo • parsnip • prune juice • Saurian brandy • Saurian Slammer • tequila • wine

Materials and substances[]

aluminium • bioreactive acid • boridium • corvelite • duranium • gallicite • gold • kelbonite • kytherium • malachite • marble • mercury • molecular acid • monotanium • nickel • noranium • thermocrete • thorium • transparent aluminum • tricobalt • tritanium


Background information[]

  • The German translation of the novel was released by Cross Cult in 2015. It was translated by Wibke Sawatzki.

Related stories[]

Star Trek: Cold Equations
The Persistence of Memory • Silent Weapons • The Body Electric
Star Trek: The Next Generation novels set after Star Trek Nemesis
Death in Winter • Resistance • Q & A • Before Dishonor • Greater Than the Sum • Losing the Peace • Indistinguishable from Magic • Cold Equations (The Persistence of Memory • Silent Weapons • The Body Electric) • The Stuff of Dreams • The Light Fantastic • Takedown • Armageddon's Arrow • Headlong Flight • Hearts and Minds • Available Light • Collateral Damage


This novel is set in March and June of 2384. It begins four years and four months after the final TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis.

published order
Previous novel:
The Persistence of Memory
TNG novels
Next novel:
The Body Electric
Previous novel:
The Persistence of Memory
Novels by:
David Mack
Next novel:
The Body Electric
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Persistence of Memory
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
The Body Electric
Chapters 1-3, epilogue

German : Lautlose Waffen, translated by Wibke Sawatzki. (Cross Cult)

External link[]
