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WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
“…47 percent of jobs are “at risk”
of being automated in the next 20
Carl Frey and Michael Osborne, Oxford University
“The Future of Employment: How Susceptible
Are Jobs to Computerisation?”
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
Will there really be nothing left for people to do?
Is there really
nothing left for
humans to do?

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Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersPitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others

Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them. We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved! Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to. In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.

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Infographics are awesome, simply because they can capture and hold our attention so well - if done right. The best part is, there are so many great examples out there that we can draw inspiration from. Here are 24 infographic ideas that you can use to create your next beautiful creation.

The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More Customers
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Storytelling is not only an entertaining source for information, but a way to engage and humanize our messages that helps them stick. Our brains are wired for stories. Like a drug, we seek them out. Good stories create lasting emotional connections that persuade, educate, entertain, and convert consumers into brand loyalists. Here’s another good reason to believe in the power of stories: You don't have a goddamn choice. We spend a third of our waking hours crafting stories, and the rest of the time consuming them. Our brains are always searching for stories. You need stories. You live your life around stories. Your life itself is a story. So, now find out how you can use them to better understand how brands and businesses can use storytelling to increase engagement and sales.

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Our global economy has the
mistaken idea that the goal of
technology is to maximize
productivity, even if that means
treating people as a cost to be
That’s a problem
“The people will rise up before
the robots do.”
Andy Macafee
Co-author, The Second
Machine Age
Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy Macafee
We’ve seen this happen before
The weavers of Ned Ludd’s
rebellion couldn’t imagine…

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The Internet is full of articles on „How to succeed“ and „How to build a great company“ But while following those guidelines we often forget that there's a lot you just can't do. Learning from your own mistakes is good, but it's even better when you can learn from the mistakes of others. Everyone's favorite billionaire and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said “Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” Enjoy the slides and a sense of humor is advised.

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Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit SummitHabits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit

Presented at the 2016 Habit Summit at Stanford (see: Merci Victoria Grace leads the Growth team at Slack. Prior to joining Slack, she started a venture-backed game company, designed The Sims Social at Electronic Arts, and worked at a range of consumer, mobile and enterprise startups. Here she shares insights on putting "Habits to Work at Work".

24 Time Management Hacks to Develop for Increased Productivity
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These are some ideas I talk about in my Time Management training sessions. Try to approach each of them and develop in a new habit, in order to increase your productivity and manage your time better. Don't forget to share if you find them useful!

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They couldn’t imagine…
What is our failure of imagination?
It isn’t technology that wants to eliminate jobs
“Technology is the solution to
human problems. We won’t
run out of work till we run
out of problems.”
Nick Hanauer
Some global grand challenges
technology can help us to solve
• Climate change.
• Rebuilding and rethinking the infrastructure by which we deliver water,
power, goods, and services like healthcare.
• Dealing with the “demographic inversion” — the lengthening lifespans
of the old and the smaller number of young workers to pay into the
social systems that support them.
• Income inequality.
• Displaced people. How could we use technology to create the
infrastructure for whole new cities, factories, and farms, so people
could be settlers, not refugees?

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25 stats—13 positive, 12 negative—that reflect the marketing world, including content marketing, social media, email newsletters, analytics, blogging, digital video, and more. Keep these stats in mind when crafting your marketing strategy.

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10 Things your Audience Hates About your Presentation
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See it with animations! It’s impossible to win over an audience with a bad presentation. You might have the next big thing, but if your presentation falls flat, then so will your idea. While every audience is different, there are some universal cringe-worthy presentation mistakes that are all too common. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned presenter, you should always avoid this list of top 10 things your audience hates. Are you committing any of these 10 fatal presentation sins? For more presentation help, visit

10 Steps great leaders take when things go wrong
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10 Steps great leaders take when things go wrong

The document outlines 10 steps that great leaders take when things go wrong: 1) Accept that failure is inevitable. 2) Confront failure by reflecting on mistakes. 3) Be vulnerable by openly admitting mistakes. 4) Fail forward by changing perspectives and learning from failures. 5) Recover fast by helping people understand problems and providing solutions. 6) Fight back by rising above failure and looking for opportunities. 7) Make tough choices by deciding whether to abandon or continue with mistakes. 8) Realize their responsibility to influence others positively. 9) Take one for the team by supporting risky decisions. 10) Know when to take a step back to reflect on lessons learned.

career adviceleadershipadviceleadership development
The use of automation by business to reduce labor costs and increase
profits is a social and political choice, not an economic law!
The March of Progress
But not everyone is equally happy
Fitness Landscapes
The way in which genes contribute
to the survival of an organism can
be viewed as a landscape of peaks
and valleys.
Through a series of experiments,
organisms evolve towards fitness
peaks, adapted to a particular
environment, or they die out.
Image source:

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To Learn more about Presentations go to:

business presentationsbusiness presentation companiespresentation tips
Fitness landscapes are dynamic
When conditions are stable, a
population chooses one fitness
peak and stays there.
But when conditions change
rapidly, populations must migrate
to a new fitness peak.
Local Maxima
Once you are on a peak, it’s
hard to get to another one,
even if it’s higher. You have
to go back down. It may be
easier to get to the top if you
are already starting from a
valley floor.
Technology also has a fitness landscape
In my career, I’ve watched
a number of migrations to
new peaks, and I’d like to
share with you some
observations about what
happened, and why. And
then we’ll talk about some
lessons for digitalization of
the overall economy.
Big Data
Big Data
Tim Berners-Lee, 1990
The World Wide Web
Linus Torvalds, 1991

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What the F**k is Social Media NOW?
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What the F**k is Social Media NOW?

The document discusses the growth and impact of social media. Some key points made include: - Social media usage, especially on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr has grown tremendously in recent years in terms of time spent, content shared, and number of users. - Many large brands and organizations, including governments and the military, are actively using social media for marketing, outreach, and sharing information. - Younger generations are leading the transition to digital and social media usage that will continue to shape future media habits.

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Strong but wrong
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We all know that incredible outcomes are only ever the result of brave choices. But being brave means giving yourself room to fail. Fail spectacularly and fail often. And for that failure to not be the kind of thing you lose your job over. Which means you need to build room for mistakes into your process so you can fail forwards, keep being brave, and make some exceptional stuff as a result.

content marketing
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
What is the result?
Voters are moving away from the
fitness peak of the neoliberal
consensus. We don’t know yet
where that new fitness peak will
be, but the migration is telling us
loud and clear that the economy
needs some fresh thinking.
Yes, things are changing.
But one thing doesn’t change.
A successful ecosystem creates
opportunity for everyone, not just
a few.
We will create the economy of the
future when we remember that the
function of technology is to empower
people to do things that were
previously impossible!

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This document provides tips for creating engaging slide decks on SlideShare that garner many views. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity when creating each slide, using compelling images and headlines, and including calls to action throughout. It also suggests experimenting with sharing techniques and doing so in waves to build momentum. The goal is to create decks that are optimized for sharing and spread across multiple channels over time.

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Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress. In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition. Officevibe put together some incredible statistics about employee recognition. Read more on Officevibe blog: Learn more about Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace: Follow us on Facebook:

How to Master Difficult Conversations at Work – Leader’s Guide
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Confrontation and having difficult conversations with employees is one of the hardest jobs of a leader. Learn how to approach them using the GROW acronym: G is for Goals Start every difficult conversation by stating its purpose R is for Reality State the reality of how the person is performing or how he or she is behaving. O is for Options Lay out a few options to help this person improve. W is for Willingness Ask this person what they would do and give them time to respond Here's the full article about it: Let us know how you approach difficult conversations!

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Government statistics, economic modeling, and
regulations are too slow for the pace and scale of
the modern world
“Would you cross the street with
information that was five seconds old?”
Jeff Jonas,
IBM Fellow
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
Users post 7 billion pieces of
content to Facebook a day.
Expecting human fact checkers to
catch fake news is like asking
workers to build a modern city
with only picks and shovels.
At internet scale, we now rely
increasingly on algorithms to
manage what we see and believe.
This is why Mark Zuckerberg tells his team
“Move fast and break things.”
Mark Zuckerberg

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“Build, Measure, Learn.”
Eric Ries,
The Lean Startup
Every day, they are inspecting the
performance of their workers and
giving them instruction (in the form of
code) about how to do a better job
In digital systems, the workers are programs,
and software engineers are their managers
“This isn’t just how we should be
developing software. It’s how we should be
developing policy.”
Cecilia Muñoz,
Director, White House
Domestic Policy Council
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14 tips for Entrepreneurs how they can develop from an idea the Right Thing. The Right is being loved by your customers, gives meaning to you and employees and is profitable. Finding and later doing the Right Thing is an agile and iterative learning journey. With these 14 tips you can profit from the experience of successful entrepreneurs since you do not have to experience and fail by yourself. Hopefully, the slide deck helps other entrepreneurs.

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Josh Bersin
“We have to go from apps to ops.”
Jennifer Pahlka
Code for America
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“The smartphone is becoming a remote
control for real life.”
Matt Cohler,
Benchmark Partners
“Uber is a lesson in building for how the
world should work instead of optimizing for
how the world does work.”
Aaron Levie,
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  • 2. “…47 percent of jobs are “at risk” of being automated in the next 20 years.” Carl Frey and Michael Osborne, Oxford University “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation?”
  • 4. Will there really be nothing left for people to do? Is there really nothing left for humans to do?
  • 5. Our global economy has the mistaken idea that the goal of technology is to maximize productivity, even if that means treating people as a cost to be eliminated.
  • 6. That’s a problem “The people will rise up before the robots do.” Andy Macafee Co-author, The Second Machine Age Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy Macafee
  • 7. We’ve seen this happen before
  • 8. The weavers of Ned Ludd’s rebellion couldn’t imagine…
  • 10. What is our failure of imagination?
  • 11. It isn’t technology that wants to eliminate jobs “Technology is the solution to human problems. We won’t run out of work till we run out of problems.” Nick Hanauer
  • 12. Some global grand challenges technology can help us to solve • Climate change. • Rebuilding and rethinking the infrastructure by which we deliver water, power, goods, and services like healthcare. • Dealing with the “demographic inversion” — the lengthening lifespans of the old and the smaller number of young workers to pay into the social systems that support them. • Income inequality. • Displaced people. How could we use technology to create the infrastructure for whole new cities, factories, and farms, so people could be settlers, not refugees?
  • 13. The use of automation by business to reduce labor costs and increase profits is a social and political choice, not an economic law!
  • 14. The March of Progress
  • 15. But not everyone is equally happy
  • 16. Fitness Landscapes The way in which genes contribute to the survival of an organism can be viewed as a landscape of peaks and valleys. Through a series of experiments, organisms evolve towards fitness peaks, adapted to a particular environment, or they die out. Image source:
  • 17. Fitness landscapes are dynamic When conditions are stable, a population chooses one fitness peak and stays there. But when conditions change rapidly, populations must migrate to a new fitness peak.
  • 18. Local Maxima Once you are on a peak, it’s hard to get to another one, even if it’s higher. You have to go back down. It may be easier to get to the top if you are already starting from a valley floor.
  • 19. Technology also has a fitness landscape In my career, I’ve watched a number of migrations to new peaks, and I’d like to share with you some observations about what happened, and why. And then we’ll talk about some lessons for digitalization of the overall economy. Personal Computer Big Data and AI Smartphones Apple
  • 20. Big Data and AI Tim Berners-Lee, 1990 The World Wide Web Linus Torvalds, 1991 Linux
  • 22. What is the result? Voters are moving away from the fitness peak of the neoliberal consensus. We don’t know yet where that new fitness peak will be, but the migration is telling us loud and clear that the economy needs some fresh thinking.
  • 23. Yes, things are changing. But one thing doesn’t change. A successful ecosystem creates opportunity for everyone, not just a few.
  • 24. We will create the economy of the future when we remember that the function of technology is to empower people to do things that were previously impossible!
  • 25. Government statistics, economic modeling, and regulations are too slow for the pace and scale of the modern world “Would you cross the street with information that was five seconds old?” - Jeff Jonas, IBM Fellow
  • 27. Users post 7 billion pieces of content to Facebook a day. Expecting human fact checkers to catch fake news is like asking workers to build a modern city with only picks and shovels. At internet scale, we now rely increasingly on algorithms to manage what we see and believe.
  • 28. This is why Mark Zuckerberg tells his team “Move fast and break things.” - Mark Zuckerberg
  • 29. “Build, Measure, Learn.” Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
  • 30. Every day, they are inspecting the performance of their workers and giving them instruction (in the form of code) about how to do a better job In digital systems, the workers are programs, and software engineers are their managers
  • 31. “This isn’t just how we should be developing software. It’s how we should be developing policy.” Cecilia Muñoz, Director, White House Domestic Policy Council
  • 34. “Doing digital is not the same as being digital.” Josh Bersin Deloitte
  • 35. “We have to go from apps to ops.” Jennifer Pahlka Code for America & USDS
  • 37. “The smartphone is becoming a remote control for real life.” Matt Cohler, Benchmark Partners
  • 38. “Uber is a lesson in building for how the world should work instead of optimizing for how the world does work.” Aaron Levie,