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Questions tagged [brit-milah]

Questions about circumcision (brit-milah in Hebrew)

-1 votes
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Adult circumcision vs Torah prohibition "Lo Yosif" - not to inflict a wound upon yourself (Deuteronomy 25:3)

I understand that uncircumcised adult men who wish to convert to Judaism must have a circumcision to become Jewish. My question is, how this is reconciled with the Torah prohibition of "Lo Yosif&...
Spdiamond's user avatar
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Observance of mitzvot before brit milah

Many Jewish people today in the secular environment has no knowledge about the priorites toward a more religious life. If somebody discovers that he is Jewish, than what are the commandments that he ...
Mezeg's user avatar
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Source for the practice of praying while attending a circumcision? [closed]

I've heard of a practice for those attending a circumcision to pray during the circumcision. Is there any known source for this?
Grapefruit's user avatar
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Circumcision for conjoined twins

According to Halacha, if there are Jewish male conjoined twins, how many circumcisions are needed? Do both penises need it, or only one?
Kirk's user avatar
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Understanding ערלים comparisons

In Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer chapter 29 (uncensored version), we read: ולמ�� מלן, בשביל הטהרה שלא יטמאו את אדניהם במאכליהם ובמשתיהם, שכל מי שאוכל עם הערל כאלו אוכל עם הכלב, מה הכלב שלא נמול כך הערל שלא ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Bris mila/ sefira haomer

Are there any connections between the mitzva of mila and sefiras Haomer (besides that the father of baby and sandak can have a haircut during the sefira)?
Moz's user avatar
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Minor as a mohel

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a minor (under bar mitzvah) to serve as a mohel and do Brit Milah? What about B’dieved? The reason I ask is because some Poskim hold a woman can serve as ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is metzitzah b’peh after circumcision ever bal tosif?

According to this article the Talmud explicitly states that Brit milah without metzitzah is valid, and it isn’t an essential aspect of the mitzvah in either the Talmud or the views of major Poskim (...
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5 votes
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Can the Sandak be a non-Jew?

This question discusses other roles a non-Jew could take in a bris but leaves the Sandak question open: Can a non-Jewish person participate in a bris?
rudolfovic's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does a convert receive bris milah before the mikvah?

Why does the convert have his bris before the mikvah rather than afterwards as a Jew? Seemingly the bris done before is not a mitzvah so why not have him do bris milah after the mikvah?
Dude's user avatar
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Anesthetics during Brit milah [duplicate]

Is it permissible to use Anesthetics (for the purpose of pain relief) during circumcision (Brit milah)? I would imagine it would not be problematic per se, but perhaps being conscious is preferable ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Did Maimonides covertly condemn circumcision?

Leo Strauss argued that sophisticated writers communicate ideas through many layers of meaning and abstraction using rhetorical stratagems including self-contradiction and hyperbole to convey their ...
André Levy's user avatar
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Why does the mohel fill his mouth with a small amount of wine during the Metzitzah B’peh of a bris?

While not all Jews practice this aspect of circumcision, some include a ritual known as Metzitzah B’peh (the oral suction of blood from the boy's wound) I'm aware that the Gemara indicates this was ...
Michael's user avatar
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Why is circumcision the physical representation of the covenant when Ancient Egyptians also practised circumcision? Shouldn't it be unique to Jews?

Throughout Jewish history, circumcision signifies the covenant between the Jewish people and G-d, blessed be He, as the Torah says (Genesis 17:11). However, male circumcision is also one of the oldest ...
setszu's user avatar
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Elijah's Presence

I do not have the source for this, but have heard that Elijah the Prophet attends every Brit Milah. In this lecture by Yosef Mizrachi, in the first 2 minutes he goes on to say that even after the Brit ...
Jewish Context's user avatar

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