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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Paris.

A view of Paris from the Café des Artistes in 2342

Palais de la Concorde, Paris

Paris in 2372

Paris is the capital city of the United Federation of Planets, located on the European continent in the country of France on Earth. It is the location of the Palais de la Concorde, the Federation seat of government, housing the Federation Council Chambers and the office of the Federation President. (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country, DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost", ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

Paris has a long and distinguished history in Earth culture. In 2130, the Place de la Concorde in Paris was the site for the signing of the Traité d'Unification, the treaty that established United Earth's existence. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) The Prime Minister of United Earth later maintained an office in Paris at the Place. In 2155, United Earth Prime Minister Nathan Samuels chaired a meeting in Paris wherein he decided to discontinue the NX class program in favor of increased production of Daedalus class ships during the Earth-Romulan War. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)

The Place was eventually chosen as the site of the Palais de la Concorde after the founding of the Federation, and Paris was serving as the Federation's capital city by the late 22nd century during the administration of Federation President Haroun al-Rashid of United Earth. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) In 2265, Federation News Service reporter Tim Pennington bemoaned the loss of the Paris night life while reporting from Starbase Vanguard in the Taurus Reach. (VAN novel: Harbinger)

The Cardassian embassy was located in Paris. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice)

In later centuries, "Paris" was often used metonymously with the Federation government. In 2381, Alpha Centauri Governor George Barrile complained that Paris was illegally expanding its authority over Federation Member governments. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)

The Federation starships USS Paris were named for this city.

The video game The Transinium Challenge lists Jean-Luc Picard's birthplace as Paris, France, Earth.


Paris saw fighting during the Third World War. Damage to the city included the destruction of the Eiffel Tower. (DS9 novel: Trapped in Time; ST short story: "The Immortality Blues"; SNW episode: "Strange New World")

In 2266, James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy and Montgomery Scott visited the Eiffel Tower. (TOS comic: "Prophet of Peace")

In 2375, Paris was attacked by the Breen during the assault on Earth that marked the entry of the Breen into the Dominion War. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book)

Mirror universe[]

In the mirror universe, Paris was one of the cities devastated in a brazen attack by alien rebels against the Terran Empire in 2155. Empress Sato I visited Paris following the attacks, where she was surprised to find the citizens' anger directed at her. (ENT - Mirror Universe novel: Age of the Empress)

Points of Interest[]



capital planets and cities
Khitomer Accords alliance Cardassia City, Cardassia (Cardassian Union) • Ferenginar (Ferengi Alliance) • First City, Qo'noS (Klingon Empire) • Paris, Earth (United Federation of Planets)
Typhon Pact Ansirranana, Breen (Breen Confederacy) • Gornar (Gorn Hegemony) • Ki Baratan, Romulus (Romulan Star Empire) • Rashtag, Janalwa (Holy Order of the Kinshaya) • Tholia (Tholian Assembly) • Tzenketh, Ab-Tzenketh (Tzenkethi Coalition)
non-aligned states Dinaal City (Dinaal IV) • Empersa (Dominion) • Guwine, Venette (Venette Convention) • Keelee-Kee, Tezwa • L'hur (Sikaris III, Sikarian Canon) • Me'leit, Talar (Talarian Republic) • New Romulus (Romulan Republic) • Nova Roma, Rator III (Romulan Star Empire, post-Hobus) • Rexlar-D, Dosi (Dosi Confederation) • Zahlnerest (Zahl II, Zahl Regnancy)
Mirror Universe States Deneva (Galactic Commonwealth) • Okinawa, Earth (Terran Empire) • Okinawa, Earth (Terran Republic)
Federation member states Ares City (Confederated Martian Colonies) • Ashalla (Republic of Bajor) • Iaron (Damiano) • Leran Manev (Trill) • Lor'Vela (Andorian Empire) • New Coridan (People's Republic of Coridan) • New Samarkand (Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets) • Nuvia (Risian Hedony) • Pike City (Cestus III) • San Francisco (United Earth) • ShiKahr (Confederacy of Vulcan) • Stratos (Ardana) • Zhelnogra (Tenara)
Federation member state subdivisions & colonies Eau Claire (Belle Terre) • London (United Kingdom, United Earth) • Madrid (Spain, United Earth) • New Burbank (Rigel VI, United Rigel Colonies) • New Rakantha (New Bajor, Republic of Bajor) • Oslo (Norway, United Earth) • Port Emily (Sherman's Planet) • Rigel Trade Complex (Rigel X, United Rigel Colonies) • Washington, DC (United States, United Earth) •
interstellar state subdivisions Ka'Hat (Sherman's Planet, Klingon Empire) • Kecemen (Karemma, Karemma Foundation, Dominion)
defunct interstellar states Achernar Prime (Imperial Romulan State) • Thal, Thallon (Thallonian Empire) • Unimatrix 01 (Borg Collective)
Cities and settlements of planet Earth
Africa Aboisso • Alexandria • Alexandria II • Cairo • Cape Town • City of the Dead • Giza • Heliopolis • Mandela City • Mariana City • Mogadishu • Mombasa • Nairobi • Obbia • Pretoria • Rashid • Sadat City • Thebes • Tunis Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. United Earth emblem image.
Antarctica Sunshine
Asia Amritsar • Aqaba • Archangel • Babylon • Bangkok • Beijing • Bhopal • Bombay • Chandigarh • Chennai • Chernobyl • Delhi • Guangzhou • Hiroshima • Ho Chi Minh City • Hong Kong • Istanbul • Jericho • Jerusalem • Karachi • Kuala Lumpur • Kumamoto • Kyoto • Lhasa • Mecca • Minicoy • Moscow • Mumbai • Nagano • New Delhi • Novosibirsk • Phnom-Penh • Podolsk • Rangoon • Riyadh • Ryazan • Saint Petersburg • Seoul • Shanghai • Singapore • Smolensk • Stalingrad • Star City • Tokyo • Tel Aviv • Tula • Ulaanbaatar • Vladivostok • Volgograd • Xing Dao
Australia Auckland • Brisbane • Canberra • Christchurch • Darrinbandi • DownUndersea • Hobart • Perth • Sydney • Wellington
Europe Aberdeen • Acropolis • Amsterdam • Antwerp • Athens • Barcelona • Bath • Berlin • Berton • Birmingham • Bremerhaven • Caernarvon • Canary Wharf • Cardiff • Carthage • Chartres • Cobh • Coventry • Credenhill • Cromarty • Dresden • Dublin • Ealing • East Berlin • Edinburgh • Fair Haven • Feathers Place • Florence • Geneva • Glasgow • Gothenburg • Greenwich • Heidelberg • Inverness • Keflovik • Kenmare • Kiev • Krakow • La Barre • Linlithgow • Lisbon • Liverpool • London • Londonderry • Madrid • Manchester • Minsk • Mirnee Doleena • Nikolayev • Oslo • Paris • Park Vista • Pompeii • Portmagee • Positano • Poznań • Prague • Reykjavik • Rome • Salzburg • Sarajevo • Siena • Sparta • Stockholm • Tromsø • Troy • Vatican City • Venice • Versailles
North America Acapulco • Albuquerque • Anchorage • Arecibo • Atlanta • Babylon, New York • Baltimore • Beatty • Bedford–Stuyvesant • Berkeley • Bloomington • Boise • Boston • Bozeman • Broken Bow • Brigantine • Bronx • Brooklyn • Cambridge • Cancún • Canton • Chicago • Chinatown • Cleveland • Dallas • Denver • Detroit • Fairbanks • Honolulu • Houston • Indianapolis • Colón • Cow Hollow • Daly City • Deadwood • Duluth • Eldman • Enterprise • Fergus Falls • Fox Chase • Furnace Creek • Gettysburg • Grangeburg • Hamilton • Hannibal • Hartford • Havana • Hayden • Hennepin • Hoboken • Hollywood • Jefferson, Iowa • Juneau • Kansas City • Las Vegas • Life City • Lihue • Lone Pine • Los Angeles • Lubbock • Lynchburg • Macon • Madison • Manhattan • Malibu • Memphis • Mexico City • Miami • Mill Valley • Minneapolis • Mojave • Monterey, California • Monterey, South Carolina • Montréal • Moravian Lane • Murfreesboro • New Orleans • New Pacific City • New York City/New New York • Nome • Nob Hill • Nome • Old Georgetown • Omaha • Oskaloosa • Ottawa • Outer Banks • Panama City • Philadelphia • Pine Bluff • Pittsburgh • Plateau Mont-Royal • Portland • Poughkeepsie • Prince Edward Island • Puerto Vallarta • Rapid City • Riverside • Roanoke Colony • Roswell • Russian Hill • Salt Lake City • San Diego • San Francisco • Sagua La Grande • Salem • Sanibel Island • Santa Clara • Sarasota • Sausalito • Seattle • Secaucus • Shiloh • Sioux City • St. Louis • St. Paul • Syracuse • Telegraph Hill • Timbuktu • Tombstone • Toronto • Valley Forge • Upham • Valdez • Vancouver • Washington, DC • Wichita
South America Buenos Aires • Curitiba • Lima • Rio de Janeiro • Santiago • São Paulo • Tezqan

External links[]

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