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Yes. A 10MB Personal Web Page (PWP) is available to all BellSouth Internet Services customers. Customers must register in order to setup a PWP. You will get a distinct username and password that is different from your standard BellSouth username and password used for logging on and email.

There are two distinct types of PWPs:
    Template Pages - Website is in an easy to use template format where you simply choose the style you want and input your personalized information into a given field. The template software creates the page with your information and there are hundreds of designs and tools are available.

    FTP Pages - Website is created and designed by the customer or third party. The website is then uploaded to an FTP server where it displays the customer created website to the world. The FTP address format is »ftp://username:password@home.b ··· outh.net

Some helpful links:
  • PWP Registration Page
  • Initial PWP Setup
  • Template Format FAQ
  • FTP Format FAQ
  • FTP Troubleshooting Guide
    Andy Houtz DSL

  • Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
    • These links: PWP Registration Page and Initial PWP Setup send me to a page which does not contain contain any of this info. The link: Template Format FAQ no longer exists. I want to revise my bell south web page. Where can I get help? Hendrik van Dorsten hvand@bellsouth.net

      2009-11-05 15:40:47

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    by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2006-12-21 23:58:59