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"Charlie" Sheen BRDF's directional albedo integrates to values higher than 1 at low roughnesses. Does this mean it is not energy conserving?

I am implementing the BRDF from the 2017 paper "Production Friendly Microfacet Sheen BRDF". This BRDF is modelled as a coat layer stacked on top of a base specular. In order to do so in an ...
avilapa's user avatar
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Confusion over Microfacet-based BRDFs and Normal Distribution Functions

Through reading various sources online, I've become a bit confused. I'll briefly outline what I think I do understand: My understanding is that microfacet-based BRDFs assume there is always a perfect ...
Chris Gnam's user avatar
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Unable to compute fresnel reflections properly

I am implementing fresnel reflections for materials in my renderer. According to this source, here the look I should obtain when rendering a sphere over a grey background: I have two implementations. ...
StudenteChamp's user avatar
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Does fresnel reflection make sense for metals?

I am implementing fresnel reflections for materials in my renderer. Does it make sense for metals? Here my implementation: ...
StudenteChamp's user avatar
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One-sample model Multiple Importance Sampling with balance heuristic

Recently I feel a bit confused about one-sample model MIS. One sample model MIS can be found here in Veach 1997. 9.2.4 The one-sample model, and this one-sample model is widely used in the opensource ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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Shading normal and geometric normal for refractive surface rendering

I got confused when implementing my own renderer. I read this from the PBR-book: Fortunately, there is an elegant solution to these problems. When evaluating the BSDF, we can use the geometric normal ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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replace IBL with single color - the lighting equation

I want to avoid IBL (image based lighting), however my scenes are way too dark - especially close-to-mirror like surfaces, which get little contributions from other direct light sources in the scene. ...
Tomas's user avatar
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The purpose of NdotV in the directional-hemispherical reflectance equation in the book "Real-time rendering book"

I have been reading the book "real-time rendering 4th edition" and came across this Directional-hemispherical reflectance equation. $$R(\mathbf{l}) = \int_{\mathbf{v}\in\Omega} f(\mathbf{l}, ...
Mohamed Hashem's user avatar
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Is the dichromatic model physically based?

lately I have been learning about photometry, and everywhere I look I see a BRDF written according to the "dichromatic model". Roughly speaking: $$\rho= \rho_D+\rho_S \cdot (...)$$ for some $...
Lilla's user avatar
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Why my bsdf can not pass Chi2test?

I implemented a MicrofacetTransmission in nori. But it can not pass all Chi2test when alpha is large(>= 0.4 or ?),part of chi2test is passed.And I can not found the problem.Can someone help me? ...
bin guo's user avatar
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how can I compute a roughness map without any 3D softwares?

Recently, I want to use a roughness map to get better rendering results. Most information on the internet is about the operation of 3D software. So, how can I generate a roughness map of my own 3D ...
jack tsang's user avatar
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Conflicting definitions for the distribution of normals $D$ in microfacet BSDFs

Please do not confuse this question with this one. In Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs, Eric Heitz defines the distribution of normals as. There, the footnote. ...
GroundGlassUnknown's user avatar
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Contour-line looking artifact on diffuse irradiance map

I tried implementing my own diffuse irradiance map maker after reading Learn OpenGL > PBR > IBL > Diffuse Irradiance. It takes an HDR image and makes six HDR cube map. But It keeps making ...
Ingun전인건's user avatar
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PBR pipeline with multiple HDR images?

I believe I already know the answer to this question, but I want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Within a physically based rendering pipeline, you calculate your indirect lighting from ...
commanderZiltoid's user avatar
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Confusion of deriving the Jacobian of the reflection transformation in Walter et. al's 2007 paper

When deriving the Jacobian of the reflection transformation in Walter et. al's 2007 paper: First we have a macrosurface BSDF which is: $f_{s}(\mathbf{i}, \mathbf{o}, \mathbf{n})=\int\left|\frac{\...
user10546666's user avatar
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PBR : Understanding the right part of Split sum integration of specular IBL

This is the website I am learning from. In the specular part of IBL this is the split sum approximation Now the left part of the equation I have asked in This post and I have understood everything ...
Sync it's user avatar
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PBR : generating dynamic HDR maps

Most of the PBR tutorials out there use HDR maps loaded from disk. But in games these maps need to be generated by taking snapshots of the scene from the objects location which is where problems arise....
Sync it's user avatar
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PBR : Understanding importance sampling

I have read this article On PBR and in it we have NDF function defined as follows Then I have read this article on random vector generation Here are what I feel are the important bits. Now jump to ...
Sync it's user avatar
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Path tracing: How to ensure we are sampling a direction vector within the visible hemisphere of a surface?

Given a surface Normal vector of an intersection point, how can one generate a random direction vector that is guaranteed to be in the visible hemisphere? The way I ...
Amir's user avatar
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Comparing different sampling methods for GGX IBL

I have made a demo that shades a sphere with an environment map. I wanted to compare 3 different ways of sampling the environment. Uniform sampling. Importance sampling with the NDF as suggested in ...
user1754322's user avatar
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Ray Tracing, why does the GGX make my rendering result darker and darker for each frame?

I am trying to add GGX and PBR textures to my GPU ray tracer. The result is very strange, it's getting darker for each frame. ...
iaomw's user avatar
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BRDF for point lights should not return values over 1

This is standard Cook-Torrance BRDF in formulation for a single point light. No intergrals over a hemisphere, just a single direction to a source of incoming energy. $$ L_o = { \bigg ( (1-F) \frac{...
Emil Kabirov's user avatar
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What is wrong with my metallic PBR shader?

I feel like my light conservation math isn't correct, but I am not sure which part is wrong. Is reflected light supposed to influence the diffuse light? Does metalness only affect the reflected ...
zoran404's user avatar
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How to handle negative reflection directions in raytracing?

I got a function that generates samples from a GGX visible normal distribution function. When I use it to calculate reflection directions obviously some of these intersect with the surface agin (...
noName's user avatar
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Considering a path generated by bidirectional path tracing under a different strategy

Say I have constructed a path, using bidirectional path tracing (BDPT), consisting of a light subpath $y$ with $s=2$ vertices and a camera subpath $z$ with $t=3$ camera vertices. Now I want to ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Scaling of the final image in Metropolis Light Transport

I don't understand why the PBR implementation of Metorpolis Light Transport scales the final image by b / mutationsPerPixel. The authors write: Each Metropolis ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Is casting a shadow ray non-symmetric in pbrt?

According to the description in the book, Scene::IntersectP() "checks for the existence of intersections along the [passed] ray". This operatorion should be ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Distribution of the first vertex on a camera subpath in bidirectional path tracing

Suppose we are sampling camera rays of a perspective camera with a finite aperture. The PBRT implementation of the sampling scheme looks like this: ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Standard ways to create xml scenes for research purposes

I am a newbie in computer graphics and just started working on physically based rendering engines such as Mitsuba. I found it difficult to create my own scenes, that are xml files. To create one, ...
WDC's user avatar
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Multiple Importance Sampling in Bidirectional Path Tracing

I'm trying to understand the computation of the path density described in the book Physically Based Rendering. They assume that a path $$x=(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1})=(q_0,\ldots,q_{s-1},p_{t-1},\ldots,p_0)$$...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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