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Questions tagged [tzedakah-charity]

The mitzvah of charity, generally giving to the poor, In Hebrew צדקה, literally meaning "justice or righteousness."

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Minhag when Changing Money from a Tzedaka Pushka

I observed a minhag that when changing money with money in a tzedakah Pushka, not to change the full amount. For example, if you try to change 5 dollars into quarters one would leave the last quarter (...
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Sponsoring a Sefer - R' Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern Shlit"a

anyone know someone or has a sefer they're looking for support to help print? I want to help print a sefer, specifically preferably in the realm of chassidus or halacha. any chance someone knows a ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Are infirm people who can’t work obligated to give tzedakah

According to Halacha, are infirm people who can not work due to age, injury, illness etc. obligated to donate tzedakah or no? In this scenario, they are still mentally competent, although they can’t ...
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Do you still need to give old maaser?

If one realized that years ago they earned money and did not give maaser, is there a chiyuv to give the maaser now?
Wildin Bochur's user avatar
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May a convert/woman be the president or CEO of a tzedakah organization

According to Halacha, people who convert to Judaism or Jewish women are not permitted to have some positions of authority over born Jews. My question is, does being a president or CEO of a tzedakah ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Tzedakah for non-observant Jews

According to Halacha, do Jews fullfill their obligation of donating tzedakah if they give it to non-observant Jews? Or no, if a Jew is not religiously observant does it not fullfill the mitzvah of ...
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Tzedakah Missing from the Purim Story

After Mordechai heard abut the decree of death placed upon the Jews he went out publicly in a display of mourning, pleading with the Jews to repent (teshuvah) which they ultimately did, and he prayed (...
The Targum's user avatar
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Should someone tithe unemployment benefits and severance pay?

I know you're supposed to tithe your after-tax wages as well as gifts of money. However, if a Jew is receiving one instance of severance pay and is eligible for unemployment benefits, do they tithe ...
T.R.'s user avatar
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Give tzedakah/maaser ksafim in property (not cash)

Usually I think of giving maaser ksafim as donating money. Does it also count to give (movable) property? For example, if someone with a $100k income wants to give 20%, is it ok to donate a car worth $...
Josh Grinberg's user avatar
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Who takes priority when giving Tzedakah

I have recently been hit with some financial issues, so I have to tighten my wallet. Who takes priority in the giving of Tzedakah?
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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Do poor converts get priority in tzedakah/maaser

In Halacha, is there any priority in giving converts, with the Halacha status of ani/poor, tzedakah and Maaser before giving it to poor born Jews? The reason I ask is because there are more positive ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Mesira on a pauper [closed]

Let's say I was in a kosher store and I noticed a Jewish homeless man who is halachically an "ani" and i notice him pickpocketing some food. Would i be allowed to tell the store owner or ...
Moishe's user avatar
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What constitutes by their means for tzedakah

The Halacha is that Jews should give as much charity that reflects their means. My question is, how is “by their means” defined? Is it a specific percentage of their income, how much value their money ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Clarifying exactly the halacha of Maaser [duplicate]

In the past several months I've been deducting 10% of my income and setting it aside. I'm starting to feel confused about whether I'm doing it correctly. I have some accumulated money ready to give to ...
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Why is healing different than charity?

There's a gemara that quotes a baraisa as allowing a doctor to administer medical treatment with Rashi explaining that one could otherwise think that one is contravening God who caused the illness. ...
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