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Yes. The service includes 20 hours of backup dial access per month as quoted from the BellSouth FastAccess web page:
    "FastAccess Service also includes access to a back-up BellSouth Internet Service dial-up account. This account may be used while you are traveling or if FastAccess DSL is temporarily interrupted. The back-up dial account provides for 20 hours of usage per month at no additional cost to you. (However, you will be responsible for any long distance or roaming charges that may be incurred for all back-up dial usage.) In the event you use our back-up dial account for more than 20 hours in any month, you agree to pay BellSouth $2.00 for the first hour or fraction thereof in excess of 20 hours and $1.00 per hour for each additional hour or fraction thereof in excess of 21 hours. Billing for usage over 20 hours will not exceed $19.95."

If you require the use of the backup dial access due to a documented problem and must exceed your 20 hour limit please contact the Help Desk for assistance and ask that the additional fee be waived. You must have a documented problem with your FastAccess service before any excess backup charges can be waived or corrected.

  • For a list of the access numbers please reference the BellSouth Dial-up Numbers web page.
  • For information about dial access when traveling please see the Traveling Dial Access FAQ.

    Andy Houtz DSL

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    by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2006-12-21 23:58:20