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Polynomial time algorithm to compute minimum distance of a linear code

For general (even binary I believe) linear codes, computing the minimum distance $\min_{d \in C} \Delta(d, 0)$ is NP-complete. However, there is a special case where a polytime algorithm is possible: ...
Haustiminus's user avatar
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Counting permutation matrices

$J \in \{0,1\}^{n \times n}$ is a matrix with all elements being $1$. $S := \{P_1, P_2, ..., P_n\}$ is a set with $n$ permutation matrices $P_i \in \{0,1\}^{n \times n}$ such that $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n ...
Muses_China's user avatar
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parenthesis of expression in such a way value not changed

one example: How many ways we can do possible value-preserving parenthesis the following expression in such a way that value not changed after parenthesis with one constraint that parenthesis among ...
Emma Nic.'s user avatar
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Minimizing floor space needed to store $N$ unit cubes, subject to two placement rules

There is a store room which has only three sides all touching each other perpendicularly, the sides can be defined as: two infinitely large walls and one infinitely large floor. There are $N$ cubes ...
coder_a's user avatar
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Find exactly k columns in binary matrix such that the sum of those columns is the 1-vector

Suppose I have an $M\times N$ binary matrix where $N$ can be large (say $N\approx10^6$). I want to find exactly $k$ columns ($k$ is relatively small, say $k<10$) such that the sum of those $k$ ...
cambridgecircus's user avatar
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How to maximize the total auction price for a set of bids subject to bidder constraints

I want to auction a set of ASSETS (A) and fetch the maximum total price. The bidding is simultaneous and works as follows. Say I have a collection of BIDDERS (B) who, individually, bid to purchase a ...
Mowzer's user avatar
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What is the largest possible number of moves that can be taken to color the whole grid?

Consider a $10\times 10$ grid. On every move, we color $4$ unit squares that lie in the intersection of some two rows and two columns. A move is allowed if at least one of the $4$ squares is ...
nonuser's user avatar
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Proof for existence of exactly one solution for the number of marbles in each box

There are four boxes A, B, C and D containing marbles. Two boxes are randomly selected and the number of marbles in each box is summarized. This procedure is repeated five times with the following ...
thc's user avatar
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Does a matrix represent a bijection

We have a square binary matrix that represents a connection from rows to columns. Is there a way to tell if a bijection exists (other than checking for all possible bijections and iterating through ...
William Entriken's user avatar
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Efficient computation of the minimum distance of a binary linear code

I need to find parameters $n$, $k$ and $d$ of a binary linear code from its Generator Matrix. How can I find parameter $d$ efficiently? I know the method that compute all the codewords and take ...
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