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Questions tagged [beziers]

Parametric smooth curves and surfaces in computer graphics. Bezier curves and surfaces have control points that are used to control their shape. They are frequently used in software for automotive and industrial design.

2 votes
1 answer

Consistent normals at any angle in bezier curve

Could not work out or find any solution for this. I have a spline which consists of bezier curves (in 3d space) — in fact, any straight line will also have such problem. I take a point on the curve ...
Sammy S's user avatar
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What type of Collider should I add to a LineRenderer?

I am currently building a game where I need to generate some wires (as Bézier curves) using LineRenderer. After changing the width of each line ...
Horia Jurcut's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to make a gui button follow a path after a touch?

I would like a button in my gui menu to follow a specific path if we selected it, I am wondering how I could do it: if we touch the button, then it can only move on the specific path, it is an arc ...
Paul's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Bezier curve arc length

See also: same question on Math.SE How can I find the arclength of a Bezier curve? For example, a linear Bezier curve has the length: ...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Collision detection with curves

I'm working on a 2D game in which I would like to do collision detection between a moving circle and some kind of static curves (maybe Bezier curves). Currently my game features only straight lines ...
paldepind's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Points evenly spaced along a bezier curve

I have looked around for a while and I can't find a solution to this problem. Let's say I have a cubic bezier curve (defined by 4 points) and I want to get a set of points that are spaced evenly along ...
Foaly's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do you calculate if a line is facing a curve?

Given the 2 points describing a line segment, and the 3 points describing a quadratic bezier curve, how do you calculate if the line is facing towards or away from the curve? The line has a fixed ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Linear movement over a Bézier curve

Is it possible to get a constant speed movement over a Bézier curve when its points are not kept symmetrical ? Here white square (almost) moves at constant speed. (red and green squares are control ...
aybe's user avatar
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How to make smooth movement for a tunnel traveling music game?

I'm creating a music game where the player travels inside a tunnel and can create twists and turns while listening to music. Here's a video showing what it currently looks like. I'm looking for advice ...
curiousCprogrammer1231's user avatar