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If you currently have internet service with another ISP, please reference this FAQ.

Q. How do I contact FastAccess?
A. 1-888-321-2375. In the first option menu choose option 1 if you are business, or option 2 if you are residential.
In the second option menu:
1 - Sales
2 - Technical Support
3 - Customer Service
4 - Billing

Q. What is the best way to order FastAccess DSL?
A. You can order through your telephone company, call FastAccess Sales, or order via the web at www.fastaccess.com
Ordering on the web holds the benefit sometimes of added promotional offers. You are also ensured that the correct information is placed on the order.
No matter how you place your order, be absolutely sure that you give correct and usable contact information. Give at least two telephone numbers and a valid email address that you check often. The most common reason DSL orders get cancelled is because Customer Service cannot get in contact with the customer. If you get an email that states you need to call FastAccess, do it! If you get a letter that states you have ten days to contact FastAccess or your order will be cancelled, call immediately.

Q. I just got a message/email/letter from Bellsouth FastAccess saying I need to contact my telephone company. Aren't you all one and the same?
A. No. FastAccess is part of Bellsouth Internet Services. Due to federal mandates, Bellsouth Telecommunications is run as a separate entity. There are also laws and regulations regarding proprietary information that disallows FastAccess from getting certain phone company information, which is why FastAccess may need the customer to call their telephone service provider to get issues resolved so the DSL order can be processed.

Q. What modem should I get? Can I get a router? Static IP address?
A. Currently, the modem that is shipping for FastAccess service is the Westell Wirespeed 2100. It can connect to the computer via USB or ethernet. FastAccess also offers the 2Wire Home Portal for those who wish to have a supported home networking option. Business customers can get either the Westell modem or the Cayman 3220H router. At this time, only business customers can get static IP addresses.

Q. How does the DSL get installed?
A. You can opt for either self-install or professional install, unless you are getting the 2Wire Home Portal. Currently, that piece of equipment is not eligible for pro install. Help desk support is available 24/7/365 for assistance with self-install. Business customers also can now self-install or have a pro install of either the Westell modem or the Cayman router.

Q. Which should I choose? Modem or router? USB or ethernet? Self-install or professional?
A. A call to Technical Support can help answer those questions. It is really dependent on what you what to do and what kind of computer you have. Those with more than one computer will have different needs than those with only one. And different skill and confidence levels can also make a difference. Keep in mind that Sales reps are Sales reps. They only have a basic knowledge if the technical aspects of DSL service and equipment. Tech support will be able to help you sort out your options and get the equipment best suited to you and your needs. www.fastaccess.com also has some useful information, and of course, the Bellsouth forum at DSLReports.com cannot be beat for all kinds of info.

Q. What happens with my order after I place it?
A. If you are ordering for an established telephone number, the order goes into a database at FastAccess. It queries records at the telephone company to verify that the telephone number and address match and the billing information is correct, and that all telephone service orders are complete. Then it submits a request to engineering for qualification and provisioning. (Provisioning is provided by the telephone company. DSL Engineering is a special group within the phone company that does this part of the DSL service.) Engineering then returns a result to FA - the order will be processing, rejected or pending facility.
At the same time, a user account is created. This is the log in name and email address that you will use with FastAccess. It also ties your DSL provisioning to your FastAccess billing account. You can use this account almost immediately. Go to https://www5.bellsouth.net/AILogin.shtml and log in to your account with the user name and password you created when you ordered FastAccess. There you can do such things as change your passwords and authentication phrase, add email mailboxes and aliases, and activate your personal web space, etc. Choose your primary log in name carefully and wisely! It can be difficult and expensive to change it later on.

Q. What if I am just getting new telephone service, or I have just moved and ordered DSL at the same time?
A. In these cases, the FastAccess database will hold the order in a 'pending submit' status. The system will hold on to the order until 3 days after the due date for the telephone service order. On day 3, it will query the telephone databases and if all is good there, the order submits to engineering. However, if the telephone service order due date has been delayed, the DSL order will not submit until it has been complete for 3 days. Not just dial tone active on the line, but the service order itself must be complete. If there are delays of this nature that you do not understand, call your local telephone business office to find out what is going on.

Q. Why did my order get rejected?
A. Orders are rejected for a number of reasons. Most common is that the telephone service order is not yet complete. If telephone service was just recently established there may be a part of the service order that is still open or has re-opened, such as a new service added to the line. The second most common reason for rejected orders is Service Conflict. This can be a service on the telephone line that makes it incompatible with DSL, or engineering cannot get access to the telephone lines to provision DSL. In this situation, you would need to call your local telephone provider business office to find out what it is that is causing this situation. Other reasons for rejected orders include address-mismatch, DSL is already on the line, there is another pending order for DSL from another provider, and non-working telephone number.

Q. What is Pending Facility?
A. This is a catch-all term that basically means your DSL is on back-order. It's there, but not available to you yet. There may not be an available pair to connect your line to the DSL circuit, or the facility (DSLAM) has not yet been completely built, either in the Central Office or the remote facility.

Q. How long does it take for a DSL order to process?
A. In the most perfect of all perfect worlds, 3 business days. Average is 7-10 business days.

Q. I am going to self-install. When will I get my modem?
A. Normally, modems ship out the day the DSL order completes, sometimes the day before. The rest is up to UPS/FedEx/USPS.

Q. My order completed a week ago and no modem! What do I do?
A. Call Customer Service. They can check into it for you.

Q. I've requested a professional installation. When will that be done?
A. Typically, the same day your DSL order is due to complete. In the case of business router installations, it must be the day after or later. Be sure to make note of the installation date and time so you will be there when the installer arrives. He or she will need access to your computer and the NID (Network Interface Device) in order to complete the install.

Q. Who can I call to get my DSL order pushed up?
A. It is strongly recommended that you do not attempt this. The orders flow through the system automatically. Any attempts to fiddle with this process is asking for trouble, either immediately with the order process, or down the line with billing, modem shipment or authentication issues. Try to be patient. However, if you absolutely must get DSL sooner, you can try to call Customer Service and ask for your order to be pushed up. Even so, there are no guarantees that it will be possible.

Q. Why did my order get cancelled?
A. Number one reason is due to not being able to contact you if there is a need to verify information on your account, as discussed in the first question. Engineering will also cancel order if the telephone number does not qualify, or if it will be in a Pending Facility status for a long period of time - usually orders holding for facilities over 30days get cancelled by the ILEC. FastAccess will make every effort to contact you should this happen, and explain the reasons.

Q. I've had FastAccess DSL for awhile now, but I am moving. How can I get DSL at my new home?
A. When you call the telephone company to move your telephone service, be sure to tell them you have DSL as well.

Q. I'm moving and keeping the same telephone number.
A. You will be without DSL for a period of 10 to 15 business days. DSL must be disconnected at your old location and re-ordered for your new location. Once the phone service is active and the service order is complete for 3 days, the DSL order will submit to engineering for qualification and provisioning.

Q. I'm moving and getting a new telephone number.
A. You will need to place a whole new order for DSL on the new telephone number. You can keep your old email addresses. Just call Billing and ask to be downgraded to Dial-up service, then when you order on the new number, the user account can be upgraded back to DSL and tied to your new number.

Q. I'm moving soon. How can I be sure I can get DSL in my new home?
A. You can't. You can get a good idea by trying the telephone number of neighbors in the FastAccess qualification web site. If they qualify or already have DSL, it is a good indication that you can get DSL there, but it is no guarantee.

Q. I ordered DSL and I was told I would have to wait a month for it to be activated. I just checked my number on the FastAccess.com site again and it says there is already DSL on my line. Is it really?
A. Yes and no. What it really means is there is already a pending order for DSL on that telephone number in the FastAccess system. Provisioning may or may not be complete.

Q. My phones were just turned on. My next door neighbors on both sides have DSL, and the previous occupant here had DSL, but the site says FastAccess is not available for my telephone number?
A. Wait. Check again tomorrow. And the next day, and the next, until it says, "Congratulations!" Your telephone order must be complete for at least 3 business days before you can pre-qualify for and order DSL.

Q. What else should I know about ordering FastAccess DSL?
A. All good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue.
Also, once you place your order, do NOT change anything on your telephone service until your DSL is up and running. That can delay your DSL order or even get the order rejected. Even then, certain services added to a line that has DSL can cause disconnection.
Try not to change anything on your DSL order once it is in the system. This can also cause delays.

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by NetTech$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2003-04-13 09:32:13