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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Bedeutung - Questions on definitions and nuances of words, phrases or sentences.
Übersetzungen – Questions on issues with translating from or into German. Use with care as these questions are very likely to be closed as a translation request, which would be off topic. Don't use th…
Wortgebrauch - Questions on usages in German language.
Übersetzungen vom Englischen ins Deutsche – Questions on translations from English to German
Unterschied - Questions on differences between similar or seemingly similar words or expressions in a given context.
Wortwahl - Choosing the best word out of a list of alternatives.
928 questions
Präpositionen – Questions on prepositions, i.e., words that express spatial or temporal relations
deprecated; feel free to edit old questions to remove it (see the tag wiki first). Use a tag corresponding to a specific grammatical feature, [grammaticality] or [grammar-identification] i…
901 questions
Bedeutung im Kontext – Nuances and connotations of words, phrases or sentences in a specific context.
Verben – Questions on the grammar and usage of verbs IN GENERAL. Do not use this for questions on the meaning, etymology, translation or similar of specific verbs.
843 questions
Satzbau – Questions relating to the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences.
798 questions
Wortherkunft – The history and languages of origin of words and phrases.
764 questions
grammatikalischer Fall – Questions relating to the grammatical cases (nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive)
Übersetzungen vom Deutschen ins Englische – Questions on translations from German to English
Sprachgebrauch - Questions about subtle points of usage of German words or phrases.
574 questions
Suche Wort - Questions on finding a word that fits a meaning.
564 questions
Satzstellung – Questions on how to structure group of words to fit grammatical rules.
562 questions
Ausdrücke – Questions about meanings and usages of phrases
505 questions
Grammatik-Identifikation – questions seeking to identify a grammatical feature
462 questions
Adjektive – Questions on the grammar and usage of adjectives IN GENERAL. Do not use this for questions on the meaning, etymology, translation or similar of specific adjectives.
446 questions
Redewendungen – Questions on idioms, i.e., groups of words that have a meaning not deducible from the individual words
405 questions
Grammatikalität – Whether something obeys the rules of German grammar
396 questions
Dativ – Relating to the grammatical case that marks typically the indirect object of a verb, the object of some prepositions, or a possessor
388 questions
Aussprache - Questions on how to correctly speak a word.
371 questions
Pronomen - Questions on words that substitutes for nouns.
365 questions
Nomen – Questions on the grammar and usage of nouns IN GENERAL. Do not use this for questions on the meaning, etymology, translation or similar of specific nouns.
351 questions
Standarddeutsch – questions relating EXPLICITLY to the supra-regional German used in written language. Please read the tag wiki before applying this tag.
Artikel – on the German articles *der, die, das, ein* (and their declensions). Do not use for question about finding out the grammatical gender of something.
339 questions
Geschlecht (Genus) - Regarding the grammatical gender of German words. Please take notice of our guidelines for questions on gender-neutral language on Meta.
324 questions
Wortschatz – Questions on vocabulary; do not use for questions about specific words or synonym groups.
Rechtschreibung – questions on German orthography that cannot be resolved by an online dictionary.
309 questions
Adverbien – Questions on words that qualify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, clauses, or sentences.
279 questions
Genitiv – Relating to the grammatical case that marks typically a relationship of possession or source
273 questions
Redewendung – Questions about common expressions used in conversation and colloquial speech.
265 questions
Questions about how to use verbs, from a grammatical, syntactical and stylistic point of view.
264 questions
relating to a mood of verbs expressing what is imagined or wished or possible and is used to express doubt or unlikelihood
262 questions
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