Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ambassador Robert Fox in the year 2267.

An ambassador is a diplomatic officer who represents a political body. Ambassadors may be assigned as long-term liaisons to specific individual foreign governments, or as at-large "troubleshooters" carrying out specific diplomatic missions.

History and specifics[]

Federation ambassadors[]


Ambassador Sarek in the early 24th century.

In the United Federation of Planets, ambassadors can represent their world or civilization within the Federation government, or ambassadors from Federation members can be assigned as envoys to foreign powers, just as outside states send their own ambassadors to represent them to the Federation.

In both canon and non-canon Star Trek, some apparent members of the Federation Council have been addressed as "ambassador" rather than "councillor", most notably Sarek in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. It is unclear whether "ambassador" is a correct form of address for some or all members of the council, or if this honorific is reserved for members with specific diplomatic credentials.

While most Federation ambassadors are not considered to be part of the Federation Starfleet, they are often sent on missions with Starfleet personnel on outposts and spacecraft. In situations where they have been given control of the mission, they have the right to give lawful orders to Starfleet personnel in regard to the diplomatic objective, but do not have authority over other aspects of Starfleet's missions, such as military preparedness and ongoing scientific investigations.

Ambassador Robert Fox exercised such authority in the 2260s decade when he insisted that Captain James T. Kirk of the starship USS Enterprise approach Eminiar VII, against a code 7-10 call from the world prohibiting visitors. He again tested his authority with Montgomery Scott, the acting captain in Kirk's absence after the initial landing party was taken prisoner. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: A Taste of Armageddon)


Ambassador Averill Stanton in 2285.

Ambassador Averill Stanton also acted authoritatively with Starfleet personnel assigned to his mission when sent to Maggie's World in the 2280s decade. Upon coming aboard the USS Excelsior, he immediately reminded Admiral Kirk that as ambassador, he would be in complete control of the mission. Possibly in order to reinforce that fact, he wore a full Starfleet officer's uniform with ambassadorial insignia. (TOS comic: "Maggie's World!")

When the USS Defiant of the First Splinter timeline went on a desperate and daring mission back in time to the year 2373 of the Borg timeline, the escort ship crashed in San Francisco on the assimilated Earth, the majority of key personnel went ashore to conduct their mission. The crew was composed of renegade Starfleet personnel from the First Splinter timeline year 2387, sent back with assistance from Galactic Commonwealth crewpersons in the First Splinter mirror universe. Commanders Worf and the mirror K'Ehleyr disembarked to protect an engineering team in search of repair materials, leaving Ambassador Alexander Rozhenko in command of the skeleton crew. When K'Ehleyr questioned why Worf would do that, Worf replied that, as a Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, Alexander held the authority of a Starfleet vice admiral and was qualified to oversee the mission. (ST - Coda novel: Oblivion's Gate)

The revelation in Coda about the policy granting ambassadors with flag officer authority clarifies the earlier actions of Robert Fox and Averill Stanton, especially the latter, who gave direct orders to James Kirk, who was a rear admiral at the time.


See also[]


External links[]
