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Questions tagged [product-recommendation]

Questions asking for a recommended product, book, website, etc. Note that questions must have an objective answer; primarily opinion based questions are off-topic.

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Does anyone know where i can find a gemara menukad that isnt 13” i would like something more condensed like a 6 volume 10” with the vowels

I've been searching all over for a gemara set with the vowels in a small size. All I see are the 13” ones over many volumes. Does any one know of 6-volume fully vowelized set? Or would that have to be ...
Dagaderek's user avatar
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3 answers

Comprehensive Guide to saying Mourners' Kaddish

Is there a guide that focusses on Mourner's Kaddish, as a sort of guide to get people going when the situation arises (sometimes unexpectedly)? Ideally one that gives an overview of the points in the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Nechama Leibowitz Books online

I have two related questions: Can I find Nechama Leibowitz books online anywhere for free? I often see her books titled either with or without the word new. For example "Studies in Vayikra" ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Yerushalmi — masechet recommendations? [closed]

I’m interested in delving into learning Yerushalmi. Any recommendations for a good, fun, and interesting masechet to start with?
A s's user avatar
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3 answers

Introductory sefer on Gematria?

I am interested in learning more about gematrias. Namely, I am looking for an English-language sefer that discusses some of the more famous gematrias and the lessons that we can learn from them. ...
Jesse Sachs's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Source to learn nowadays halacha

I am a Balat Teshua amd would love to learn halacha systematically to be able to observe mitsvas without any doubt. I have attempted to learn Shulhan Aruch by myself, but I came across some halachas ...
Angie's user avatar
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4 answers

What are some good modern-era books on Hilchos Shabbos in Hebrew?

Looking for something late 20th Century or later: Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos Others? (What did R' Shimon Eider write?) How do the above compare? Others you'd suggest? This is ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Seeking recommendations for a set of טור ושולחן ערוך

I am seeking recommendations for a set of טור ושולחן ערוך. (A set “in progress” is worthwhile for consideration too — I mostly learn אורח חיים and יורה דעה so I’m not really needing a full set anyway ...
JE1975's user avatar
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Searching for the commentary of Rabbi Menahem ben Simeon of Posqui​è​res to Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Over Pesach I was taking a deeper dive into the Haggadah and saw an unusual reference in the Koren Tanach from Rabbi Adin Even Yisroel Steinsaltz to the commentary from Rabbi Menachem ben Shimon (...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Software or database for creating my own bentcher or song book

I'm trying to create a family bentcher and/or song book. Which software systems do you recommend for creating a database of songs that include Hebrew, English, and Transliteration? And for the layout ...
Ephrailm's user avatar
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Deep dive into learning about Matriarchs?

I would like to learn more about the Imahot. I am happy to hear about books written focussing on this topic, gathering sources and summarising them into some easy reading, as well as hear any list of ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Book/Sefarim recommendations that explore the deeper meaning of Eretz Yisrael?

Does anyone have any Book/Sefarim recommendations that explore the deeper meaning of Eretz Yisrael as a whole and/or specific places in Israel? The books can be in Hebrew or English.
garyseven's user avatar
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3 answers

Kovetz Mefarshim by daf

Has anyone ever put out mefarshim on gemara by daf rather than mefaresh? Or try to collect primary rishonim/achronim discussed in yeshivot per daf and reprint them together?
ak0000's user avatar
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Is sefer Avkat Rochel available in English anywhere?

Is the sefer Avkat Rochel by the rishon Rabbeinu Makir ben Abba Mori of Lunel available anywhere in English?
Mumo's user avatar
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Where Can I Find a Full Set of Metikat Hapri?

There is an excellent set of green hard cover seforim (super commentary) by R. Refael Lofer on parts of Pri Megadim called Metikas Hapri. I own one volume. Where in the US can one locate a full set?
GratefulD's user avatar
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