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Important Note:
BellSouth's advertised speeds are in bits not bytes. Click here for more information about the differences between a bit and byte. Current plans have the following download speeds:
Lite is 768 kilobits or 96 kilobytes
Ultra is 1472 kilobits or 184 kilobytes
Extreme 3.0 is 3000 kilobits or 375 kilobytes
Extreme 6.0 is 6000 kilobits or 750 kilobytes

Bit to Byte Calculations:
You can divide your speed (kilobits) by 8 to get your kilobytes or use this handy calculator tool for converting these measurements.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Looks like this is outdated? I just checked ATT @ http://www.bellsouth.com/consumer/inetsrvcs/index.html Which has the following: DSL Extreme 6.0 Downstream/Upstream Maximum 6 Mbps/512 Kbps DSL Extreme 3 Mbps/384 Kbps DSL Ultra 1.5 Mbps/256 Kbps DSL Lite 768 Kbps/128 Kbps

    2009-02-19 03:42:35 (Slolearner See Profile)

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by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-02-19 08:43:01