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No Normal Output of the Bump Node

I want to use the "Normal" or "Reflection" output from the Texture Coordinate Node. If I do so, the Bump node does not display any normal data. As You can see, the bump node should ...
Marius's user avatar
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How to animate the position of a material along the "mesh line"

I want to create the effect of current flowing through cables. I want the current to flow over several curves from the beginning to the end of the cable. I created a material with a mix shader and set ...
user123511's user avatar
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I want to make Voronoi type Cells go from 0-1 in UV space: so I can run a gradient through each cell individually. i.e. each cell runs from 0-1

Main issue: I have a cell like mask that I made on this texture. I want a gradient to run through each cell individually. I'm not sure if I can make cells into attributes or something and pass that ...
WessyWes's user avatar
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Rectangular to cylindrical coordinates with volume material

I'm trying to create a volume material which consists of several rings that pulse outwards. I have a solution with a cylinder. It consists of a wave texture of rings along the x axis, where the phase ...
Erik's user avatar
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Hexagonal Voronoi texture 2

The picture below is from a two-year-old answer about creating a hexagonal Voronoi texture. The YouTube video that showed how that texture was created is no longer there. Can anyone tell me how that ...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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3D procedural material workflow

I’m a product designer getting into blender to do product renders and animations and being having issues with procedural materials workflow. I recently bought Lance Phans’s wood shader and have been ...
Maroleiro's user avatar
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Shape Burst Gradient / 2D SDF in Shader Editor

I've been looking to create a 2D SDF effect in Blender's Shader Editor, but trying to research this only shows 3D SDF content which makes it difficult to find answers. Photoshop can create the desired ...
KitOaken's user avatar
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How to mask texture with normal?

On the following screenshot, the black region on the torus is controlled by the normal on the Principled BSDF. Now in Cycles rendering, I want the blue dots to only appear within the black region on ...
Blender Lake's user avatar
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How to create textures with offsets from mesh edge?

I have the outline of a building that, when intersected by a Boolean, I want to show the interior texture with several layers of materials. This would show a layer of plaster, a layer of brick, and a ...
ATB123's user avatar
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Texture Coordiante - Object not working with linked file/asset

i'm having an issue when linking an object from one file to another. The shader it's using has a Texture Coordinate - Object in use. In the source file the Coordinate moves with its Parent, however ...
Chris's user avatar
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seamless circular coordinates

I want a coordinate system that is kind of radial/circular and it should have no visible border, mirroring or repetition of any kind. I did my best to search, but only found a few things about polar ...
The Kalaakaar's user avatar
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How to use the contact area between the instance and the mother object as texture coordinate in shader?

Goal The yellow color should only appear within the area where the water droplets contact the purple wall. Consequently, the wall area outside of the water droplets should be purple; and the wall area ...
Blender Lake's user avatar
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Only vertical part of a grid texture is showing?

I'm trying to texture something with a metal bar texture, but only the vertical stripes appear on the plane I'm applying the material to. Images are below: The image I'm trying to apply The result: ...
Ethan Blesch's user avatar
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Controlling color ramp/wave texture to flow along the body and limbs of an animal

Does anyone have any suggestions for recreating this rainbow stripe effect with shader nodes? (image below) I've been trying to control a wave texture and color ramp with the object coordinates of a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to normalize distances of each voronoi cell?

this is the default distance output of a voronoi texture, 3D/F1/Euclidean I would like the distance to be normalized for each cell, meaning that the centers of all cells should be black & fade to ...
Fox's user avatar
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Is it possible to control particles with shader's texture?

I have this shader where gradient goes through an object and changing its color to red. I control this animation with an empty. I would like to add particles to the yellow part. Is it somehow possible ...
Firefly's user avatar
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How to fix shader warping and stretching on uv sphere

I'm learning procedurally generated shaders, and have a few questions related to Object/uv coordinates. I'm having some problems with stretching and an obvious seem. I've been messing around with this ...
rtwhite's user avatar
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Adjust mapping of displacement texture in EEVEE?

Because EEVEE requires the use of the displacement modifier rather than the displacement channel in the shader editor, is there a way to properly adjust the corresponding height map in parallel to the ...
Sandberg's user avatar
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Procedural Chrono Trigger portal

I'm working on a project and I stumbled upon a problem, to make things short, I have to make a procedural portal with the Chrono Trigger style. My approach was using a wave texture with polar ...
Throndronis's user avatar
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Question about Shading

I'm new to this website and i am new to Blender 3d so i have a question about shading. Right now i am making an object and i am trying to tune in with the shading by adding some Texture and etc right ...
Vincent Thamrin's user avatar
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Having a material reveal itself along the object's path? -- For Lightning

Hello. I'm attempting lightning in Blender using Eevee. Referencing a video on Youtube, I created the material shader for the lightning bolt. In it, I am supposed to be able to create the "strike&...
Strangeland's user avatar
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Texture coordinate isn't working as desired when shading distributed plane with icospheres using geometry nodes

I'm trying to create an animation using a plane distributed with icospheres that is affected by another shape using the proximity attribute in geometry nodes. Now the problem is when I use a texture ...
Kenji Bailly's user avatar
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Look up vertex' attributes, given a 3D texture position (in shader nodes)

Is there a way to access the (possibly interpolated) vertex attribute of the closest vertices in a shader node, given a 3D position? In a CPU-based program, I'd use a k-d tree and search for the ...
Germanunkol's user avatar
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Procedural tile texture with different column width and tile lengths

I'm quite new to textures in Blender and still trying to understand how to create procedural textures using nodes. I'd like to create an approximation of these tiles. There are three column widths, a ...
georgehickey's user avatar
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Shadow culling in shader for uv projected texture

I'm trying to make a projection using the uv project modifier : But I would like to project only once (don't re-project behind at the place where it should be shadow) Would it be possible to use a ...
softyoda yoann's user avatar
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How do I custom set the origin when use the mapping node?

I'm going to use the mapping node to rotate my X-mark texture. However, the origin isn't centered on the X-mark. How do I custom set the origin when I use mapping nodes? Test Chris's Answer The ...
J. SungHoon's user avatar
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How to set up Vector for a radial Voronoi Texture without a Texture Seam

does anybody know of a way to make a similar looking texture that scales from the centre outwards without having a seam (see picture)? anything that produces a texture of some kind of cones that ...
Mofoni's user avatar
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OSL Texture Mapping [duplicate]

I'm new to OSL and Blender. I'm using the following code to generate a circle on a plane. The plane, however, appears to be split into two triangles. Can anyone explain how to fix this so my OSL ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the difference between "Generated" and "Normal" texture coordinates?

I cannot understand from the documentation the difference in the Texture Coordinate node (in Shader) between Generated and Normal, and even the purpose of the Texture Coordinate node itself, which I ...
user3357120's user avatar
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How can I create procedural tiles with uniquely seeded textures for each one? [Updated]

My goal with this experiment was to create a procedurally tiling floor where each tile is unique. After messing around for a while, this is what I came up with: Result: I was really pleased, until I ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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Weird texture rotation

Why is the texture rotated, even tho all values are unchanged? Is there a known bug with these nodes I used? This happens with every newly added cube and even if the nodes are added from scratch.
Tim Ott's user avatar
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Cubemap projection onto a sphere

I need to be able to generate texture coordinates on a sphere for cubemaps textures. But somehow I seem to fail in Blender to accomplish this. See the image below as example cubemap. I am able to map ...
null's user avatar
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How can I map a texture node, using a factor similar to pointiness, when the mesh edges are too rounded?

I'll try to clarify. I have a guitar body mesh. I want the front & back to have a lighter wood texture. I want the sides to have the same texture, but stained darker. Here's the tricky part: ...
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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Shader that always faces the camera [duplicate]

Using the Texture Coordinate node, the Camera output almost does it, but there are some weird seams that form: . The Window output works better, but it squishes it based on the width height ratio. ...
GorangeNinja's user avatar
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Change color by radius

So I am currently working on a CAD rendering and decided to give Blender a try instead of Keyshot. One part is a black ring with engraved writing (silver/white) on it (in the mesh since it is a stl ...
B G's user avatar
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Texture aspect ratio independant of scene aspect ratio

I'm experimenting with making a shader that looks like linework and colouring on paper. As part of this I'm trying to apply a repeating texture map to give the base paper look to everything in my ...
GordonM's user avatar
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How to convert a world generated Texture Coordinate into Object Texture Coordinate

In the material shader editor, one can use a Texture Coordinate from the Input, like generated, UV, object, etc. For example the object texture coordinate,the main benefit is that it will allow you ...
Skelly Astronaut's user avatar
11 votes
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How To Do UV Indexing in hexagonal pattern?

how to do uv indexing like this procedurally? i wanna make some shader that can pixelate image but with hexagonal.
Baybaypras's user avatar
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Procedural texture is stretching thin

I'm really struggling to make this for someone before Christmas and as much as I'd love to learn it all before then, I'm struggling ridiculously hard with getting textures down. I found a procedural ...
shadew's user avatar
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texture mapping without texture being mirrored on other side of object

I have a cylinder I want to map a texture to. To specify the location of the texture I use an empty. In the material node editor I then use the object function of the texture coordinate node and ...
Dominik's user avatar
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World Space Texture Setup

I am quite new to shaders in blender and don't know how most things work, but knowing texturing is the needed basics that I must know. How do I create a world space texture that doesn't depend on any ...
Sazails's user avatar
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noise texture Projecting outward from center point

While usinging shader nodes, I am trying to make a noise texture on a plane, start from the middle and project radially so when I shrink the necessary xyz, I can turn the noise into lines.
Nick Sieben's user avatar
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Create smooth vertical gradient with Emission shader and Diffuse shader

I am a absolute blender beginner. Today I created my first scene which was exactly what I wanted to achieve, but then I Ctrl+A to re-scale everything and added a ...
ho.s's user avatar
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Replace texture coordinate "Reflection"

I'm working on an eye shader. It renders quickly, firefly-less and looks fairly good, but I hit a roadblock and could use some help here. The eye uses a single sphere instead of being broken into ...
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