SlideShare a Scribd company logo
most Americans leave their jobs
is that they don’t feel appreciated.
of senior managers view
recognition programs as an
investment rather than 

an expense.
of companies indicated that
their organization features
recognition programs
regularly when recruiting.
41% of companies that use
peer-to-peer recognition have 

seen marked positive increases 

in customer satisfaction.
Companies with strategic
recognition reported a mean
employee turnover rate
lower than retention at
companies without any
recognition program.
Find out what it is
Discover the one perk not on this
list guaranteed to make
employees happier.
Manager’s recognizing
employee performance
increases engagement
by almost
Organizations with
strategic recognition
programs in place exhibit
lower frustration levels
than companies without
recognition programs.
Peer-to-peer is
more likely to have a
positive impact on financial
results than manager-only
When companies spend
1% or more of payroll
on recognition,
see a positive impact 

on engagement.
than in organizations in
which recognition does not
In organizations in which
individual employees or teams
are recognized, results were
Organizations with a strong employee
recognition approach are
more likely to have strong business results.
Organizations with effective
recognition programs had
lower voluntary turnover
than organizations with
ineffective recognition programs.
Discover The State of 

A real-time report on the state of the 10 metrics 

of employee engagement, including recognition.
See The Live Report
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