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Generate superset with maximum overlap

I have a set $S$ with a total of 20000 items. I am also given a list $L$ of 0.5 million sets, with each set having 1-20 elements from the original set. I am given an integer $n$. Now I need a new set $...
Tarique's user avatar
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Choosing k elements with multiple weights maximizing the minimum weight

Consider the following optimisation problem. Given a set $S$ with $q$ weight functions $w_1, \ldots, w_q: S\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+$ and a constant $1\leq k\leq |S|-1$. Find an $X\subset S, |X|=k$ ...
Bence's user avatar
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Is this problem NP-hard?Or what kind of mathematical problem does it belong to?

Assuming there are n types of gifts, each with a number of $a_n$. Now we have to pack them into gift packs, each containing several types of gifts, and each gift has only one.If a gift package ...
ZhuJerry's user avatar
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Squared multiplicty minimization in multiple set choosing problem

The problem is the IOI 2007 competition's Sails problem. It has also appeared in Pranav A. Sriram Olympiad Combinatorics notes (Chapter 1 Exercise 14). I copied the problem description from Pranav. ...
atimaly's user avatar
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Understanding the optimality bound for Greedy algorithm in maximization of monotone submodular functions

I am trying to understand whether the Greedy algorithm guarantee for maximization of monotone submodular functions with a cardinality constraint is a lower bound on the performance. This is the ...
hunterlineage's user avatar
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How to assign tasks to a set of machines, given that the more tasks you assign to a machine the slower they will run? Bin covering with merging bins?

Intro I need to design an algorithm that will distribute a known set of tasks with a known RAM requirement to a known set of machines with known RAM capacities. The tasks require a certain amount of ...
Pt. Terk's user avatar
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An efficient algorithm to generate a set of tuples satisfying a given upper bound for a distance between two arbitrary elements

Let $T_i^n$ denote a particular tuple of $n$ natural numbers (here $i < n!$ and we assume that the tuple contains all elements of the set $\{0, 1, \ldots, n-2, n-1\}$, i.e. there are no duplicates)....
lyrically wicked's user avatar
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Optimal Card Game Schedule

I have the responsibility of creating a schedule for a card game league. While creating the schedule, the following problem has arisen... Let $n,g,s \in \mathbb{N+}$ where $s \leq n$. Let $P = \{1, 2, ...
c.abate's user avatar
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Trivial approximation ratio of $n/2$ for 2-Opt for TSP

I recently read that the 2-Opt algorithm for the TSP yielded an approximation ratio of $n/2$ by trivial reasons. However, there was neither proof nor further context provided and I am curious how this ...
mc.math's user avatar
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Select five vectors that upon undergoing elementwise multiplication are most similar to another vector

I have a sparse $60000\times10000$ matrix where each element is either a $1$ or $0$ as follows. $$M=\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & 1 & \cdots & 1 \\1 & 1 & 0 & \cdots & 1 \\0 &...
Alex Pharaon's user avatar
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Algorithm to find the largest intersection of sets

Edit: I've tried to be more precise, clear up my examples, and to clarify the problem. Hopefully the problem makes more sense now. The problem is this: I have a list of sets $$S_1, S_2,... S_N$$ ...
Dan Goldwater's user avatar
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A hat allocation problem

This is an abstraction of a problem that has come up in my research. Imagine we have $N$ wizards and $N$ hats. The hats have $C$ different colours. There are $n_1>0$ hats with the first colour, $...
Alec Barns-Graham's user avatar
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Maximizing a combinatorial identity

So here is my problem. If we have a vector $\textbf{x}=(x_1,...,x_n)$ where $x_j \in \mathbb{N}$ for each $j \in \{1,...,n\}$, then is there a way to maximize the value of the following combinatorial ...
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Uniformly distribute N colored balls to P players, minimizing number of colors

I am facing the following combination problem : I do have $B$ colored boxes, each one containing $N_b$ balls of the given color. The total number of balls is thus $\sum_{b=1}^{B} N_b = N$. I want ...
Juklaa's user avatar
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Greedy Algorithm on Knockout Tournaments: Proof of Correctness

You are given a function $\operatorname{rk}:\{1\dots 2^k\}\rightarrow \mathbb{N^+}$ representing the ranks of the players $1\dots2^k$ in a participating in a tournament. The tournament evolves in a ...
Guanaco96's user avatar

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