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Microservices with Apache Camel
Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus)
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Your Speaker
Your Speaker
● Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
● Apache Camel
● 7 years working with Camel
● Author of Camel in Action books
● Contact
● E-mail:
● Twitter: @davsclaus
● Blog:
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● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
What is Apache Camel?
● Quote from the website
What is Apache Camel?
● Integration Framework
What is Apache Camel?
● What is Enterprise Integration Patterns?
It's a book
What is Apache Camel?
● Enterprise Integration Patterns
What is Apache Camel?
● EIP - Content Based Router
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
when isWidget to widget
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
when isWidget to widget
otherwise to gadget
What is Apache Camel?
when(isWidget) to(widget)
otherwise to(gadget)
What is Apache Camel?
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
What is Apache Camel?
● Java Code
public void configure() throws Exception {
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
What is Apache Camel?
● Java Code
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.Predicate;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Java DSL
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.when(xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"))
What is Apache Camel?
● Camel XML DSL
<from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>
What is Apache Camel?
● Endpoint as URIs
<from uri="file:inbox/orders"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>
use file instead
What is Apache Camel?
● Endpoint as URIs
<from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>
What is Apache Camel?
● Java DSL is just Java
What is Apache Camel?
● XML DSL is just XML
● … with XSD schema for validation/tooling
What is Apache Camel?
● Camel's Architecture
What is Apache Camel?
150+ Components
What is Apache Camel?
150+ Components
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Running Camel as Microservices
Standalone Web Application
Camel Spring XML Apache Karaf
Camel Spring Boot Wildfly (wildfly-camel)
Camel CDI vert.x (vertx-camel)
Camel Guice Rest DSL
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Camel Microservices
● Apache Karaf
Camel Microservices
● Apache Karaf
Apache Karaf
Camel Microservices
● Apache Karaf
Karaf Features
OSGi Bundles
Apache Karaf
Camel Microservices
● Apache Karaf
Karaf Features
OSGi Bundles
Apache Karaf
Karaf Maven
Camel Microservices
● Apache Karaf
Karaf Features
OSGi Bundles
Apache Karaf
Karaf Maven
Custom Karaf
(with your app)
tar / zip file
Camel Microservices
● Rest DSL
● Use Rest verbs
● Swagger API
● Pluggable Transport
Rest DSL example
Rest DSL example
Rest DSL example
Rest DSL example - add Swagger API
● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Hello Service
● Create the Camel projects
● Docker
● OpenShift v3
● More Information
Demo - Hello Service
Hello Service
Demo - Hello Service
Hello Service
Hi I am New York. Hello Claus how are you today?
Demo - Hello Service
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
Hello Service
Demo - Hello Service
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from servlet
Hello Service
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from servlet
Hello Service
camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● Using Command Shell
● From Eclipse
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● camel-archetype-web
Ready to use
out of the box
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● camel-archetype-cdi
Not ready
We need to change
he code
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● add netty4-http endpoint
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● configure netty4-http endpoint
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● change route to call netty
Demo - Create the Camel Projects
● change bean to return a name
Demo - Overview
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
HTTP 8080
from timer
to http
to log
from http
We are ready to run standalone
Demo - Running Standalone
mvn camel:run
● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Hello Service
● Create the Camel projects
● Docker
● OpenShift v3
● More Information
Camel and Docker
Maven Project
Docker Maven
Docker Image
Add Docker from Command Line
Add Docker from Eclipse / IDEA CMD + ALT
Docker Maven Plugin in pom.xml
Build Docker Containers
● mvn clean install docker:build
Build Docker Containers
● After build images in local Docker repository
● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Hello Service
● Create the Camel projects
● Docker
● OpenShift v3
● More Information
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from servlet
HTTP 8080
is static / hardcoded
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from servlet
What is a Kubernetes Service
● Network Connection to one or more Pods
● Own fixed IP address and port
What is a Kubernetes Service
● kube-proxy on client
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from servlet
Define Kubernetes Service
● Use fabric8
Apache Tomcat
from servlet
Define Kubernetes Service
● Defined in pom.xml in <properties>
Apache Tomcat
from servlet
Container Port = Inside Docker Container
(e.g. the port of Apache Tomcat)
Service Port = Outside
Consumers of Service to use
Name of service
Generated kubernetes.json
Apache Tomcat
from http
Use Kubernetes Services
Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
● Environment Variables
● Hostname
● Port
Injected by Kubernetes
when starting a pod
Camel - Use Kubernetes Service
● Use {{service:name}} in Camel
Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
Microservice Demo - Ready for launch!
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from http
Service defined
Ready to deploy to Kubernetes
Deploy - myweb
● mvn -Pf8-local-deploy
Apache Tomcat
from http
Deploy - camel-archetype-cdi
● mvn -Pf8-local-deploy
Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
fabric8 web console
● http://fabric8.vagrant.f8
OpenShift 3 CLI
● oc get pods
docker CLI is also possible
docker images
docker ps
OpenShift 3 CLI
● oc get services
OpenShift 3 CLI
● oc logs -f <pod-name>
OpenShift 3 CLI
● oc get routes
Scaling up / down
● change controller replicas
Scaling up / down
● Service Load Balancing
● What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Microservices
● Demo
● Hello Service
● Create the Camel projects
● Docker
● OpenShift v3
● More Information
More information
● Apache Camel Microservices
● Fabric8
● chat room #fabric8 on freenode
● Medium Fabric8 (blogs and videos)

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Claus Ibsen
Camel riders in the cloud
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Claus Ibsen
Meetup Melbourne August 2017 - Agile Integration with Apache Camel microservi...
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ApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration libraryApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration library
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Claus Ibsen
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Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Developing Microservices with Apache Camel

  • 1. Microservices with Apache Camel Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus) Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
  • 3. Your Speaker ● Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat ● Apache Camel ● 7 years working with Camel ● Author of Camel in Action books ● Contact ● E-mail: ● Twitter: @davsclaus ● Blog:
  • 5. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 6. What is Apache Camel? ● Quote from the website
  • 7. What is Apache Camel? ● Integration Framework
  • 8. What is Apache Camel? ● What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? It's a book
  • 9. What is Apache Camel? ● Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • 10. What is Apache Camel? ● EIP - Content Based Router
  • 11. What is Apache Camel? from newOrder
  • 12. What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice
  • 13. What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget
  • 14. What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget otherwise to gadget
  • 15. What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) choice when(isWidget) to(widget) otherwise to(gadget)
  • 16. What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 17. What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 18. What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 19. What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 20. What is Apache Camel? ● Java Code public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); }
  • 21. What is Apache Camel? ● Java Code import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.Predicate; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); } }
  • 22. What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Java DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("activemq:queue:newOrder") .choice() .when(xpath("/order/product = 'widget'")) .to("activemq:queue:widget") .otherwise() .to("activemq:queue:gadget") .end(); } }
  • 23. What is Apache Camel? ● Camel XML DSL <route> <from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
  • 24. What is Apache Camel? ● Endpoint as URIs <route> <from uri="file:inbox/orders"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> use file instead
  • 25. What is Apache Camel? ● Endpoint as URIs <route> <from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> parameters
  • 26. What is Apache Camel? ● Java DSL is just Java
  • 27. What is Apache Camel? ● XML DSL is just XML ● … with XSD schema for validation/tooling
  • 28. What is Apache Camel? ● Camel's Architecture
  • 29. What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components
  • 30. What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components
  • 32. +
  • 33. + +
  • 34. + + +
  • 36. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 37. Running Camel as Microservices Standalone Web Application Camel Spring XML Apache Karaf Camel Spring Boot Wildfly (wildfly-camel) Camel CDI vert.x (vertx-camel) Camel Guice Rest DSL
  • 49. Camel Microservices ● Apache Karaf Apache Karaf (boot)
  • 50. Camel Microservices ● Apache Karaf Karaf Features OSGi Bundles Apache Karaf (boot)
  • 51. Camel Microservices ● Apache Karaf Karaf Features OSGi Bundles Apache Karaf (boot) Karaf Maven Plugin
  • 52. Camel Microservices ● Apache Karaf Karaf Features OSGi Bundles Apache Karaf (boot) Karaf Maven Plugin Custom Karaf (with your app) tar / zip file
  • 53. Camel Microservices ● Rest DSL ● Use Rest verbs GET POST PUT ... ● Swagger API ● Pluggable Transport
  • 57. Rest DSL example - add Swagger API
  • 58. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Hello Service ● Create the Camel projects ● Docker ● OpenShift v3 ● More Information
  • 59. Demo - Hello Service Hello Service
  • 60. Demo - Hello Service Hello Service Hi I am New York. Hello Claus how are you today? name=Claus
  • 61. Demo - Hello Service Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP Hello Service
  • 62. Demo - Hello Service Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP from timer to http to log from servlet transform Hello Service
  • 63. Demo - Create the Camel Projects Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP from timer to http to log from servlet transform Hello Service camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
  • 64. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● Using Command Shell ● From Eclipse
  • 65. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● camel-archetype-web Ready to use out of the box
  • 66. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● camel-archetype-cdi Not ready We need to change he code
  • 67. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● add netty4-http endpoint CMD + ALT 4
  • 68. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● configure netty4-http endpoint
  • 69. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● change route to call netty
  • 70. Demo - Create the Camel Projects ● change bean to return a name
  • 71. Demo - Overview ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http transform We are ready to run standalone
  • 72. Demo - Running Standalone mvn camel:run
  • 73. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Hello Service ● Create the Camel projects ● Docker ● OpenShift v3 ● More Information
  • 74. Camel and Docker Maven Project Docker Maven Plugin Docker Image build
  • 75. Add Docker from Command Line
  • 76. Add Docker from Eclipse / IDEA CMD + ALT 4
  • 77. Docker Maven Plugin in pom.xml
  • 78. Build Docker Containers ● mvn clean install docker:build
  • 79. Build Docker Containers ● After build images in local Docker repository camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
  • 80. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Hello Service ● Create the Camel projects ● Docker ● OpenShift v3 ● More Information
  • 81. Static ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from servlet transform HTTP 8080 hostname:port is static / hardcoded
  • 82. Dynamic ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from servlet transform Service Kubernetes Service
  • 83. What is a Kubernetes Service ● Network Connection to one or more Pods ● Own fixed IP address and port
  • 84. What is a Kubernetes Service ● kube-proxy on client Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from servlet transform kube-proxy Kubernetes Master service changes Service enlist
  • 85. Define Kubernetes Service ● Use fabric8 command Apache Tomcat from servlet transform Service
  • 86. Define Kubernetes Service ● Defined in pom.xml in <properties> Apache Tomcat from servlet transform Service Container Port = Inside Docker Container (e.g. the port of Apache Tomcat) Service Port = Outside Consumers of Service to use Name of service
  • 87. Generated kubernetes.json Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service
  • 88. Use Kubernetes Services Java Standalone from timer to http to log ● Environment Variables ● Hostname ● Port Injected by Kubernetes when starting a pod
  • 89. Camel - Use Kubernetes Service ● Use {{service:name}} in Camel Java Standalone from timer to http to log
  • 90. Microservice Demo - Ready for launch! ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from http transform Service Service defined Ready to deploy to Kubernetes
  • 91. Deploy - myweb ● mvn -Pf8-local-deploy Apache Tomcat from http transform Service
  • 92. Deploy - camel-archetype-cdi ● mvn -Pf8-local-deploy Java Standalone from timer to http to log
  • 93. fabric8 web console ● http://fabric8.vagrant.f8
  • 94. OpenShift 3 CLI ● oc get pods docker CLI is also possible docker images docker ps
  • 95. OpenShift 3 CLI ● oc get services
  • 96. OpenShift 3 CLI ● oc logs -f <pod-name>
  • 97. OpenShift 3 CLI ● oc get routes
  • 98. Scaling up / down ● change controller replicas
  • 99. Scaling up / down ● Service Load Balancing
  • 100. Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Microservices ● Demo ● Hello Service ● Create the Camel projects ● Docker ● OpenShift v3 ● More Information
  • 101. More information ● Apache Camel Microservices ● ● Fabric8 ● ● chat room #fabric8 on freenode ● Medium Fabric8 (blogs and videos) ●