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United Electrical Local 1043, Stanford Graduate Workers Union

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The United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America Local 1043, Stanford Graduate Workers Union (UE Local 1043-SGWU) represents all Ph.D., Masters (excluding MBA) and J.D. students (as well as students pursuing degree combinations that include Ph.D., Masters (excluding MBA), and J.D.)  enrolled at Stanford University who provide instructional and/or research services for the University in classifications including Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, and Course Assistant, and students on fellowship who provide instructional services.

The following populations are excluded: all other exempt employees (including faculty or staff enrolled using university tuition benefit); students who are not providing research or instructional services for any class listed in Stanford Explore Courses including all other students on fellowship;  all other students (including but not limited to the following students: MBA, DMA, JSD, MD, and undergraduate students (including undergraduates who are conterminously enrolled in graduate program), students not seeking Stanford degrees, and visiting students); office clericals; managers; guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.

For further information, please see the Graduate Student Unionization website.