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90 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Set $S$ of integers $\ge0$ such that $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$ partitions into $A, B$ with $\sum_\limits{a\in A}a^k=\sum_\limits{b\in B}b^k$ for all $k\in S$

Let $s_n$ be the largest size of a set $S$ of integers $\ge0$ st there exist two subsets $A,B\subseteq \{1,2,...,n\}$ that satisfy the conditions (1) $A\cap B=\emptyset$, (2) $A\cup B=\{1,2,...,n\}$, (...
moray eel's user avatar
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Equality of Floors of some Partial Sums

Let $S_n=\frac{1}{0!}+\frac{1}{1!}+\frac{1}{2!}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n!}$ denote the $(n+1)^{st}$ partial sum in the series expansion for $e=\sum_{k\ge 0}\frac{1}{k!}$. I want to prove that $\lfloor n\cdot(...
hradaeck's user avatar
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Closed form for Sum of Tangents with Angles in Arithmetic Progression

The formulae that can be used to evaluate series of sines and cosines of angles in arithmetic progressions are well known: $$\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\cos (a+k d) =\frac{\sin( \frac{nd}{2})}{\sin ( \frac{d}{2} ...
A-Level Student's user avatar
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Is $\left(\sum_{n=1}^N\frac{a_n}{N}\right)^N\left(\sum_{n=N+1}^{2N}\frac{a_n}{N}\right)^N≠\left(\sum_{n=1}^{2N}\frac{a_n}{2N}\right)^{2N}$?

Let $$G_N= \prod_{n=1}^Na_n$$ and $$A_N=\left(\frac{\sum_{n=1}^Na_n}{N}\right)$$ So $$G_{2N}= \prod_{n=1}^{2N}a_n \\ =\left(\prod_{n=1}^{N}a_n\right)\left(\prod_{n=N+1}^{2N}a_n\right) \\ ≤_{IH}\left(\...
DSL's user avatar
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Is there any error in my solution : If $\sum^n_{r=1} r^4=I(n), $ then $\sum^n_{r=1}(2r-1)^4$ is equal to ..

Problem : If $\sum^n_{r=1} r^4=I(n), $ then $\sum^n_{r=1}(2r-1)^4$ is equal to (a) $I(2n)-16I(n)$ (b) $I(3n)-2I(n)$ (c) $I(2n)-I(n)$ (d) $I(2n)+I(n)$ Please suggest if there is some error ...
Sachin's user avatar
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$$1\binom{20}1+2\binom{20}2+3\binom{20}3+\dots+19\binom{20}{19}+20\binom{20}{20}$$ I solved it by letting the sum be $S$, then adding the sum to itself but taking the terms from last to first and then ...
AltercatingCurrent's user avatar
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Simplifying a subindex equation

Consider the following equation $$ \frac{e^{\sum_i \alpha_i x_i}}{\sum_i x_i}=\sum_k\frac{e^{\sum_i \alpha_i y_{i, k}}}{\sum_i y_{i, k}} $$ Is it possible to write $x_i$ as a function of the terms $y_{...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Rewriting a system of two equations found in The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis (A. Turing, 1952)

In reading The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis by A. Turing, I am unable to follow a small section of his working. On page $47$, Turing states that \begin{align*} x_r&=\sum_{s=0}^{N-1} \exp\left(\...
M B's user avatar
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for what value of $y$ does $\sum_{k= 0}^n a_0 x^k = \sum_{k=0}^n y^k$

for what value of $y$ does $$\sum_{k= 0}^n a_0 x^k = \sum_{k=0}^n y^k$$ This was just an idea I was playing around with. I tried solving $$\frac{a_0(x^{n+1}-1)}{x-1} = \frac{y^{n+1}-1}{y-1} $$ This ...
infinitylord's user avatar
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$f(8) \geq 1$ and $f(n)\geq 2f(\lceil \frac n2-n^{2/3} \rceil)$. Can we deduce $\exists C>0: f(cn) \geq n$?

Let $f : \Bbb N \to \Bbb N$ be a nondecreasing function that satisfies $f(8) \geq 1$ and $f(n)\geq 2f(\lceil \frac n2-n^{2/3} \rceil)$. Can we deduce that there exists some positive constant $c$ such ...
Pachirisu's user avatar
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How many tests to validate an identity?

Discrete formulas such as the Faulhaber summations can be verified by evaluating them for a finite number of values. For example $$\sum_{k=1}^nk=\frac{n(n+1)}2$$ is validated by evaluating for $n=0,1,...
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Pull constant out of a summation of fractions

General problem $$ \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{a_i + x}{b_i + x} = 0 $$ Is it possible for solve for $x$? Some context I've hit a road block in my derivation... At this point, I need to pull the model ...
DavidS's user avatar
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Evaluate $S=\left|\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\sin n}{i^n \cdot n}\right|$

Evaluate $$ S=\left|\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{\sin n}{i^n \cdot n}\right|$$ where $i=\sqrt{-1}$ For this question, I did the following, Let $$ \begin{align*} S &= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \...
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How to simplify $e^{-\sum_{i=-k}^k(k-|i|)x_i}$?

Consider the expression given by $$ \large e^{-\Large\sum_{i=-k}^k(k-|i|)x_i} $$ Is there a way of simplifying this expression? For example, provided $\{x_i\}$ is bounded and "smooth" enough ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Simplifying $\sum_{k=1}^{\log_{2}{n}}\log_{3}{\frac{n}{2^k}}$ in two ways gives different results

I want to calculate the result of $$\sum\limits_{k=1}^{\log_{2}{n}}\log_{3}{\frac{n}{2^k}}$$ I used two below approaches. Both approaches are based on $\log A + \log B = \log (A \times B)$ and $\sum\...
hasanghaforian's user avatar
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value of $\frac{\sum_{k=0}^r{n\choose k}{n-2k\choose r-k}}{\sum_{k=r}^n {n\choose k}{2k\choose 2r} {(\frac{3}{4})}^{(n-k)}({\frac{1}{2}})^{2k-2r}}$ .

The question requires us to find the value of $\frac{\sum_{k=0}^r{n\choose k}{n-2k\choose r-k}}{\sum_{k=r}^n {n\choose k}{2k\choose 2r} {\left(\frac{3}{4}\right)}^{(n-k)}\left({\frac{1}{2}}\right)^{...
SOUMILI NAG's user avatar
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Finding a formula for a sum that involves binomial coefficients

Is there a formula for this sum: $$ \sum_{j=0}^k {n \choose j} {n \choose k-j} (-2)^j \left(-\frac13 \right)^{k-j} ?$$ It reminds me to Vandermonde's identity; but as you can see there is a slight ...
rowcol's user avatar
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I've come up with two ways to evaluate $\sum_{1 \le j<k\le n} \frac{k}{k-j}$ but only one of them works

I've come up with two ways to solve this double sum but only one of them works: $$ \sum_{1 \le j<k\le n} \frac{k}{k-j}$$ My first approach is to change $k-j$ into a single $k$. So we have the ...
MathematicsBeginner's user avatar
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Using trigonometric power formulas to derive an identity for $\cos^3(x)$

I am practicing with manipulating sigma notation and binomial coefficients right now. I am using the formula given here to derive the identity for $\cos^3(x)$ The identity for $\cos^3(x)$ is $$\cos^3(...
James Warthington's user avatar
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Can this summation be done without calculator?

Is it possible to perform the summation , $$\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{i^i}$$ without the use of calculator? It does converge to a finite value = 1.29129... Wolfram Alpha link to this Describe the ...
Saket Gurjar's user avatar
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Double Summation Multiplication

There is some simplification, similar to Lagrange's identity, for the multiplication of double summation ? Double Summation: $\left( \sum\limits_{\substack{m=1}}^N \sum\limits_{\substack{n=1}}^N a_{...
Bruno Felipe's user avatar
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Upper bound on $\frac{v_{1}}{1-c_{1}x}+\cdots+\frac{v_{n}}{1-c_{n}x}$

Let $v_{1},\ldots,v_{n}$ and $c_{1},\ldots,c_{n}$ be real numbers such that $v_{i}=2\alpha_{i}^{2}$ and $c_{i}=2\alpha_{i}$ for some $\alpha\ge 0$. My question is the following: Can I get, for $x\ge 0$...
nemo's user avatar
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Foil in a Summation

I have the following summation, where I find the following result $ \sum_{i}^n {(a+b_i)(c+d_i)} $ $ \sum_{i}^n {(ac+ad_i + bc_i + b_id_i)} $ However others have told me that I am missing a "N" ...
bsmith144's user avatar
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Question on changing the index of summation

$$b(a+b)^m = \sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j}a^{m-j}b^{j+1}= \sum_{k=1}^m \binom{m}{k-1}a^{m+1-k}b^{k}+b^{m+1}$$ I believe $j = k-1$ though the book does say that. This is related to proving the binomial ...
user372344's user avatar
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Evaluate this product $n \times \frac{n-1}{2} \times \dots \times \frac{n-(2^k-1)}{2^k}$

For $k = \lfloor \log_{2}(n+1) \rfloor - 1$ evaluate $n \times \frac{n-1}{2} \times\frac{n-3}{4} \times \frac{n-7}{8} \times \dots \times \frac{n-(2^{k}-1)}{2^k}$ So the product goes up to $k$ and I ...
Lewis's user avatar
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How does one change the top number in a summation?

Sorry I do not know the correct term (I am guessing "upper limit"). Here is what I mean. $$\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\color{red}{17}}\frac{2i}{i+3}$$ The $17$ is what I am talking about as "the top number". ...
Anonymous Computer's user avatar
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Are there efficient ways of computing sums that involve trigonometric functions and q-logarithms (Tsallis q-logarithms)?

I am interested in computing the following sum: \begin{equation} \sum\limits_{l=1}^k l^{\beta_1} \cos\left(\omega \log_q(\frac{l}{t_c})\right) \end{equation} Here $0 < \omega$, $0 < k < ...
Przemo's user avatar
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Analytical solution for a variable inside of a summation

I am trying to figure out how to solve the following expression for $x$ and I'm surprised that I don't know what to do. $$\frac{2n}{x} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{x-y_{i}}$$ We have that $n$ and $x$ ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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Simple algebra in rearring terms

I have a very simple mathematical question, and it is just about algebra which seems very tedious. First, let me state my problem from the beginning: Let $i$ be an index representing countries ($i = {...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Restructuring Jacobi-Anger Expansion

In Jacobi-Anger expansion, $$e^{\iota z \sin(\theta)}$$ can be written as: $$e^{\iota z \sin(\theta)} = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} J_n(z)e^{\iota n \theta}$$ where $J_n(z)$ is the Bessel function of ...
SiPh's user avatar
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Example of a specific polynomial

I need four non-trivial polynomials $P(x)$, $Q(y)$, $R(z)$ and $S(w)$ such that $$P(x)Q(y)R(z)S(w)=\sum_{i}a_i b_i c_i d_i x^i y^i z^i w^i+ \sum_{j\neq k\neq l\neq m}e_j f_k g_l h_m x^j y^k z^l w^m $$ ...
Max's user avatar
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Multiple Sigma Notation and Expected Value

I've been struggling with expected value calculations that involve multiple or nested sigma notations. For instance, the solution to a problem I was working on is: $X=\Sigma_{i=1}^{10}X_i\implies E[X]...
user601846's user avatar
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Is this a valid proof method (and how to complete it) of the exchange of order of indexed summations?

I want to prove that $$ \sum_{1 \leqq i \leqq a} \sum_{1 \leqq j \leqq b} f(i, j) = \sum_{1 \leqq j \leqq b}\sum_{1 \leqq i \leqq a} f(i, j) $$ Which is a very simple statement, but also a bit vexing ...
peritremic's user avatar
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Solving a geometric-harmonic series

Find the value of $\displaystyle \frac21- \frac{2^3}{3^2}+ \frac{2^5}{5^2}- \frac{2^7}{7^2}+ \cdots$ till infinite terms. found this problem while integrating $\arctan\left(x\right)/x$ from $0$ to $2$ ...
Ashman Wadhawan's user avatar
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Limit of a sum and two ways yielding two answers

$$\lim_ {n\to \infty} \sum_{r=0}^n \frac{1}{(2r+1)(2r+3)(2r+2)}$$ Now, what I did here was to first break up the general term of the sum using partial fractions, yielding $$ \frac{1}{(2r+1)(2r+2)(2r+3)...
Anuj Jha's user avatar
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Relating $\sum_{k=1}^N a_k^2 e^{\frac{2\pi i}{N}k}$ to $(\;\sum_{k=1}^N a_k e^{\frac{2\pi i}{N}k}\;)^2$

Consider the following expression $$ \sum_{k=1}^N a_k^2 e^{\frac{2\pi i}{N}k}\tag{1} $$ where $i$ is the imaginary number. How may I relate it to the following expression $$ \left(\sum_{k=1}^N a_k e^{\...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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seperating two variables in a function with summation

I'm building a data analysis program that perform on big chunks of data, the issue I'm having is the speed of some operations; to be exact I have a function that takes two variables in this form : $$f(...
Taha Khabouss's user avatar
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can anyone simplify this equation? $\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} \sum_{j=1}^{n}\left[\frac{n !}{j !(n-j) !}(-A)^{n-j}(-B)^{j}\right]$

Can anyone help me simplify the following equation? Any ideas appreicate. Thanks a lot! $\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} \sum_{j=1}^{n}\left[\frac{n !}{j !(n-j) !}(-A)^{n-j}(-B)^{j}\right]$ with two variables A ...
Jerry's user avatar
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Trigonometric Identities Using De Moivre's Theorem

I am familiar with solving trigonometric identities using De Moivre's Theorem, where only $\sin(x)$ and $\cos(x)$ terms are involved. But could not use it to solve identities involving other ratios. ...
Abhinandan Saha's user avatar
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Sum and product problem

How can I find the result of: $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\prod\limits_{j=1}^{2} ij$ I know that $\prod\limits_{j=1}^{2} ij = 2i^2$, so I should simply do the summation as $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n2i^2$?
Maria Giulia Martins's user avatar
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Prove that if $4k+1$ is a prime number than for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$ $\sum\limits_{j=1}^{2k}{j^{4n+2}}$ is a multiple of $4k+1$

Prove that if $4k+1$ is a prime number than for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$ $\sum\limits_{j=1}^{2k}{j^{4n+2}}$ is a multiple of $4k+1$ First I tried proving for n=1 $\sum\limits_{j=1}^{2k}{j^{6}}=(4k+1)...
Vicente Martinez's user avatar
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How to express this function for arbitrary N?

I am working on solving an equation system, that involves a parameter $N=2,3,\cdots,\infty$. Because I found it rather hard to solve it with an arbitrary $N$, I solved it in smaller numbers. One can ...
MrR's user avatar
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When is $a(n)$ prime?

Question: When is $a(n)\in P$ compared to all possible values of $n$? where $P$ denotes the set of primes. What is the density of the primes in the sequence? Consider the sum of the prime counting ...
zeta space's user avatar
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Closed form of basic looking geometric-like sum

In my research I have come across the need to sum simple looking geometric series-like sums. Neither Maple, nor Mathematica, nor Wolfram Alpha and not even OEIS (On-line Encyclopedia of Integer ...
user415396's user avatar
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Transforming a long sum of products for efficient computation (based on spanning trees in a complete graph)

Let's say there is a set of $n$ real coefficients: $a_1,...,a_n$. My task is to calculate the value of a rather simple sum of k products: ...
maciek's user avatar
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Trying to find a function that converts a binary sequence to a number

Suppose I have the sequence $\langle x_1, ..., x_n \rangle \in \mathbb{N}^n$ that gets encoded to the binary string $$ \begin{matrix} \underbrace{11...1} & 0 & \underbrace{11...1} & 0 &...
Tristan Batchler's user avatar
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Given variable $m$, how do I find zeros of a polynomial in terms of $m$?

This is a summation question about a finite series with sum $m$. I'm trying to write a computer program that takes in a given integer $m$ (which represents the sum of a series) and outputs the number ...
Michael's user avatar
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Upper bound of a sum of series

How can I find a tight upper bound for the following expression: $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} a_i \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{i} \frac{1}{b_j} = a_1 \frac{1}{b_1} + a_2 (\frac{1}{b_1} + \frac{1}{b_2}) + \dots + ...
jayesh's user avatar
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Help with simplification of this expression.

So i have derived this expression and would like to simplify it (i.e find an expression purely in terms of J and v). $$ J\bigg[1+\sum_{n=1}^{J-1}\prod_{k=1}^{n}\frac{k(1-v)(J-k)}{(k+1)(J-k-1 + vk)}\...
vilacelestin's user avatar
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How to isolate and solve for k in a Sigma notation probability mass function equation?

"isolate and solve for k:" $$P(X = k) = \sum_{k=0}^n {{{K \choose k} {{N-K} \choose {n-k}}}\over {N \choose n}}$$ If the above equation is a function of P, how would the equation be stated as a ...
Tyson's user avatar
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