SlideShare a Scribd company logo What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
What Is
Build to Last Change
Pini Reznik
@pini42 What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
What is Cloud Native? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Let’s talk about each one of them in depth then? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Let’s talk about each one of them in depth then?
Neh! It’s not that type of talk.

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iSQI Certification Days DASA – DevOps & ISTQB Frank Frambach
iSQI Certification Days DASA – DevOps & ISTQB Frank FrambachiSQI Certification Days DASA – DevOps & ISTQB Frank Frambach
iSQI Certification Days DASA – DevOps & ISTQB Frank Frambach

Frank Frambach presented on DevOps and testing. Some key points: 1. DevOps is driven by digital business models that require faster development and delivery of new features. 2. The DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) provides a competence model and certification program to develop high-performing IT professionals in DevOps. 3. Testing is an important part of DevOps and is integrated into several areas of the DASA competence model, including test specification, programming, and infrastructure engineering. 4. Bob, a tester, is shown undertaking a journey through the DASA model, first learning about DevOps and then developing his skills in related areas to transition into a DevOps

Tools Won't Fix Your Broken DevOps
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This document appears to be a slide presentation on DevOps practices and culture. Some key points discussed include: - High-performing IT organizations are twice as likely to exceed goals in areas like profitability and customer satisfaction. - DevOps focuses on continuous delivery, quality, lean processes, effective collaboration, and a culture of learning from failures. - Culture can be measured and influenced by providing employees the tools and training to do their jobs successfully. - Adopting DevOps practices may lead to improved lead times, release frequency, change fail rates, and service restoration times.

Vmware2021 why even devop nicolefv
Vmware2021 why even devop nicolefvVmware2021 why even devop nicolefv
Vmware2021 why even devop nicolefv

So often, we talk about doing the DevOps for money, fame, and high performance. But DevOps was the original hipster of changing the way we work to take care of ourselves and each other. In this talk, Nicole Forsgren will discuss how these technology transformations can not only help us ship software with speed and stability, they can reduce burnout, improve our culture, and communicate better. She will also share the latest research from her team about productivity, and what this means for the future of work -- spoiler alert: productivity is personal. As we shift back into work patterns that look like normal (whatever normal is), we can reimagine cultures and technologies that shift to support us and our teams -- just like DevOps did in its beginning.

devopscultureburnout What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Start with WHY?
Why do we need Cloud
Native in the first place?
Why the traditional SW
development approach
doesn’t cut it anymore?
What is the purpose of
Cloud Native? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
WHY? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Built to Last for a Static World
Castles survive for centuries and
In a static, “Build to Last” is a
successful strategy.
Successfully refined over many
years. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Static World

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DevOpsGuys - How to get started with DevOps - Redgate Webinar April 2017
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DevOpsGuys - How to get started with DevOps - Redgate Webinar April 2017

DevOpsGuys - How to get started with DevOps - Redgate Webinar April 2017. 9 steps to DevOps Transformation #SystemsThinking #MakeWorkVisible #MeasureWhatsImportant #ActOnFeedback #IdentifyTheGoal #BeAgile #DeliverContinuously #BuildTrust #AlignToValue #OptimiseForFlow

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The document discusses applying lean thinking principles from manufacturing and agile programming to content development. It outlines how lean and agile methods emphasize iterative development, frequent delivery, flexibility, and eliminating waste. This allows content to be produced in a more efficient flow that promotes continuous learning and improvement. Key principles include specifying value, identifying the value stream, pulling work, and optimizing the whole system rather than individual parts.

lavacon3013lavaconlean content
The History of DevOps (and what you need to do about it)
The History of DevOps (and what you need to do about it)The History of DevOps (and what you need to do about it)
The History of DevOps (and what you need to do about it)

The document discusses the history and evolution of DevOps. It traces the origins of DevOps back to 2007 when the terms "DevOps" and "Agile Infrastructure" first emerged. It then summarizes the rise in DevOps conferences and communities from 2009 onward. The document also outlines key findings that DevOps adopters see significantly faster lead times, higher deployment frequencies, better change success rates, and faster recovery times compared to non-adopters. Additionally, DevOps teams are more likely to exceed goals for profitability, market share and productivity. The document argues that organizations should focus on fast feedback loops, continuous improvement and adopting an "Improvement System" like DevOps Kaizen in order to see these benefits as a

it operationsdevopsitsm What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Static World What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Static World What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
But the World is
Changing! Fast! What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Exponential Growth in Technology

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The Home Depot has over 3500 engineers averaging nearly 6000 git commits per day, with 91% of software written in-house. They have invested $11.1 billion over 4 years, hiring over 1000 new engineers to transform the company from projects to products and experiences. They focus on living their culture and values by investing in associates through cohorts, ongoing education, and onboarding to create an attractive environment for engineers while accomplishing great things like award-winning mobile apps and changing associates' lives.

softwarepivotal softwarepivotal cloud foundry
20170511 the continuous culture sdd
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20170511 the continuous culture sdd

The continuous culture - Are you looking for ways to speed up? Companies are rapidly adopting technologies, tooling and practices that make them so agile that it changes their culture overnight and changes the playing field. We see disruptors being disrupted within a year. We see the elimination of the first mover benefit due to instant response of competitors. There is no more use for longterm strategies, roadmaps and plans that are just slowing you down. Kim will show you how moving to continuous delivery will change the DNA of your company. Learn how continuous delivery will speed up your company. Learn how your thinking will change through the presence of feedback and data-driven decision making. It’s time to move to the continuous culture.

continuous culturedevopsagile
The Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High Performer
The Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High PerformerThe Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High Performer
The Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High Performer

This document discusses high performance in technology organizations and the DevOps movement. It finds that technology organizations that are high performers are twice as likely to achieve goals like productivity and profitability. High performers have code deployments 46 times more frequent and lead time from commit to deploy is 440 times faster. They also recover from downtime 96 times faster. Achieving high performance requires a focus on technology, processes, and organizational culture together. Leadership is also important but not sufficient on its own. The document provides recommendations for accelerating improvement, including starting with architecture and approval processes.

devopshigh performancesoftware What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
1500+ names in CNCF Landscape
Cloud Native is leading the
Explosion of Cloud Native tools
is a challenge in a static world
and an opportunity a dynamic
world. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Dilemma What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Innovations are
now more
frequent now and
the incremental/
innovation cycles
are shorter What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
So, what was the WHY?
Because the world is changing
too fast for “Build to Last”

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Jonny Wooldridge, CTO, The Cambridge Satchel Company at the DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014 View video: View Jonny Wooldridge's blog: Following 3.5 years building a DevOps capability and culture at M&S I will be condensing the experience down to 10 Enterprise DevOps tips that are relevant to companies of all sizes and complexities. Bringing start-up lean thinking to an enterprise was never going to be easy but the lessons learned are relevant to us all.

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This document summarizes the key findings from the 2018 State of DevOps report. Some of the main points include: - Elite performing teams are still able to optimize for throughput, stability and availability. - Adopting essential cloud characteristics and using cloud resources effectively is correlated with high performance. - Architecture and how teams are structured matters more than the specific technology stack. - Open source software usage and avoiding outsourcing are correlated with better performance. - Continuous testing, monitoring, security and including the database in DevOps practices are emerging technical best practices. - Culture and ensuring autonomy for teams also contributes significantly to performance.

devopssreperformance What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
HOW? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
BUILD TO LAST CHANGE What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Built to Change in Dynamic World
Nobody cares what you
do in there!
Low visibility, low rent, no
style, high turnover.
Successfully gutted and
started anew What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Amsterdam Foodhallen

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ci/cdmodernization/refactoringtransformation case studies
Agile 2014- Metrics driven development and devops
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There are many facets of devops, and we will spend our time in this presentation focusing on collecting and using metrics (business, application, system, etc.) and building a metrics driven culture in organizations. We will define how we have seen devops progress in our organizations and how we’ve realized that different teams in our organizations can find common ground when teams (who have different roles) can work well together when they use metrics as the common language. Karthik will talk about how we are using the principles from the Lean Startup to define our development cycles, sprints and using metrics to quantify how successful the products we are trying to come out with in R&D. Initially we started practicing devops on the dev and ops side of the house but realized this was still a black box to the business side of the house, so we pivoted to what our business actually understood, and that was metrics; today, we focus more on metrics (business and system level), and can fail or succeed fast to achieve our business goals faster than before. Ernest will go into detail on how a large, mature SaaS organization uses metrics in conjunction with distributed agile development and DevOps to guide their development at scale. How much a product is used, how much each feature is used, and how much value each user gets out of it are key drivers for a business strategy - and it’s all information that’s emitted by a system. He'll show how large companies have invested time in collecting and using these metrics to guide their decisions and influence their culture.

5 Steps to Achieving the Single Pane of Glass Across DevOps -- APM, NPM, Metr...
5 Steps to Achieving the Single Pane of Glass Across DevOps -- APM, NPM, Metr...5 Steps to Achieving the Single Pane of Glass Across DevOps -- APM, NPM, Metr...
5 Steps to Achieving the Single Pane of Glass Across DevOps -- APM, NPM, Metr...

There are many systems that need monitoring -- Applications, Infrastructure, Network, Servers all producing metrics, logs, events etc. There are also many vendors selling their APM, NPM, Tracing, monitoring and alerting tools. But how does an organization get to that mythical single pane of glass where there is one consolidated view across these systems? This webinar will look at 5 practical steps that our customers have taken on this journey and what business results they have seen as they have moved to a centralized metric and event store while still leveraging their existing investments in specialized tooling and applications.

devopsinflux data What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Slow Components dominate
the system
Invest in an oversized
foundation and structure
early to allow change later.
Foundation and structure are
always expensive to change.
Allowing Change to Happen What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Dynamic World What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Dynamic World What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Building a House in a Dynamic World

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This document provides an overview of DevOps Kaizen, which is a methodology for continuous improvement in DevOps. It discusses how Kaizen focuses on continuously improving the flow of work through scientific problem-solving approaches and total workforce engagement. The document outlines elements of a DevOps Kaizen program, including making work processes visible, planning improvements, and overcoming barriers to change. Techniques for process mapping, identifying inefficiencies, and creating improvement plans are also presented.

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After having run SDLC projects for more than 8 years, I made the transition to agile projects. This deck captures some of the insights from that journey. Read more here -

agiletransitionsdlc What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Routinely servicing the
buildings before they fail.
(Preventive Maintenance?
Design and build in such a
way that the building
doesn’t need a lot of
(Solid construction?
How Buildings Learn,Brand What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
So, what was the HOW?
Because the world is changing
too fast for “Build to Last”
Start with MVP on oversized foundation
and structure to allow change What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
WHAT? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42

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With projects springing up at a dizzying pace, it’s hard not to feel like you’re falling behind the curve, or that you’re somehow not doing cloud native development correctly. Breaking out of this “container shame spiral” can be tough. It starts with being better equipped to evaluate projects and trends, and make better decisions about when is the right time to start adopting a new project. Otherwise, you’re all bound to stay stuck in a spiral of reacting to every new announcement. Guiding you through the last few years of container fervor, Laura will help you understand the current landscape and emerging trends, and introduce you to a framework that will help you make sense of all the rapid innovation happening around you.

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Continuous Delivery, Reactive Manifesto, Microservices, and DevOps are only few of the great ideas and practices that are currently transforming the way we work in IT. For people working in start-ups or with green field projects all this feels natural, you can expect it, you can take it for granted. Too perfect, and way too easy J If you look for real challenges, look at the Enterprise world. As a Tech Lead in Danske Bank I have the responsibility to help steering our Enterprise and ignite the evolution process that is needed to stay competitive in today’s markets. Through this quest for Agility in the extreme conditions of an Enterprise we are transforming decades of legacy into actual competitive advantage, enabling us to define and deliver brand new financial services at the rate and speed of start-ups. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
What is Cloud Native again? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
is more than
(Cloud Native
Maturity Matrix)
Tech What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Dynamic Strategy What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
All predictions are
Use strategy, not a plan.
Plan is based on
predictions, a strategy is
designed to encompass
unforeseenly changing
The future is no more
controllable as it is
Future Scenarios

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Summary of fast development and cloud native architecture along with cost optimization techniques. Presented as opening keynote at the Utility and Cloud Computing 2014 as part of the Cloud Control Workshop.

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The document discusses the concepts of Lean IT and provides an overview of a training presentation on the topic. It defines key Lean principles like value-added work and waste. It also outlines common Lean roles and certifications like Yellow Belts. The presentation aims to explain how Lean can help IT organizations reduce waste and cycle times to improve service delivery.

BoSUSA23 | Chris Spiek & Justin Dickow | Autobooks Product & Engineering
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A case study like no other. In this series of sessions at BoS Conference USA 2023 we deep dived into how Autobooks retooled their business and ask the question, “What Happens if Product, Sales & Marketing Work Together?” By focussing everything they did on the needs of their customers and helping them grow, they also grew faster, made their lives easier and changed the way they think about collaboration across the company.

jtbdautobooksproduct What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
All predictions are
Use strategy, not a plan.
Plan is based on
predictions, a strategy is
designed to encompass
unforeseenly changing
The future is no more
controllable as it is
Future Scenarios What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Agile Processes What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Cloud Native Tech What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
So, what was the WHAT?
Because the world is changing
too fast for “Build to Last”
Start with MVP on oversized foundation
and structure to allow change
Dynamic Strategy, Agile
Processes, Cloud Native Tech

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The document provides an overview of Agile project management methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. It discusses how Agile emerged from a 2001 meeting where representatives from various groups developed the Agile Manifesto. Scrum uses sprints, daily stand-ups, retrospectives and story points to manage work in an iterative process. Kanban uses visual boards and work-in-progress limits to manage flow. Both aim to deliver working software frequently through self-organizing teams that can adapt to changing priorities.

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The webinar discusses the importance of website redesign and provides tips for doing so successfully. It covers how the internet has changed and buyers now research online before engaging with sales. A redesign may be needed if a website is not aligned with a company's strategy, brand, or built for conversions. Key steps include evaluating analytics, assessing competitors, setting goals, requirements gathering, and choosing the right partner. Must-have features discussed are great design, compelling content, lead generation elements, and considering technical requirements.

Speeding Up Innovation
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Speeding Up Innovation

KEYNOTE TALK What does it take to innovate quickly? I’ll address how blockers to innovation – including culture, skills, antiquated processes, and board level concerns – can stand in the way of business agility. We’ll map out a pathway to digital transformation including new metrics for success, integrating real-world best practices from enterprises, and the most effective organizational patterns, as we integrate the business with development and operations.

devopsdaysdfwdevopsaws What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Cloud Native
Transformation What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Trade offs/Costs of Build to Change
But dynamic approach is not all roses.
Distributed systems are very difficult to manage due to very high
communication overhead.
Complex adaptive systems are notoriously difficult to control. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
2 3
Before CN started
Need a guide to
shorten the path.
Figuring out
Need an advisor to
make the right
General idea
Need a
collaborator to
finish the tasks.
Mature CN
Need a supplier to
offload generic
CN??? What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Journey to Cloud Native

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Lessons learned on rewriting a large technology stack from Drupal to Java + Ruby Video here:

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This document discusses building an intranet from the bottom up rather than the traditional top-down approach. It advocates starting simply with personal collaboration tools like OneDrive and building out ad hoc collaboration sites before establishing departmental sites and a centralized landing page. This bending of the value curve allows for quick wins that generate momentum. The document provides an example of an oil and gas company that takes this approach, first promoting safety and providing reports before upgrading their unstable SharePoint farm. It emphasizes an iterative process of defining vision, mapping to value, working solutions, evaluating and adapting as the intranet is developed incrementally from the ground up.

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This document discusses how to embrace change and overcome inertia in organizations. It argues that a revolution is happening due to digital disruption. Incumbents are locked into perfecting existing models while startups can disrupt at a fraction of the cost and much faster. It then provides recommendations on how to fuck inertia by focusing on purpose, people, and process. Specifically, it suggests building a visionary customer-centric purpose, hiring agents of change, and adopting agile processes and a culture of experimentation.

year of the goat - katya androshina & oliver kemp What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Journey to Cloud Native What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Think - Create Dynamic Strategy
■ Understand the current state.
■ Map future scenarios
■ Create a plan for a MVP. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Design - Build a MVP
Overinvest in the foundation and structure of the future system. Done
wrong and it will cripple your ability to adjust to a new future.
■ Cloud
■ Standard industry APIs in low levels
(containers, vanilla Kubernetes, etc.)
■ Agile processes like Scrum or Kanban
■ Knowledge. What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Build - Improve and Innovate
1. Gradual Onboarding
2. Continuous Innovation (3 Horizons)

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The biggest challenge to successful product design isn’t the limits of technology or the changing global marketplace- it’s the sheer number of tasks waiting for each engineer to complete! A large Work In Progress (WIP) queue turns innovation into imitation by delaying product launch. A large WIP reduces agility because new opportunities go to the back of the queue, yet only 2 percent of product developers measure their WIP queues and only 15 percent of them can quantify the cost of launch delay. But the answer isn’t to hire more people or pull your hair out- it’s to automate tasks that lend themselves to it, reducing your WIP queue and finally freeing your engineers to innovate! This presentations covers some techniques to quantify your WIP queue and how much it is costing you. It also covers how to automate the most common product development tasks that engineers, sales and quoting departments do every day, using a combination of SolidWorks software and the powerful automation add-in DriveWorks.

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Presented by Diana Budreau on January 27th, 2017. Are you considering moving your NAV or CRM solution to the cloud? This session will walk you through the steps you'll need to take to make sure it's the right decision, get your organization ready, and build a project plan to ensure that the move is a success.

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Successful adoption of cloud native infrastructure distributed systems
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Successful adoption of cloud native infrastructure distributed systems

Containers, Microservices, Cloud Native and DevOps are all gaining the speed and more and more companies are refactoring their development processes and infrastructure platforms to to build ever more complex applications and avoid falling behind the competition. But what does it take to adopt these technologies? Is it as easy as running one Docker container on one server? In this talk, I will share our experience of implementing those technologies while working with verity of different clients.

cloud computingcloud nativedevops What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Run - Ongoing Maintenance
1. Keep stuff running.
2. Push the developers to increase the quality
CRE/SRE principles are the best way to achieve the balance between
running old stuff and building new cool stuff What Is Continuous Improvement? @pini42
Key to a successful Cloud Native Transformation is not a well functioning
Kubernetes, but how quickly can you move on to a next thing.
Change is a new norm. Never again be afraid of change.

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