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Cardinal at Work Cares for Teams represents an opportunity for teams to strengthen connection and belonging within workgroups and to provide team members with a meaningful way to give back.

There will be two opportunities for teams to apply for funded group volunteer activities each year, one in the winter and one in the spring. Prior to the launch of each cycle, parameters for eligible groups will be communicated, and you will be notified if your group is selected for an application cycle. 

The parameters for the next application cycle will be communicated in the fall of 2024. 

If you have questions about your eligibility or the application process, please contact

Partnership with HandsOn Bay Area (HOBA)

Cardinal at Work Cares for Teams volunteer opportunities and projects are sourced by HOBA. This non-profit organization connects companies and people with high-quality volunteer projects through an extensive network of local Bay Area nonprofits and schools.

Possible activities

There are two basic types of projects your team can engage in – customized group volunteer activities and “project-in-a-box” activities. Here are a few examples of each type.

Group volunteer activities

Off-site projects designed to take 2-6 hours, not including travel time

  • Local, organic food gardens for people in need 
  • Supporting food pantries
  • Park rehabilitation
  • Recycling projects
  • School makeovers
  • Donation processing
  • Career readiness
  • Shelter improvements
  • Environmental restoration
  • Education/STEM projects
  • Health and wellness projects
  • Interested in something else? It may be possible to craft your own project.


Projects of about one hour in duration that may be done on-site or remotely

  • Assembling herb garden kits for people in need
  • Sewing onesies for newborns 
  • Making superhero capes for underserved youth
  • Creating stuffed animals for local hospitals and shelters 
  • Constructing wellness journals for people in need
  • Making blankets for people experiencing homelessness 

Although food expenses are not covered, you are welcome to work with HOBA to incorporate lunch into your schedule. You should plan to purchase any food items using your departmental PCard. 

The next application cycle begins in Jan. 2025. See how to apply