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One-sample model Multiple Importance Sampling with balance heuristic

Recently I feel a bit confused about one-sample model MIS. One sample model MIS can be found here in Veach 1997. 9.2.4 The one-sample model, and this one-sample model is widely used in the opensource ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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Is the dichromatic model physically based?

lately I have been learning about photometry, and everywhere I look I see a BRDF written according to the "dichromatic model". Roughly speaking: $$\rho= \rho_D+\rho_S \cdot (...)$$ for some $...
Lilla's user avatar
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Path tracing: How to ensure we are sampling a direction vector within the visible hemisphere of a surface?

Given a surface Normal vector of an intersection point, how can one generate a random direction vector that is guaranteed to be in the visible hemisphere? The way I ...
Amir's user avatar
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Multiple Importance Sampling in Bidirectional Path Tracing

I'm trying to understand the computation of the path density described in the book Physically Based Rendering. They assume that a path $$x=(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1})=(q_0,\ldots,q_{s-1},p_{t-1},\ldots,p_0)$$...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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how many watts are in the SPD of the color white?

Please help. I'm trying to implement a ray tracer, going by the PBRT book and got stuck on an issue that I fail to find the answer to. My scenes are made from objects and light sources. From that, I ...
egor's user avatar
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Roughness Remapping

I have been recently exploring physically-based rendering (PBR), but there is one part that still confuses me. I don't quite get roughness remapping, as described in the PBR section on Learn OpenGL. ...
Daniel Kareh's user avatar
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How are Physically Based Rendering Methods Researched?

Recently a question that came to my mind was that How are Physically Based Rendering Techniques researched and developed? Do people just use current equations by physicists or do they create their own?...
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