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Questions tagged [number]

questions about numbers

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Interpretation of these Letters?

What are different gematria interpretations of די (Dalet, Yud), 14? What is the depth of this combination in this order? Do I interpret them together or each individually and what is the depth, ...
TT55's user avatar
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Numerology in the Plagues

Going over the plagues in exodus, I notice a pattern. The first few plagues (blood, frogs, gnats / lice), are general afflictions that affect Egyptian and Hebrew alike. The next few plagues (flies, ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Circumcision for conjoined twins

According to Halacha, if there are Jewish male conjoined twins, how many circumcisions are needed? Do both penises need it, or only one?
Kirk's user avatar
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How many male names are there in the Torah? And how many females names? Is there any estimate?

Does anyone know how many "kosher" names are there in the Torah (jewish/hebrew)? And how many female names (including the talmud)? Any very rough estimate would be more than fine - we're ...
Jacob Salzberg's user avatar
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Does one fulfill p’ru u’rvu after one child [duplicate]

Do men fullfill their obligation in their mitzvah of P’ru U’rvu after having one child? Or is the requirement to be fruitful and multiply fulfilled only after more children? If so, how many children ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can one man count in two minyanim at same time

According to Halacha, if there are two minyanim is it permissible for both of them to count one man in a minyan at the same time? Or no, can he only count for one?
Kirk's user avatar
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Mi Yodeya the biggest number in Torah?

What is the biggest number found in Torah? Can be from any work at all, except maybe more recent contemporary works by popular Rabbis, such as R Kaplan or Dr. Schroeder, where they might bring in huge ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why mention the number of words in parshat mieketz

Why does Parshat Miketz conclude by specifying the total number of words in the parsha, whereas other parshas typically only indicate the number of pesukim?
Truth seeker 's user avatar
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What does the hebrew/biblical number 57 mean? [duplicate]

I heard the hebrew number/character for 47 is 'what', but what is does the number 57 mean? Also where can I learn about the other numbers?
goldenolive's user avatar
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What does the number 40 represent?

The number 40 appears multiple times in the Torah and the works of the Sages, though in very different contexts: For instance: 40 days of rain during the flood, for 40 days, Moses was on Mount Sinai, ...
frozen58's user avatar
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Is it true that the book of Numbers has the exact same number of Hebrew letters as the book of Esther?

I cannot remember the source and have been unable to find any further academic material, so I would like to put this request out to everyone in this online community. I once heard that the book of ...
AlphaOmega's user avatar
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Why does רבי עקיבא say "50 אמה", and not "50 אמות?"

In the first Mishna on Mesechta Bava Kama Daf סא עמוד ב (, there is a מחלוקת about how far does a fire have to pass in order to be פטור. When רבי עקיבא ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Recurring numbers by certain yomim tovim?

Does anyone know of any sources that talk about how each yom tov seems to have a special number attached? A number that seems to crop up several times? For example: Rosh Hashana - 3 3 sets of 3 shofar ...
Dov's user avatar
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1/60: why was the figure 60 chosen?

Many instances in the Talmud involve the number 60 as for instances: battel beshishim dreaming is 1/60th of prophecy sleeping is 1/60th of death Why was the number 60 chosen by the Sages and not 100 ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Spiritual meaning of different segmentations of the 613 Mitzvos

For the lovers of the spiritual and Gematrias. We can segment the number of Mitzvos in many different ways: positive (248) vs negative (365), Mitzvos specifically for men, women, or everyone Temple-...
Al Berko's user avatar
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