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DSLReports FAQs

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Broadband Technology

Cable Modems and Wiring Issues
What is a ground block?

How does teamplay Starcraft/battle.net and NAT work?

File Sharing FAQ
What about filters?

Software Forum Member Choice
(Archived) Preferred Instant Messaging Clients - 2006 Member Choice


Site FAQ
How do I find out about changes to the site?

Tools FAQ
How to create/edit Network description


All things Macintosh
How do I share my broadband connection with a router?

Cisco Forum FAQ
The best way to configure Cisco equipments

Hardware Forum FAQ
Optimize your bios setup

Should I run a software firewall behind my NAT router?

The Broadband Reports Windows XP FAQ
How do I force Windows XP to use NetBEUI for File and Printer Sharing?

Forum Team


AT&T Midwest/Ameritech FAQ
How do I configure my MTA (Postfix, Sendmail) to use the new Yahoo SMTP servers?

AT&T Southeast Forum FAQ
Splitter, DSL/POTS ? Where can I get one?

EarthLink DSL FAQ
What are some common household items that may cause interference with your DSL?

Primus TalkBroadband VoIP FAQ
Test the ATA using another BROADBAND connection

Verizon DSL FAQ
How do I reach my CO directly?

Verizon FiOS FAQ
What will happen to my existing DSL & Copper Phone service?