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Questions tagged [gender]

Geschlecht (Genus) - Regarding the grammatical gender of German words. Please take notice of our guidelines for questions on gender-neutral language on Meta.

177 votes
25 answers

How can I better learn noun genders?

One of the things that I really liked about German, as I was studying it in college, was the very orderly grammar, which actually helped me to understand my native English better. As a non-native ...
kmm's user avatar
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63 votes
9 answers

Wonach richtet sich das Geschlecht eines Anglizismus?

Wenn ich das Geschlecht eines Anglizismus bestimmen muss, orientiere ich mich an drei Gegebenheiten: Hat das Wort ein echtes Geschlecht (the mare, die Stute)? Welches Geschlecht hat die Übersetzung ...
user unknown's user avatar
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36 votes
5 answers

For new words which are often nouns who sets the gender?

I think the title sums it up but since every single thing in the universe can be referred to as a noun and German assigns every noun a gender who gets to decide the gender? Furthermore, other ...
user2175's user avatar
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11 answers

How do Germans react to foreigners messing up noun genders? [closed]

My boyfriend is German and we're going in a few months where I will meet his family for the first time. I am OK at German, but something I really have a hard time with is remembering noun genders, ...
Eichhörnchen's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Hat sich das Geschlecht von „Antwort“ mit der Zeit geändert?

This question also has an answer here (in English): Why is “Antwort” feminine, if “Wort” is neutral? Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich im Buch von Bohnenblust Pour Bien Savoir l’Allemand (Payot, 1930) ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Do Latin loanwords conserve their gender?

When I asked my teacher for the gender of Mensa, she replied that it is feminine, because the Latin word mensa is feminine. When it comes to words that share the same spelling in both German and Latin,...
Tim's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Why do we have two equally used terms for "toe"?

There are two translations for toe that both are equally used. Both are pronounced almost the same but they have a different gender: der Zeh, m die Zehe, f What is the origin of this difference?
Takkat's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Spricht man über ein Mädchen/eine Frau mittels „sie“ oder „es“?

Diese Frage wurde auch hier (auf Englisch) beantwortet: Can ‘sie’ be used to refer to ‘Mädchen’? Wenn man über ein Mädchen oder über eine Frau spricht, spricht man dann von ihm oder von ihr? ...
kiritsuku's user avatar
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26 votes
14 answers

How do Germans refer to people without caring about the gender

In German, a noun always has its own gender. However, there is a case I don't know. Suppose that there is a class with many students, both males and females, and then when I want to refer to all ...
aukxn's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

What is the gender distribution of nouns in the German language?

I want a rough estimate of the percentage of nouns that belongs to each gender category
iddober's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Der, die oder das E-Mail?

Is there an official rule on whether it’s die E-Mail or das E-Mail? I’ve heard people use both, although more commonly the female form.
Cass's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Using gender specific pronouns for inanimate objects

I realise that German words have specific genders, but does that apply to pronouns as well? For example, if I wished to say: I searched for my bag, but I didn't find it Would I say: Ich habe ...
Prestidigitator's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Genus der Flüsse: eine komische Regel

Im Grammatikbuch Hammer's German Grammar and Usage habe ich eben gelesen , dass Flüsse im Ausland männlich sind: der Ganges der Nil Im Gegenteil sind die Flüsse innerhalb Deutschlands feminin ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Wie funktioniert »Das König der Biere«?

Der Werbeslogan Das König der Biere (zum Glück erinnere ich mich nicht an die Marke, sonst hätte die Werbung gegriffen) »funktioniert« bei den meisten Menschen – er wird i. d. R. zwar als merkwürdig ...
Olaf's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Highscore, die (Feminin)

Eigentlich wollte ich nur nachschlagen, was zum Wort Highscore im Duden steht, doch dann wurde ich überrascht. Dort steht als erstes Ergebnis in der Suche: Highscore, die Im Artikel sehe ich keine ...
kelunik's user avatar
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