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Workshop with Apache Camel

Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus)
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Barcelona JUG, january 2014





Try 1st Camel Example


Create new Camel project

Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat


Modify the application and use servlet/restlet


Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat




REST project with Apache CXF-RS
Fabric8 Demo



Maven 3.0.4 (or 3.1.1 most likely works now)


Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans


Apache Camel 2.12.2



Java 7

hawtio 1.2.2




Try 1st Camel Example


Create new Camel project

Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat


Modify the application and use servlet/restlet


Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat



(REST project with Apache CXF-RS)


REST project with Apache CXF-RS



(Create new Java Camel project)

Fabric8 Demo

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Enterprise Integration Patterns with Apache Camel
Enterprise Integration Patterns with Apache CamelEnterprise Integration Patterns with Apache Camel
Enterprise Integration Patterns with Apache Camel

This document discusses Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) using Apache Camel, a Java framework for integration and mediation. It provides an overview of common EIPs like content-based routing, normalization, and the transactional client pattern. It also demonstrates how to implement EIPs like these using the Java and Spring DSLs in Camel. Key features of Camel like components, exchanges, processors and error handling are explained. Tools for working with Camel like Fuse IDE and are also introduced.

eipjavaapache camel
Apache Camel - The integration library
Apache Camel - The integration libraryApache Camel - The integration library
Apache Camel - The integration library

We start with an introduction to what Apache Camel is, and how you can use Camel to make integration much easier. Allowing you to focus on your business logic, rather than low level messaging protocols, and transports. You will hear how Apache Camel is related Enterprise Integration Patterns which you can use in your architectural designs and as well in Java or XML code, running on the JVM with Camel. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. We also take a moment to look at web console tooling that allows you to get insight into your running Apache Camel applications, which has among others visual route diagrams with tracing/debugging and profiling capabilities. In addition to the web tooling we will also show you other tools in the making. This talk was presented at JDKIO on September 13th 2016.

apache camelintegrationopen source
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache CamelDeveloping Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel

Red Hat Microservices Architecture Day - New York, November 2015. Presented by Claus Ibsen. Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as microservices, which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console.

apache camelfabric8kubernetes
Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Extract Apache Camel 2.12.2


Read the readme file and follow instructions

Mind a little bug in Camel 2.12.2 in the camel-stream component.
Is fixed in 2.12.1 and upcoming 2.12.3


Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Exercise 1
Make the example lower case instead!


Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Open example in IDE


IDEA is just open project → locate the pom.xml file

Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Open example in IDE


Eclipse → File → Import … → Existing Maven Project


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Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers

Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers The so-called experts are saying microservices and containers will change the way we build, maintain, operate, and integrate applications. This talk is intended for Java developers who wants to hear and see how you can develop Java microservices that are ready to run in containers. In this talk we will build a set of Java based Microservices that uses a mix of technologies with: - Spring Boot with Apache Camel - Apache Tomcat with Apache Camel You will see how we can build small discrete microservices with these Java technologies and build and deploy on the Kubernets/OpenShift3 container platform. We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Camel EIPs, Netflixx Hysterix, and Ribbon. We will use Zipkin service tracing across all four Java based microservices to provide a visualization of timings and help highlight latency problems in our mesh of microservices. And the self healing and fault tolerant aspects of the Kubernetes/OpenShift3 platform is also discussed and demoed when we let the chaos monkeys loose killing containers. This talk is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo.

dockerapache camelkubernetes
Graph ql subscriptions through the looking glass
Graph ql subscriptions through the looking glassGraph ql subscriptions through the looking glass
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This document summarizes a reflection on GraphQL subscriptions and four GraphQL server implementations on the JVM. It provides an overview of GraphQL and how subscriptions work over websockets. It then evaluates lacinia-pedestal, graphql-spring-boot-starter, graphql-kotlin, and micronaut-graphql in terms of their source, engine used, support for only subscriptions over websockets, and whether they are code or schema first. Performance tests showed average end-to-end latency and throughput of up to 300 new subscriptions/second. The document concludes with questions and future directions for GraphQL subscriptions.

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Google App Engine (GAE) is a popular PaaS offering. Where its scalable and reliable environment is hidden behind a custom API. This makes GAE apps hard to port over to other non-GAE environments. But what if one could implement such similar environment? And you could simply move your GAE application’s .war file to this new environment and it would just work? After all, at the end it’s all about the API, plus scalable and reliable services. JBoss CapeDwarf project aims at making this a reality. This presentation will provide a glimpse into what it takes to implement something as GAE, ranging from runtime integration with JBoss Application Server, actual services implementation to last but not least, automated heavy testing.

jbossgoogle app enginejava
Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Open example in IDE


Select root folder …

Try 1st Apache Camel Example


Edit the source code

Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Run the example from IDE


… type the command which was listed in the readme


Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Run the example from IDE


… type the command which was listed in the readme



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Subscriptions offer a stream of data to be send to clients. How are they implemented on the api, and how do several GraphQL servers compare?

Immutable infrastructure:觀念與實作 (建議)
Immutable infrastructure:觀念與實作 (建議)Immutable infrastructure:觀念與實作 (建議)
Immutable infrastructure:觀念與實作 (建議)

A talk given to JCConf 2015 on 2015/12/05. 在程式設計領域,“immutable objects” 是相當重要的設計模式。同樣��,在虛擬化及雲端時代,“immutable infrastructure” 也成為新一代的顯學。在資源及流程的充分配合下,這將會大大簡化系統的複雜度,穩定性也會大大提升。 本演講將會從觀念出發,並佐以部份實作建議,讓大家有足夠資訊來評估此架構的好處。 Video:

immutable infrastructure
CPAN Workshop, Chicago 2014
CPAN Workshop, Chicago 2014CPAN Workshop, Chicago 2014
CPAN Workshop, Chicago 2014

Upload your first module to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, interact with it in Github, and send and merge pull requests from co-maintainers.

Try 1st Apache Camel Example


The console is within the IDE

Try 1st Apache Camel Example

Run Maven in IDEA

I had to override maven home to 'fix this'





Try 1st Camel Example


Create new Camel project

Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat


Modify the application and use servlet/restlet


Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat


REST project with Apache CXF-RS


Fabric8 Demo


Create a new Camel project

Exercise 2
Create a new Camel Web project,
deployable in Apache Tomcat



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wildflyjbossred hat
Create a new Camel project

Use the Maven Archetype




From the command line

Create a new Camel project

Or from IDE


File → New Project... → New Maven Project

Create a new Camel project

Or from IDE


Filter by Camel and select camel-archetype-web

Create a new Camel project

Build the WAR


… and deploy to Apache Tomcat

.. and start Tomcat
… and see output on console


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gitversion control
Create a new Camel project

Exercise 3
Modify application to listen on HTTP endpoint
and return a response message to client


Create a new Camel project

Add camel-servlet to Maven pom.xml

… add servlet in WEB-INF/web.xml


Create a new Camel project

Add modify Camel route

… build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR

… and try from browser


Create a new Camel project

Modify Camel route to add content based router

… build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR
… and try from browser



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- Perlbrew is a tool for managing multiple perl installations on a system. It allows installing different versions of perl and switching between them. - It isolates perl installations so that installing a new version does not affect existing site libraries or upgrade dependent modules. This avoids conflicts between applications. - Perlbrew provides benefits like not requiring sudo for cpan, easier cleanup of perl environments, and ability to set up isolated perl environments for different applications to avoid incompatible issues.

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Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel
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ActiveMQ is an open source message broker that implements the Java Message Service (JMS) API. It allows applications written in different languages to communicate asynchronously. Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that can be used to build messaging routes between different transports and APIs using a simple domain-specific language. It provides mediation capabilities and supports common integration patterns. Both ActiveMQ and Camel aim to simplify integration between disparate systems through message-based communication.

Create a new Camel project

Exercise 4
Add Content Based Router and return
two different kind of reply messages


Create a new Camel project

Modify Camel route to add content based router

… build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR
… and try from browser


Create a new Camel project

Exercise 5
Install hawtio and browse the route and
see runtime statistics
Try to update the route from hawtio
And try the debugger also.


Create a new Camel project

Download hawtio 1.2.2 default WAR


Copy .war to Apache Tomcat and rename to

And access hawtio from web browser




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Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and KubernetesMicroservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes

Building microservices requires more than just infrastructure, but infrastructure does have a role. In this talk we look at microservices from an enterprise perspective and talk about DDD, Docker, Kubernetes and how established open-source projects in the integration space fits a microservices architecture

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Developing integration microservices using CI/CD with apache camel, open shift,, jenkins, et al.

Introduction to Apache Camel
Introduction to Apache CamelIntroduction to Apache Camel
Introduction to Apache Camel

We start with an introduction to what Apache Camel is, and how you can use Camel to make integration much easier. Allowing you to focus on your business logic, rather than low level messaging protocols, and transports. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. We look into web console tooling that allows you to get insight into your running Apache Camel applications, which has among others visual route diagrams with tracing/debugging and profiling capabilities. In addition to the web tooling we will also show you other tools in the making.

apache camelopen sourceintegration
Create a new Camel project


Update route

Create a new Camel project


Debug route

Create a new Camel project

Exercise 6
Modify application to use restlet for simple
REST service as a Camel route


Create a new Camel project

Add camel-restlet to Maven pom.xml

… and modify route



After deploy to Apache Tomcat try from browser


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Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

SOA to Microservices
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SOA to Microservices

10 yrs ago, SOA promised a lot of the same things Microservices promise use today. So where did we go wrong? What makes microservices different? In this talk, we discussed from an architectural view how we went sideways with SOA, why we must embrace things like Domain Driven Design and scaled-out architectures, and how microservices can be built with enterprises in mind. We also cover a step-by-step, in-depth tutorial that covers these concepts.

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Global Netflix Platform
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Slides from QConSF Nov 19th, 2011 focusing this time on describing the globally distributed and scaled industrial strength Java Platform as a Service that Netflix has built and run on top of AWS and Cassandra. Parts of that platform are being released as open source - Curator, Priam and Astyanax.

Create a new Camel project


Notice we are using port 8081 and not the servlet
container from Apache Tomcat.
To do so see details at





Try 1st Camel Example


Create new Camel project

Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat


Modify the application and use servlet/restlet


Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat


REST project with Apache CXF-RS


Fabric8 Demo


REST project with Apache CXF-RS

REST using pure Apache CXF (no Camel)





Use JAX-RS annotations

REST project with Apache CXF-RS

Setup Apache CXF-RS server


Easier to do in Spring or OSGi Blueprint XML file


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ApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration library

This presentation will demonstrate to developers involved with integration how the Apache Camel project can make your life much easier. We start with an introduction to what Apache Camel is, and how you can use Camel to make integration much easier. Allowing you to focus on your business logic, rather than low level messaging protocols, and transports. You will hear how Apache Camel is related Enterprise Integration Patterns which you can use in your architectural designs and as well in Java or XML code, running on the JVM with Camel. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you.

integrationapache cameleip
Microservices Journey NYC
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Microservices Journey NYC

Christian Posta is a principal middleware specialist and architect who has worked with large microservices architectures. He discusses why companies are moving to microservices and cloud platforms like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He covers characteristics of microservices like small autonomous teams and decentralized decision making. Posta also discusses breaking applications into independent services, shedding dependencies between teams, and using contracts and APIs for communication between services.

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The hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your dataThe hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your data

Microservices architecture is a very powerful way to build scalable systems optimized for speed of change. To do this, we need to build independent, autonomous services which by definition tend to minimize dependencies on other systems. One of the tenants of microservices, and a way to minimize dependencies, is “a service should own its own database”. Unfortunately this is a lot easier said than done. Why? Because: your data. We’ve been dealing with data in information systems for 5 decades so isn’t this a solved problem? Yes and no. A lot of the lessons learned are still very relevant. Traditionally, we application developers have accepted the practice of using relational databases and relying on all of their safety guarantees without question. But as we build services architectures that span more than one database (by design, as with microservices), things get harder. If data about a customer changes in one database, how do we reconcile that with other databases (especially where the data storage may be heterogenous?). For developers focused on the traditional enterprise, not only do we have to try to build fast-changing systems that are surrounded by legacy systems, the domains (finance, insurance, retail, etc) are incredibly complicated. Just copying with Netflix does for microservices may or may not be useful. So how do we develop and reason about the boundaries in our system to reduce complexity in the domain? In this talk, we’ll explore these problems and see how Domain Driven Design helps grapple with the domain complexity. We’ll see how DDD concepts like Entities and Aggregates help reason about boundaries based on use cases and how transactions are affected. Once we can identify our transactional boundaries we can more carefully adjust our needs from the CAP theorem to scale out and achieve truly autonomous systems with strictly ordered eventual consistency. We’ll see how technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Camel and can help build the backbone for these types of systems. We’ll even explore the details of a working example that brings all of this together.

domain driven designspring bootdistributed systems
REST project with Apache CXF-RS

REST using pure camel-cxfrs (with Camel)

Uses route(s) as input


Define API in java interface/class (as if JAX-RS)


Either as interface
Or class implementation with no logic

Two binding modes



Simple (in fact simpler and better)
Sorry at this I didn't have the time to implement
a Camel cxf-rs example for you





Try 1st Camel Example


Create new Camel project

Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat


Modify the application and use servlet/restlet


Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat


REST project with Apache CXF-RS


Fabric8 Demo


Fabric8 Demo

Fabric8 Demo

Follow Getting Started Guide


Start Fabric8


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A Microservice Journey

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Developing Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus Ibsen
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Developing Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus Ibsen

Claus Ibsen's presentation during Red Hat's "Microservices Journey with Apache Camel" events that took place in Atlanta on Oct 4th and Minneapolis on Oct 6th.

red hatmicroservicesapache camel
Fabric8 Demo
Create Fabric
(just use admin/admin for credentials)

… open web browser - http://localhost:8181/


Fabric8 Demo
Switch to Fabric Perspective
Install the camel wiki example
1. Click Configuration
2. Navigate up the tree → example → camel
3. Click wiki


Fabric8 Demo
4. Click the new button
5. Enter a container name
6. And click Create Container
Container being created …


Fabric8 Demo
7. Click container to see its details
8. Click connect button to connect to it

9. And you see the logs of the container



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Fabric8 Demo
7. Click container to see its details
8. Click connect button to connect to it

9. And you see the logs of the container


Fabric8 Demo
10. Close the window and get back to the root container
11. Click on wiki to be able to edit the Camel route

12. Click on camel.xml to
open Camel editor


Fabric8 Demo
13. The editor opens and you can
edit the Camel route
14. Click apply and save to
save changes
15. The container is updated.
Connect to the container to see
the updated changes.


Fabric8 Demo
Install and try the Loan Broker Example

See video how to do that
… and there are more videos here


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Servlets made easy. 
Write once and run everywhere.
Servlets made easy. 
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Write once and run everywhere.
Servlets made easy. 
Write once and run everywhere.

Frank van der Linden / elstar IT Since a few years the Domino server is a real Java server. Which give you plenty of new opportunities, such as real servlets. Get and post data to any database via a Java servlet. Develop once, run everywhere. In this session you will learn what are servlets, how to create a servlet as OSGi plugin. Make use of other plugins projects or third party projects and. Run the servlet on a Domino server and other Java servers, like Websphere Liberty Profile, Tomcat and Wildfly. Last but not least, how to deploy the servlet as OSGi plugin or as jar file or update site to the Domino server.

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brian d foy
Killer Docker Workflows for Development
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Killer Docker Workflows for Development
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Killer Docker Workflows for Development
Dev objective2015 lets git together
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Dev objective2015 lets git together
OSCamp 2019 | #3 Ansible: Automated Tests of Ansible code with GitLab, Vagran...
OSCamp 2019 | #3 Ansible: Automated Tests of Ansible code with GitLab, Vagran...OSCamp 2019 | #3 Ansible: Automated Tests of Ansible code with GitLab, Vagran...
OSCamp 2019 | #3 Ansible: Automated Tests of Ansible code with GitLab, Vagran...

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Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014

  • 1. Workshop with Apache Camel Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus) Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat Barcelona JUG, january 2014 1 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 2. Agenda ● Prerequisite ● Try 1st Camel Example ● Create new Camel project ● Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat ● Modify the application and use servlet/restlet ● Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat ● ● 2 REST project with Apache CXF-RS Fabric8 Demo PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 3. Pre-Requisite ● ● Maven 3.0.4 (or 3.1.1 most likely works now) ● Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans ● Apache Camel 2.12.2 ● 3 Java 7 hawtio 1.2.2 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 4. Agenda ● Prerequisite ● Try 1st Camel Example ● Create new Camel project ● Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat ● Modify the application and use servlet/restlet ● Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat ● ● (REST project with Apache CXF-RS) ● REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● 4 (Create new Java Camel project) Fabric8 Demo PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 5. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Extract Apache Camel 2.12.2 ● Read the readme file and follow instructions Mind a little bug in Camel 2.12.2 in the camel-stream component. Is fixed in 2.12.1 and upcoming 2.12.3 5 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 6. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Exercise 1 Make the example lower case instead! 6 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 7. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Open example in IDE ● 7 IDEA is just open project → locate the pom.xml file PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 8. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Open example in IDE ● 8 Eclipse → File → Import … → Existing Maven Project PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 9. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Open example in IDE ● 9 Select root folder … PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 10. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● 10 Edit the source code src/main/resources/META-INF/ spring/camel-context.xml PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 11. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Run the example from IDE ● … type the command which was listed in the readme 11 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 12. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Run the example from IDE ● … type the command which was listed in the readme 12 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 13. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● 13 The console is within the IDE PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 14. Try 1st Apache Camel Example ● Run Maven in IDEA I had to override maven home to 'fix this' 14 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 15. Agenda ● Prerequisite ● Try 1st Camel Example ● Create new Camel project ● Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat ● Modify the application and use servlet/restlet ● Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat ● REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● Fabric8 Demo 15 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 16. Create a new Camel project ● Exercise 2 Create a new Camel Web project, deployable in Apache Tomcat 16 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 17. Create a new Camel project ● Use the Maven Archetype ● ● 17 camel-archetype-web From the command line PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 18. Create a new Camel project ● Or from IDE ● 18 File → New Project... → New Maven Project PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 19. Create a new Camel project ● Or from IDE ● 19 Filter by Camel and select camel-archetype-web PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 20. Create a new Camel project ● Build the WAR ● … and deploy to Apache Tomcat .. and start Tomcat … and see output on console 20 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 21. Create a new Camel project ● Exercise 3 Modify application to listen on HTTP endpoint and return a response message to client 21 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 22. Create a new Camel project ● Add camel-servlet to Maven pom.xml … add servlet in WEB-INF/web.xml 22 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 23. Create a new Camel project ● Add modify Camel route … build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR … and try from browser 23 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 24. Create a new Camel project ● Modify Camel route to add content based router … build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR … and try from browser 24 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 25. Create a new Camel project ● Exercise 4 Add Content Based Router and return two different kind of reply messages 25 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 26. Create a new Camel project ● Modify Camel route to add content based router … build WAR and deploy to Tomcat by copying WAR … and try from browser 26 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 27. Create a new Camel project ● Exercise 5 Install hawtio and browse the route and see runtime statistics Try to update the route from hawtio And try the debugger also. 27 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 28. Create a new Camel project ● Download hawtio 1.2.2 default WAR ● ● Copy .war to Apache Tomcat and rename to hawtio.war And access hawtio from web browser ● 28 http://localhost:8080/hawtio PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 29. Create a new Camel project ● 29 Update route PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 30. Create a new Camel project ● 30 Debug route PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 31. Create a new Camel project ● Exercise 6 Modify application to use restlet for simple REST service as a Camel route 31 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 32. Create a new Camel project ● Add camel-restlet to Maven pom.xml … and modify route ● 32 After deploy to Apache Tomcat try from browser PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 33. Create a new Camel project ● ● Notice we are using port 8081 and not the servlet container from Apache Tomcat. To do so see details at ● 33 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 34. Agenda ● Prerequisite ● Try 1st Camel Example ● Create new Camel project ● Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat ● Modify the application and use servlet/restlet ● Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat ● REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● Fabric8 Demo 34 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 35. REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● REST using pure Apache CXF (no Camel) ● Example ● ● 35 Use JAX-RS annotations PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 36. REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● Setup Apache CXF-RS server ● 36 Easier to do in Spring or OSGi Blueprint XML file PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 37. REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● REST using pure camel-cxfrs (with Camel) ● Uses route(s) as input ● Define API in java interface/class (as if JAX-RS) ● ● ● Either as interface Or class implementation with no logic Two binding modes ● Default ● Simple (in fact simpler and better) Sorry at this I didn't have the time to implement a Camel cxf-rs example for you 37 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 38. Agenda ● Prerequisite ● Try 1st Camel Example ● Create new Camel project ● Deploy our application to Apache Tomcat ● Modify the application and use servlet/restlet ● Install hawtio in Apache Tomcat ● REST project with Apache CXF-RS ● Fabric8 Demo 38 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 40. Fabric8 Demo ● Follow Getting Started Guide ● Start Fabric8 40 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 41. Fabric8 Demo Create Fabric (just use admin/admin for credentials) … open web browser - http://localhost:8181/ 41 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 42. Fabric8 Demo Switch to Fabric Perspective Install the camel wiki example 1. Click Configuration 2. Navigate up the tree → example → camel 3. Click wiki 42 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 43. Fabric8 Demo 4. Click the new button 5. Enter a container name 6. And click Create Container Container being created … 43 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 44. Fabric8 Demo 7. Click container to see its details 8. Click connect button to connect to it 9. And you see the logs of the container 44 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 45. Fabric8 Demo 7. Click container to see its details 8. Click connect button to connect to it 9. And you see the logs of the container 45 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 46. Fabric8 Demo 10. Close the window and get back to the root container 11. Click on wiki to be able to edit the Camel route 12. Click on camel.xml to open Camel editor 46 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 47. Fabric8 Demo 13. The editor opens and you can edit the Camel route 14. Click apply and save to save changes 15. The container is updated. Connect to the container to see the updated changes. 47 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN
  • 48. Fabric8 Demo Install and try the Loan Broker Example See video how to do that … and there are more videos here 48 PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN