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336 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Recovering a binary function on a lattice by studying its sum along closed paths

I have a binary function $f:\mathbb N^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$. While I do not known $f$ explicitly, I have a "device" located at the origin $(1,1)$ which can do the following: Given an even ...
GSofer's user avatar
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What is the current best algorithm to find if a simply connected region is uniquely tileable with dominoes?

I was reading both Thurston's and Fournier's papers on algorithms which detect whether or not a simply connected region is tileable using dominoes (1 by 2 rectangles) when I came across the section in ...
Fateh A.'s user avatar
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Count permutations with given longest increasing subsequence

Problem: Given $n \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ and a set $A \subset \{ 1,\ldots,n \}$ sorted in ascending order, find the number of permutations $\sigma \in S_n$ such that $A$ is a longest increasing subsequence ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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Efficient algorithms to determine whether vertices form a deadlock

$\textbf{I. Problem Statements}$ Let $m, n \in \mathbb{N}^*$ and $G = (V, E)$ be a simple graph. First we define some notations: (1)$[m] := \{1, 2, \dots, m\}$. (2)$e_i$ is the elementary vector with $...
Muses_China's user avatar
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Decrease list difference via swaps

There are four lists, each with $100$ numbers in $[0,1]$. You want to perform as few swaps between pairs of numbers as possible, so that the difference between the sums of numbers in any two lists ...
user57012's user avatar
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Traveling salesman problem: can a terrible strategy beat a good one?

Until yesterday, I was under the naive impression that constructing a weighted graph where the nearest-neighbour algorithm gives the worst possible route, would have the property that any other ...
TSP's user avatar
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$k$-covering of the set of all possible n-length words

Give an alphabet $\mathcal{A}=\{a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_m\}$, and let $L_n$ is the set of all possible $n$-length words in form $[a_{i_1}a_{i_2}a_{i_3}\ldots a_{i_n}],\ a_{i_j}\in \mathcal{A}$. We call a $...
Minh Nguyen's user avatar
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How many Color Balanced sets can you make with n colors?

You have n colors and you make nonempty sets from them. A set of these color sets is color balanced if each color is in the same number of the color sets. Ex. For <...
ManyCookies's user avatar
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Bracelet isomorphism algorithms

I feel like the problem should have been studied, but I wasn't able to find anything precise. Given two bracelets with $n$ beads and $m$ colors, given that the multiplicity of each color is the same, ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Topological Minors on Simple Graphs --- Antichains?

This is a follow-up discussion on @296991, with further questions. In the following discussion, "graphs" are finite but not necessarily simple (i.e. $|V(G)|<\infty,$ but allow loops and ...
Shaopeng's user avatar
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Faster Algorithm for counting non-negative tripple(a, b, c) satisfied (a + b + c <= S) and (a * b * c <= T) and subproblem divisor summatory function

Statement This problem Code Used this Paper Given $S, T (0 \leq S, T \leq 10^{18})$ I need to count the number of tuple $(a, b, c)$ satisfied $(\min(a, b, c) \geq 0)$ and $(a + b + c \leq S)$ and $(a ...
Vo Hoang Anh's user avatar
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Number of lines of $3$ points in an arrangement of points and lines

It is well known that a finite set of $n$ points cannot form more than $$\bigg\lfloor \frac{n(n-3)}{6} \bigg\rfloor+1 $$ lines that include $3$ points. Would this result still hold if we assume that ...
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Arranging playdate groups

At my kids' school, the kids are meeting in playdate groups of two girls and two boys every month. The groups are constructed to get as much variation in the groups over the months. Having seen too ...
Thomas Juul Eriksen's user avatar
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Partition problem where partition are in increasing order.

For given $n$ and $S$, how many possible combinations are there such that: $x_1 + x_2 + .. + x_n = S $ $\forall i, x_i \leq x_{i+1}$ $\&$ $x_i \geq 1$ For example, if $n$ = 3 and $S$ = 5, there ...
Srinath's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of the permutations arising from this 'buggy' shuffle?

The classical 'correct' way of shuffling a deck of $n$ items is to use the Fisher-Yates shuffle: ...
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar

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