Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Callisto.

The USS Callisto (NCC-80109) was a Federation starship, a Luna-class vessel in Starfleet service in the 24th and 25th centuries. This ship was launched near the end of the 2370s decade. (TTN novel: Taking Wing - "Luna Class Concept Notes"; TTN novel: Sword of Damocles - "Titan Foldout")


24th century[]

In March 2384, the Callisto, along with the USS Nogura, was the closest Starfleet ship to the Pyrithia star system. Both ships were ordered to Pyrithia IV to seize control of a secret Breen base, its assets and personnel. Security personnel from the Callisto stormed the base with their counterparts from the Nogura and the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG - Cold Equations novel: Silent Weapons)

The Delta Quadrant[]

In the early 25th century, the Callisto was on deep space mission on the edge of the Delta Quadrant, 30,000 light-years from Sol. By that time, three years were left in its mission to the Delta Quadrant. Via a class B itinerant pulsar, the Starfleet Communications Research Center was able to send a datastream to the ship every four days. In 2409, the Callisto discovered an artificial construct larger than an entire star system. Reginald Barclay of the Communications Research Center theorized it was a Dyson sphere. In a message sent to Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn, Captain Vaughn Alexander of the SCRC recommended to dispatch the Callisto to investigate the potential sphere. (Star Trek Online official website: Season 8 Dev Blog #1)

Callisto NCC-80109 supplement

The Callisto in 2410.

In the year 2410, Federation researcher Seven of Nine was aboard the Callisto when it was attacked by the automated defense system of a Federation outpost in the Yontasa sector. The Callisto was destroyed but Seven succeeded in turning off the automated defenses and transported the survivors of the Callisto's complement of 350 to the station. Soon after, an Khitomer Alliance starship arrived in response to a distress call and defended the outpost against attacking Voth ships. The Alliance starship took the Callisto's and outpost's crew aboard and proceeded to the Turei homeworld, which was under attack by the Vaadwaur Supremacy. When the Turei were saved by the Alliance and the Voth, USS Voyager arrived in the system and took over Callisto's survivors. Seven permanently joined the crew of Voyager at Rear Admiral Tuvok's request. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Revelations")


Frontier Day fleet
USS Akira • USS Callisto • USS Cochrane • USS Drexler • USS Enterprise-F • USS Excelsior • USS Firesword • USS Ganymede • USS Gilgamesh • USS Huygens • USS John Kelly • USS Mandel • USS Okuda • USS Pulaski • USS Resnik • USS Rhea • USS Hikaru Sulu • USS Sutherland • USS Tourangeau • USS Trumbull • USS Venture • USS Thunderchild • USS Zheng He
Ships named Callisto
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. USS Callisto (NCC-4474, Larson-class) • USS Callisto (NCC-2509, Constellation-class) • USS Callisto (2360s) • USS Callisto (NCC-80109, Luna-class) Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Luna-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration Amalthea • Callisto • Charon • Europa • Galatea • Ganymede • Io • Luna • Oberon • Rhea • Titan • Triton Federation icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
variant configurations Comet-subclass: Comet • Polaris-subclass: Polaris • Sol-subclass: Borland • Sol • Titan-subclass: Titan
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Luna (I) • Luna (II) • Luna-E {{{2}}} icon image.