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Eligibility & Enrollment

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Employee Eligibility

You are eligible for our benefits program if you are scheduled to work in a benefits-eligible position for six months or more (four months or more for bargaining unit employees) and you are a: 

  • Part-time employee working between 50 and 74 percent time (FTE)
  • Full-time employee working between 75 and 100 percent time (FTE)

Eligible Family Members

Spouse (including same-sex spouse)You may cover your same-sex or opposite sex spouse if not legally separated.
Registered domestic partner

You may cover your registered same sex or opposite sex domestic partner if your partnership is registered with any State or municipal entity.  You may also register with the State of California even if you do not live in California.

Visit the California Domestic Partners Registry for more information. Download California's Declaration of Domestic Partnership form

Children up to age 26Including dependents, stepchildren, legally adopted children, children for whom you are the legal guardian, foster children, children placed with you for adoption,  children of your registered domestic partner who depend on you for support and live with you in a regular parent/child relationship. Siblings cannot be covered.
Court orderedChild for whom the court has issued a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)
Disabled Children over age 26If unmarried and dependent on you for primary financial support and maintenance due to a physical or mental disability and incapable of self-support at or before age 26. Your medical plan is responsible for certifying the child’s disability status. If you have questions about the process please contact them directly. If you are only covering your child on the dental or vision plans please contact the University HR Service Team.

Learn how to certify your dependents for benefits coverage

Does your spouse or domestic partner work at Stanford?

You may not elect coverage as an employee and also receive coverage as the dependent of another Stanford employee or retiree. Only one university-employed parent may cover eligible dependent children.

How to Enroll for Your Benefits

You have 31 days from your hire date to complete the enrollment process for health benefits. You and your dependents are not covered by any of Stanford’s plans until you enroll.

If you do not elect your health benefits within 31 days of your hire date, you will be automatically assigned limited benefits for yourself only until the next open enrollment period, or until you have a qualified life event change.

1. Login to the My Benefits portal

My Benefits is the tool for managing all your health and life benefits.

Employee Login

2. Print your confirmation statement after you finish enrolling