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Optimal Strategy for Identifying Lighter Balls: A Balance Scale Puzzle

There are n balls, among which m balls are lighter (and equally light with each other). We have a balance scale; how many times must we weigh at least, in order to find these m lighter balls? We ...
Tianjian Yang's user avatar
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Number of three-tuples such that $c_1a_1 + c_2a_2 + c_3a_3 = n$ and $c_1 \ge c_2 \ge c_3$

I'm trying to figure out how to find the number of three tuples that sum up to $n$ when each element has a weight of $c_i$. In other words, how many combinations are there of $(a_1, a_2, a_3)$ such ...
sharkeater123's user avatar
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proof of diamond lemma

I am trying to prove the diamond lemma: Suppose we have two elementary cancellations of a word $w$ then there exists some $w'$ such that there are (possibly trivial) cancellations The diamond lemma, ...
Star21's user avatar
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The walking ants problem expansion.

Preface The following problem, I suppose, most of you have read in recreational math quiz books. It is stated as following: On a stick, there are $4n+1$ ants, with $2n$ ants at one pole of the stick ...
Nikola Tolzsek's user avatar
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Transforming a combinatorics question to a binary system question.

Preface This is a quite interesting question that I have come across some earlier years in my Olympiad training. Due to my bad memories and notebook record, I failed to trace back where I found this ...
Nikola Tolzsek's user avatar
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Algorithm for Generating Well-Formed Formulas in Polish Notation

I am trying to write an algorithm that constructs only well-formed formulas in PN. I have some list of symbols for binary connectives, unary connectives, and propositional variables (trying to make ...
Curious27's user avatar
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The approximability of different NP-hard problems

I'm fairly new to the topic Computational Complexity and had the following question (I therefore apologies before hand for any poorly stated terminology). Suppose i have two optimization problems $A$...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Finding the Robot [closed]

There are five boxes in a row. There is robot in any one of these five boxes. Every morning I can open and check a box (one only). In the night, the robot moves to an adjacent box. It is compulsory ...
Adwait Kumar's user avatar