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Warum "Wir treffen uns in dem Bistro" und nicht "Wir treffen uns in der Bistro?" Warum Dativ?

Warum ist Wir treffen uns in dem Bistro. richtig? Ich dachte, dass man Wir treffen uns in der Bistro? sagen kann. Warum muss ich Dativ benutzen?
notahamburger's user avatar
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How to figure out gender of things in quotation?

In diesem Jahr hat ein amerikanischer Film d(en) "Goldenen Bären" gewonnen The question was to fill the text in the bracketed spot. How could I have been able to identify that gender of ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Why is it "Was fehlt Ihnen?" and not "Was fehlen Ihnen?"

When using the formal form of you, "Sie", we conjugate the verb in the third person plural, regardless if the "Sie" refers to a singular or plural subject. "Ihnen" is the ...
user55819's user avatar
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Er, sie, es for creatures

I have been told that when using he/she/it, it's usually simple to use der/die/das to work out how to refer to the thing. For example: "The pen is big" becomes "Der Stift ist groß"...
Puffafish's user avatar
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When showing interest in people, how is the gender inferred?

For example, in: Mit wem sprechen wir? Wir sprechen mit dem neue Kollegin. Is the question conditioned by the answer in that, since Kollegin is feminine, the right question should begin with "Mit ...
Sebi's user avatar
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How did the German case system end up as it is?

How did the irregular German case system develop, specifically that the same article such as "der" occurs in different places in terms of gender and case, and there is no strict overarching ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Welche Tipps kann ich benutzen, um mich an das richtige Genus eines (unregelmäßigen) Substantives zu erinnern?

Mir fallen die Worte schwer, die keine häufige Endung haben, die mit einem gewissen Genus verbunden ist, wie -ung, -mus, sondern welche, die nicht ahnen lassen, welches Genus für sie richtig ist. Zum ...
FLUSHER's user avatar
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The Blue Danube, by Johann Strauss [closed]

This may be a silly question, I'm just a beginner. I read that the title in German of the work 'On the beautiful Blue Danube' is 'An der schönen, blauen Donau'. I'm not sure what is the article ...
samuraivader's user avatar
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Is there any case-gender analyzer?

Sometimes when I see or hear a German sentence I don't get why some words have the form they have based on gender-case status. Is there any website/application/etc where you can write a German ...
Sasan's user avatar
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The case for "article + adjective + noun" combination?

The fact that, concerning the same case as well as the same gender, articles and adjectives does not always follow the same pattern (i.e., don't get the same ending) is a bit hard to understand. I ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Why are there no contractions for "an der" and "in der"?

I can understand why propositions that end with r (or bei) do not allow for such contractions, but I fail to see why not shorten "in der" and "an der" to "ir" and "ar".
tohava's user avatar
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»ein und dieselbe Nachricht« vs. »eine und dieselbe Nachricht«

Ich lese gerade Miteinander Reden 1 von schulz von thun*. Im Buch steht: Für mich selbst war es eine faszinierende »Entdeckung«, die ich in ihrer Tragweite erst nach und nach erkannt habe, dass ein ...
Ayoub Falah's user avatar
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Gender of nouns in the genetive case

I have a question regarding the genitive endings for masculine and neuter nouns, for example das Kind. I would like to know the gender of des Kinds and des Kindes. Are they neuter or masculine?
Brigitte's user avatar
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Would combining all German articles to just one article have a real negative effect on the language? [closed]

Imagine all German articles were combined to just one article, for example: der, die, das, den, dem, des → dör. Would this make some sentences impossible to understand?
gavurman's user avatar
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Warum ist der Akkusativ rein maskulin?

Gibt es eine gute Erklärung dafür, dass der Akkusativ ausschließlich im Maskulinum vom Nominativ unterschieden wird? In der Flexion der Adjektive, Artikel und Pronomen weisen Femininum, Neutrum und ...
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