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Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
Yaakov Ellis
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
49 votes

What does Judaism think about homosexuality?

33 votes

Can a Jew lose their Jewish Status?

31 votes

Are there any Jewish people alive today who can identify themselves as coming from a particular tribe?

22 votes

Shaving on Friday when Lag Ba'omer falls out on a Sunday

21 votes

Does a finding of Jewish blood in a DNA test make one Jewish?

15 votes

At what age should we start teaching the distinction between Midrash and Text?

15 votes

Is repeating the chorus in Lecha Dodi problematic?

14 votes

How does Hagbahah work on a Sephardic Torah case?

14 votes

What are the most essential Jewish websites?

14 votes

How to tactfully circumvent opposite-gender handshake

14 votes

The Ability to Pasken

12 votes

What does Psalm 82 mean?

12 votes

Difference between Jewish and Zionist?

11 votes

Kashering pot from meat to dairy/parev?

11 votes

What is Maris Ayin?

10 votes

Matrilineal Descent

10 votes

Heter, esp. from R' Moshe, for shaving with a machine?

9 votes

Why do the Ashkenazim say Selichos for a minimum of 4 days before Rosh HaShana?

9 votes

Meaning of the a word in an magen david

9 votes

"The Romans' Book" in Ramba"n

8 votes

Why do we say "ואתה עתיד ליטלה ממני"?

7 votes

A natural explanation for the significance of the numbers 7 and 40

7 votes

Is it permitted to make kiddush before Torah reading on Shabbat?

7 votes

Stealing from a non-Jew

6 votes

Responding to kaddish in pesukei dezimro

6 votes

When did people stop wearing Tefilin all day?

6 votes

Technological innovations and halacha

5 votes

Shehechiyanu at Bris

4 votes

Is there a higher standard of kashrut for chicken analogous to "chalak beit yosef" for beef?

2 votes

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