
Problem :

If $\sum^n_{r=1} r^4=I(n), $ then $\sum^n_{r=1}(2r-1)^4$ is equal to

(a) $I(2n)-16I(n)$

(b) $I(3n)-2I(n)$

(c) $I(2n)-I(n)$

(d) $I(2n)+I(n)$

Please suggest if there is some error in the following solution of mine will be of great help.

Sol : $\sum^n_{r=1} r^4=I(n), $

$ I(2n) = 1^4+2^4+3^4 + \cdots +(2n-1)^4 +(2n)^4$

$ = 1^4 +3^4 +\cdots (2n-1)^4 + 2^4 (1^4 +2^4 + \cdots n^4)$

$ I(2n) = \sum^n_{r=1} (2r-1)^4 +16 I(n),$

  • $\begingroup$ Looks good. Actually neatly done. $\endgroup$
    – Shailesh
    Commented Dec 19, 2015 at 1:46
  • $\begingroup$ Yes it is Correct ! $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 19, 2015 at 1:48


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