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Questions tagged [beziers]

Parametric smooth curves and surfaces in computer graphics. Bezier curves and surfaces have control points that are used to control their shape. They are frequently used in software for automotive and industrial design.

27 votes
4 answers

Bezier curve arc length

See also: same question on Math.SE How can I find the arclength of a Bezier curve? For example, a linear Bezier curve has the length: ...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

How do you calculate the nearest point on 2 curves?

Given the points of a line and a quadratic bezier curve, how do you calculate their nearest point? .... Similarly, given the points of 2 curves, how do you get the nearest point?
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Collision detection with curves

I'm working on a 2D game in which I would like to do collision detection between a moving circle and some kind of static curves (maybe Bezier curves). Currently my game features only straight lines ...
paldepind's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do you calculate if 2 lines are facing toward or away?

Given the 4 points describing 2 line segments, how do you calculate if line A is towards or away from line B? The 2 lines have a fixed length, and can be measured as distance from x1/y1 to x2/y2.
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Points evenly spaced along a bezier curve

I have looked around for a while and I can't find a solution to this problem. Let's say I have a cubic bezier curve (defined by 4 points) and I want to get a set of points that are spaced evenly along ...
Foaly's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to move a portion of bezier/spline curve along its complete bezier/spline curve?

Based on the image below, I have a curve (orange) which is a bezier sub-curve of an original curve (longer black curve). The original curve consists of a number of cubic bezier curves joined together. ...
NotEveryDay's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do you calculate if a line is facing a curve?

Given the 2 points describing a line segment, and the 3 points describing a quadratic bezier curve, how do you calculate if the line is facing towards or away from the curve? The line has a fixed ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is the simplest way to export a bezier curve created in Blender to a text file?

I have created a bezier curve in Blender. I'd like to export this curve to a text file. ...
tigrou's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I find the right UV coordinates for interpolating a bezier curve?

I'll let this picture do the talking. I'm trying to create a mesh from a bezier curve and then add a texture to it. The problem here is that the interpolation points along the curve do not increase ...
ssb's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to implement curved movement while tracking the appropriate angle?

I'm currently coding a 2D top-down car game which will be turn-based. And since it's turn-based, the cars won't be controlled directly (i.e. with a simple velocity vector that adjusts its angle when ...
Vexille's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cubic bezier for easing?

I would like to find out what Y is if X is a certain number from a cubic bezier curve to make a custom easing function, like it's done on this site: Does anyone know a formula ...
user1974555's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Controlling roll rotation when travelling along bezier curves

I am currently working on a curve implementation for use in Unity which includes an editor: The aim is to get an object to follow the path represented by the curve at a constant velocity. Currently ...
Jkh2's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to remove bezier handle in 3dsmax?

While editing spline, I need to make one of the vertexes to be an absolute corner. I.e. bezier control points should be in zero distance from the vertex. How to do that?
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

GPU friendly bezier storage/evaluation?

Let's say that you want to do bezier curve or surface evaluation on the GPU (fragment shader, geometry shader, compute shader, OpenCL, etc). Does anyone know of any interesting tricks of techniques ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Bezier Curves for visual programming node connectors

Probably everyone is familiar with all kinds of visual node based programming tools like HLSL editor in Visual Studio 2011 or UDK engine Kismet/Material editors. My point of interest are the ...
Michael IV's user avatar

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