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Questions tagged [technology]

Questions about how Judaism interacts with technological innovations.

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Recording Shmonah Esrei

Now is the period around Pesach in which there are two new additions to the Amida: Morid Hatal (or the omission of Geshem) V'sen Bracha The Halacha is, that if one is davening and isn't sure ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Does anyone distinguish between hearing megillah over analog vs digital technology

As discussed previously, there were minority opinions about fulfilling the mitzvah of megillah by hearing it over a microphone, telephone, radio, or online. Have any poskim drawn the line between ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Hearing Aids During Shabbat- Sleeping

It seems to be accepted that a hearing aid should be turned on before Shabbat. Out of curiosity, how do people practically manage having their hearing aids left on when they are sleeping in a ...
Eva V's user avatar
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Visiting one’s rebbe virtually for a festival

According to this answer Jews can make up their obligation to visit their rebbe on Yom tov found in Masechet Rosh Hashanah by visiting during Chol Hamoed of the holiday if they missed the ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Do blenders need to be kashered

According to Halacha, do blenders previously used for non kosher foods need to be kashered, or merely washed? Furthermore, do they need to be kashered if one plans to use it for fleishig and then for ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is virtual presence considered Bikur cholim for the sick

Is looking at a sick person through zoom or another video camera service considered “visiting” then for the purposes of the mitzvah of Bikur cholim? Or no, does it have to be physical presence to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Lo Yilbash and feminization/masculinization surgery

According to Halacha, a man is not supposed to dress like a woman and vice versa due to Deuteronomy 22:5. My question is whether feminization/masculinization surgery which makes your facial features ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Miun through a telephone/teleconference

According to Halacha, If a minor girl gets married to a man, if she shows intellectual capability over 6, she has to do Miun instead of a Get. Miun is her expression of refusal to the marriage. My ...
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Do Noahide mitzvot apply in outer space

From previous questions and answers I’ve seen on this site, there are some (albeit a minority) of halachic opinions that mitzvot don’t apply off of earth and so Jews can’t leave earth to remove their ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is there any Halacha that says you should notify the person on the phone he’s on speaker?

BH Is there a Halacha that says a person should notify the person who he’s talking on the phone with that he’s on speaker so the other will know?
David 's user avatar
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Is adjusting Velcro prohibited on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is it permissible to put together or pull apart Velcro straps on Shabbat? Is this considered to be sewing, which is a melacha that is prohibited on Shabbat? Or is it dissimilar ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is TAG and how did it become the expected standard for frum people [closed]

Clearly Moses didn’t bring it down from Sinai, and yet it seems that that is the standard to the extent that from what I hear certain schools would even consider it scandalous if students parents didn’...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Berachot over flavored vaping/e cigarettes

Does Halacha require making a beracha after flavored vaping? To my understanding, the consensus practice is there is none over smoking. But if a Jew vapes a flavored e cigarette, do they recite a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Permissibility of digital art of celestial bodies

According to Halacha, for Jews, there is a prohibition of portraying Celestial bodies in art, even if not for idolatry. (Generally, for noahides there is some concern, but the rules for what might be ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Learning principles of software development from the Torah

I suspect that like myself, a lot of other users on this site are software developers and are also on Stack Overflow, so hopefully this isn't considered too off topic/niche... When Hashem creates Adam,...
Moses Supposes's user avatar

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