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The brain-bending "widersetzen"

This word "widersetzen" is really confusing me. Let me give you some examples, motivated by similar sentences I have found on the internet: Er widersetzt sich dem Befehl. Sie widersetzt sich ...
Mark's user avatar
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Expressing "getting stuck with something" in German

I am trying to figure out the proper way of expressing "getting stuck with something" in German. Let me give some example sentences: We need to register for classes early, or else we will ...
Mark's user avatar
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11 answers

How to express "fizzle out" in German

I'm am struggling with the right way to express, "to fizzle out", in German. Let me give some example sentences: We were very good friends at first, but over the years, our friendship fizzled out. ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to express "manageable" in german

I'm looking for the proper way to express the word "manageable" in German. Let me give some examples: The city is large, but very manageable (easy to find your way around). This car would be more ...
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The difference between "auswirken auf" , "einwirken auf", and "wirken auf"

I'm trying to figure out the subtle differences between "auswirken auf" , "einwirken auf", and "wirken auf". Dictionaries tend to all point in the same direction, and that is "impact/have an impact on/...
Mark's user avatar
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Was bedeutet dieser Satz aus «Deutsch für junge Profis»

Hier sind ein paar Sätze aus «Deutsch für junge Profis». Ich verstehe den letzten Satz nicht, bitte erklären Sie ihn. Habe ich meinen Ehrgeiz richtig eingesetzt, um beim Wettlauf um die ...
吳映築's user avatar
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What would be the proper German translation for "Orbital Research Station"?

Writing a sci-fi, know very little German. What would the proper German translation be for an Orbital Research Station? I'm having trouble figuring out the proper phrasing. Google suggests "...
Alex's user avatar
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What does "etwas ordnen aus" mean?

The verb "ordnen" means to organize or to arrange but how does the addition of the preposition "aus" change the meaning? z.B. Er ordnet Wörtern aus Symbolen des Alphabets A Wörter über dem Alphabet B ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "sich behaupten" und "sich durchsetzen"?

Momentan tue ich mich schwer mit dem Unterschied zwischen "sich behaupten" und "sich durchsetzen". In English, werden die beiden irgendwie als "assert oneself" übersetzt, aber ich habe das Gefühl, es ...
Mark's user avatar
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"Bulle" for "hoss" as an informal nickname

In the American South and West, it is common to have a nickname for strangers or casual acquaintences in informal situations, especially if you don't know their name. Examples are "Hey, hoss, how ya ...
Aeroradish's user avatar
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Translation of "There is nothing to delete" [duplicate]

How can I translate the following sentence into german? "There is nothing to delete". What is correct? Es ist nichts zu löschen. or Es gibt nichts zu löschen
SMW's user avatar
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"not necessarily" auf Deutsch [closed]

Wie kann man "not necessarily" auf Deutsch sagen? Also zum Beispiel: In den letzten 3 Jahren habe ich so viel gelernt, aber "not necessarily" von meinem Studium. Passt "nicht unbedingt"?
Omer Sherer's user avatar
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What's the difference between "weit" and "fern"?

Both of them translate as "far", but what are the differences in meaning and usage?
lemminkainen's user avatar
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "mitten" und "in der Mitte"?

Was ist der Unterschied, wenn ich sage... Mitten der Brücke finden Sie... oder In der Mitte der Brücke finden Sie... Ganz egal?
TBR's user avatar
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Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder

I recently got a Deutsche Grammophon CD with recordings of songs by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. When reading the texts, I noticed the translation of the title of one of the songs. Intuitively I knew it ...
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