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Sam Partland
Migration Strategy & Analysis
Sam Partland
Sam Partland
Who am I?
• 11 years digital marketing experience
• Lead generation, affiliate marketing, and e-commerce projects for various
• Covered all aspects of digital marketing for small businesses
• Worked agency side and currently in-house SEO at
Sam Partland
Migrating a website
Sam Partland
1. What content does the site
currently have?

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Developing a SEO friendly CMS from the ground up - Digital Elite Day 19
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Developing a SEO friendly CMS from the ground up - Digital Elite Day 19

The document discusses developing a SEO-friendly content management system (CMS) from the ground up. It recommends starting with an autonomous full-stack SEO team and constantly redefining what features are handled by the platform versus users. The document also recommends investing in features to improve publishing operations, building monitoring into the platform, and leveraging APIs to scale operations.

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PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...
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PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...

The document discusses Google's ML APIs versus OpenAI's APIs and their applications for SEO and digital marketing tasks. It provides examples of how natural language processing APIs from Google and OpenAI can be used for tasks like text analysis, sentiment analysis, document classification, translation and content transformation. While both Google and OpenAI APIs are useful, the document recommends choosing the right API for each specific task based on its capabilities and limitations in order to get the best results.

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SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...
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Learn how to identify high-impact SEO opportunities in your SEO Process fast, going through common scenarios that you can use to maximize your SEO results.

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Sam Partland
2. What content will the new
website have?
Sam Partland
3. Are there content gaps to
accommodate for?
Sam Partland
Sam Partland
What content does the site currently have?
• Scans everything that is linked to or in a sitemap
• URL rules can help limit scanning to sections
• Can scan staging behind a password
• Can export the data into Excel

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Negotiating crawl budget with googlebots
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Using 'page importance' in ongoing conversation with Googlebot to get just a bit more crawl budget as part of technical SEO strategy for ecommerce and enterprise SEO website projects

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The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

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Sam Partland
Grab as much ranking data as possible
• Analyse keywords that cover a wide set of URLs
• Don’t get cheap – the more data the better
• Export Google webmaster tools keyword & page URL data too
• Add the URLs to your screaming frog scan & dedupe
Sam Partland
Work out the difference between the old & new content
• Remove prefixes so you are just
left with a unique identifier
• VLOOKUP / match from old to
new (and vice versa) to find out
the difference
Old New
Sam Partland
Make sure your new XML sitemaps are ready to go
Maintain the old URLs in a separate sitemap for faster indexing of redirects
Sam Partland
Know any issues that the new site has as these will affect performance

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A Simple method to Create Content using NLP
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This document introduces methods and tools for planning and creating optimized content using natural language processing techniques. It discusses using Distilled NLP to study top-ranking pages in a vertical, identify common topics and how they are combined, and then analyze and optimize one's own content. Specific tools mentioned include SEO Moonshine for implementing Distilled NLP, Majestic for backlink analysis and identifying topical trust flow, and TechSEO360 for keyword analysis. The overall goal is to identify recurring concepts across related pages and use those common topics to target user intent and improve content and search performance.

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The takeaway: 1. Why/What/How of hreflang 2. Some examples of practical application 3. Canonical VS hreflang 4. Common hreflang mistakes 5. Is hreflang a ranking factor?

Sam Partland
Is it worth running campaigns or increasing budget for SEM?
Sam Partland
Planning the redirects
Sam Partland
If only the domain / prefix is changing, just wildcard it!
Sam Partland

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The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

Sam Partland
But it’s rarely that easy
Sam Partland
Three levels of redirects should be investigated
1. Wildcard
2. 1-to-1 Content URL
3. 1-to-1 Category URL
Only catch-all if you can redirect somewhere related
Sam Partland
Let the developer implement these where possible
Sam Partland
And test them all on a staging site where possible

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Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know
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Crawl budget refers to the number of pages a site is allowed to request that Google crawls on a daily basis. It is important because exceeding the crawl budget can lead to pages not being indexed. The document provides tips on how to identify a site's current crawl rate, issues impacting crawl budget like errors and duplicate content, and strategies for optimizing demand and capacity such as improving site speed and creating fresh content regularly. The goal is identifying any crawl issues and optimizing the crawl budget to have the most important pages indexed.

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1) The document summarizes Patrick Stox's presentation on international SEO and technical aspects of implementing hreflang. 2) It addresses common misconceptions about hreflang and what can cause issues like underscores instead of dashes in codes. 3) It provides troubleshooting tips for hreflang such as checking Google Search Console for canonicalization and international targeting reports.

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Sam Partland
What content does the site currently have?
Sam Partland
Issues that you might face
• Trailing slash vs no trailing slash
• Miss-spellings in the rules – It does happen!
• Redirects being turned off
Sam Partland
During a migration
Sam Partland
Fetch as Google and submit your sitemaps

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This document provides tips for knowledge service businesses to have profitable client projects even during an economic recession. It emphasizes focusing on fundamentals like tracking billable time to ensure at least 75% utilization, creating processes to scale the business, leading a team effectively, and overcommunicating with clients. Mastering these areas through attitude and the right tools can help a founder navigate difficult times, as an individual cannot achieve everything and needs systems in place.

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The document discusses a strategic plan for migrating customers to online ordering through ProMed's website. It identifies 6 target customer segments and outlines strategies, goals, and tactics for each segment based on their current level of online ordering. The segments range from new customers with no web use to existing customers who conduct 75% or more of their orders online already. The overall goal is to increase online ordering and reduce costs while providing customers with a better experience.

Sam Partland
If you changed your domain, submit a ‘change of address’
Sam Partland
What content does the site currently have?
• Scan the new site to make sure everything's okay
• Scan all previous URLs to confirm redirects
Sam Partland
Sam Partland

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Presentation given 9/11/2010 at SharePoint Saturday East Bay in San Ramon, California. The majority of a migration effort has nothing to do with the actual technical move of content and bits, but is a planning activity. This presentation walks through 11 areas of focus, sharing best practices.

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Christian Buckley is the Director of Product Evangelism at Axceler. He has extensive experience with Microsoft technologies such as SharePoint and has worked for Microsoft and other companies. He is the author of several books on software configuration management and SharePoint. When planning a SharePoint migration, it is important to understand customizations on the source system, plan the migration schedule and type of migration, plan for file shares and content migration, and plan taxonomy, metadata and tagging strategies. Not doing proper planning can lead to issues with content being migrated or found.

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Learn * What makes SharePoint Different * Key features for intranets * Governance Particulars * Migration * Security, Compliance and Privacy

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Sam Partland
Sam Partland
Sam Partland
Sam Partland
Rankings are the first sign of migration performance
Category Searches Apr-16 Jun-16
N/A 3,520,120 42.1 41.8
Category 1 401,600 26.3 25.0
Category 2 236,150 16.8 17.4
Category 3 158,410 3.2 2.2
Category 4 107,880 21.4 22.1
Category 5 81,530 16.8 17.9
Category 6 62,700 9.0 9.6
Category 7 49,520 8.9 9.2
Category 8 12,130 12.0 12.3
Category 9 9,310 5.2 5.5
Category 10 4,440 6.4 4.8
Grand Total 4,643,790 27.7 27.6
Average Rankings
Category Searches Apr-16 Jun-16
N/A 3,520,120 7,829 3,855
Category 1 401,600 10,913 9,432
Category 2 236,150 7,062 6,031
Category 3 158,410 63,087 62,837
Category 4 107,880 10,332 8,964
Category 5 81,530 6,688 5,256
Category 6 62,700 17,093 13,648
Category 7 49,520 7,285 6,776
Category 8 12,130 716 671
Category 9 9,310 2,636 2,630
Category 10 4,440 1,684 1,624
Grand Total 4,643,790 135,326 121,725
Estimated Traffic

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The Ultimate SEO Migration Checklist by WeMoveWP
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This document outlines the steps for three types of website migrations: server-to-server, website redesigns, and domain name changes. It provides details on moving a site between web hosts or servers while preserving search engine rankings. Key steps include creating a new site, testing it, switching DNS records, and redirecting the old site URLs. Proper planning like setting up redirects and preserving page names can help migrations go smoothly.

Extracting and analyzing discussion data with google sheets and google analytics
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Online discussions can be a rich source of data for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Google Sheets to push online discussion board data into Google Analytics, where it can be analysed. The session will also demonstrate how to use TAGS, the widely-used script for archiving Twitter data. Participants can bring their own laptops if they wish; there will also be desktop PCs for use. Please note: if you’re not staff or student at the University of Edinburgh, you will need to obtain a temporary login from the registration desk in advance.

Sam Partland
Website organic search traffic would soon follow
• Strip back to a unique identifier
• Analyse at URL level or categorise
and view at category level
Sam Partland
With GWT / search console being the next analysis point
Clicks Impressions Av. Rank
Category Old New Category Old New Category Old New
Category 1 16,085 14,220 Category 1 42,378 39,997 Category 1 1.94 2.52
Category 2 2,160 1,746 Category 2 17,945 15,082 Category 2 2.42 2.95
Category 3 1,661 1,428 Category 3 9,781 9,283 Category 3 1.49 1.79
Category 4 1,591 1,150 Category 4 7,481 6,773 Category 4 1.23 1.22
Category 5 1,238 843 Category 5 7,063 5,539 Category 5 1.43 1.85
Category 6 776 545 Category 6 6,947 6,187 Category 6 1.61 1.83
Category 7 643 412 Category 7 6,644 4,696 Category 7 2.41 3.56
Category 8 328 313 Category 8 2,710 1,503 Category 8 4.85 6.07
Category 9 271 264 Category 9 1,381 1,737 Category 9 1.48 1.87
Category 10 260 158 Category 10 1,115 1,519 Category 10 3.51 5.61
N/A 87 52 N/A 454 385 N/A 1.15 1.38
Grand Total 25,100 21,131 Grand Total 103,899 92,701 Grand Total 1.94 2.21
Sam Partland
No pre-migration data?
Sam Partland

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How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing
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How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing

Want to learn more about Keyword Research? Here's your chance! Check out this link:

Sam Partland
Download historic & recent ranking
• Export as much data as possible
• Sort / filter the data to avoid your
account limit a bit
Sam Partland
Because SEMrush has multiple positions, only keep the best rank of each
• Sort by keyword, then by ranking (low to high)
• Remove dupes from keyword column
Sam Partland
Merge into a single file, with a VLOOKUP
Keyword Search Volume Apr-16 Apr-16 Est. Traffic Jun-16 Jun-16 Est. Traffic Category Original URL New URL
keyword 1 50000 32 0 35 0 Category 1
keyword 2 21000 31 0 35 0 Category 2
keyword 3 11000 32 0 33 0 Category 3
keyword 4 7000 5 3326.92801 5 3426.92801 Category 4
keyword 5 7000 31 0 31 0 Category 5
keyword 6 7000 84 0 84 0 Category 6
keyword 7 6500 22 0 65 0 Category 7
keyword 8 6500 25 0 25 0 Category 8
keyword 9 4500 36 0 67 0 Category 9
keyword 10 4500 15 121.5 63 0 Category 10
And then….
Sam Partland
What content does the site currently have?

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An integrated approach to using different search,, social and display platforms for increasing sales to an e-commerce site

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Sam Partland
Run original URLs through screaming frog to get status codes
Keyword Search Volume Apr-16 Apr-16 Est. Traffic Jun-16 Jun-16 Est. Traffic Category Original URL New URL
keyword 1 50000 32 0 35 0 Category 1
keyword 2 21000 31 0 35 0 Category 2
keyword 3 11000 32 0 33 0 Category 3
keyword 4 7000 5 3326.92801 5 3426.92801 Category 4
keyword 5 7000 31 0 31 0 Category 5
keyword 6 7000 84 0 84 0 Category 6
keyword 7 6500 22 0 65 0 Category 7
keyword 8 6500 25 0 25 0 Category 8
keyword 9 4500 36 0 67 0 Category 9
keyword 10 4500 15 121.5 63 0 Category 10
• Confirm if the redirected-to URL, is the current ranking URL
• Let you see if you missed anything
Sam Partland
Filter by original URL status code to see the impact of the migration
Untouched | Redirected | Errored
-4,000 (4%) | -5,500 (30%) | -4,000 (55%)
Sam Partland
Some of my tips
Sam Partland
Remove category-base / prefixes with SUBSTITUTE
More effective than Find / Replace because you also retain original data
Text to
Change to

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I presented these slides at Sisältöstrategiaseminaari 2012 (Content Strategy Seminar 2012) in Helsinki. The event was a co-production of Vapa Media and the University of Helsinki. The presentation addresses why Content Strategy is a practice of such particular interest right now. It looks at how we got to where we are today, why content strategy matters, and a few future trends to watch.

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Sam Partland
Modify category-bases with categorisation formula
Substitute old
with new
with ‘find’
Categorise with
Sam Partland
Wordpress plugin to manage redirects & 404s
Sam Partland
‘Guess’ a new URL by Scraping a blog posts category in Google Docs
URL (cell
What you’re searching inside What you
want to
We could now ‘guess’ a new URL could be
Sam Partland
So to complete a successful migration you would….
• Prepare with as much data as possible
• Compare old and new content and work out the differences
• Investigate 3 levels of redirects – Wildcards, 1-to-1 content,
and 1-to-1 category
• Analyse before & after rankings along with their URLs

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Ann Stanley is the co-founder and MD of data-driven digital marketing agency Anicca Digital, and has been working in online marketing since 2001. Ann, who is Google AdWords Accredited and a Chartered Marketeer regularly speaks at local, national and international events on a range of digital marketing topics. She specialises in providing practical tips on using AdWords, search engine optimisation, ecommerce marketing and marketing automation

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Instructional slides
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Sam Partland
What content does the site currently have?
Sam Partland
And just quickly…
Sam Partland
A new SEO tool to change the way we interpret our data
Sam Partland
Currently keyword & search volume management

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The document provides an SEO audit of Shepherd Neame's website with recommendations for improvement. It finds that the site has lost visibility for local pub keywords due to Google's algorithm changes. An audit of the site found discrepancies in the number of indexed pages compared to pages found by crawling tools. Issues identified include duplicate page titles and meta descriptions from search result pages, as well as 178 blog listing pages with identical content. Recommendations are given around improving the XML sitemap, addressing duplicate content, optimizing page speed, and fixing broken page references.

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Sam Partland
With categorisation of them faster & easier
Sam Partland
And so much more planned!
• Assisted bulk keyword research & generation
• Rank tracking of full SERPs
• Search market & competitor analysis
• Search Console / Google Analytics integration
• And that’s just the start…
Sam Partland

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  • 5. Sam Partland 2. What content will the new website have?
  • 6. Sam Partland 3. Are there content gaps to accommodate for?
  • 8. Sam Partland What content does the site currently have? • Scans everything that is linked to or in a sitemap • URL rules can help limit scanning to sections • Can scan staging behind a password • Can export the data into Excel
  • 9. Sam Partland Grab as much ranking data as possible • Analyse keywords that cover a wide set of URLs • Don’t get cheap – the more data the better • Export Google webmaster tools keyword & page URL data too • Add the URLs to your screaming frog scan & dedupe
  • 10. Sam Partland Work out the difference between the old & new content • Remove prefixes so you are just left with a unique identifier • VLOOKUP / match from old to new (and vice versa) to find out the difference Old New
  • 11. Sam Partland Make sure your new XML sitemaps are ready to go Maintain the old URLs in a separate sitemap for faster indexing of redirects
  • 12. Sam Partland Know any issues that the new site has as these will affect performance
  • 13. Sam Partland Is it worth running campaigns or increasing budget for SEM?
  • 15. Sam Partland If only the domain / prefix is changing, just wildcard it!
  • 17. Sam Partland But it’s rarely that easy
  • 18. Sam Partland Three levels of redirects should be investigated 1. Wildcard 2. 1-to-1 Content URL 3. 1-to-1 Category URL Only catch-all if you can redirect somewhere related
  • 19. Sam Partland Let the developer implement these where possible
  • 20. Sam Partland And test them all on a staging site where possible
  • 21. Sam Partland What content does the site currently have?
  • 22. Sam Partland Issues that you might face • HTTP vs HTTPs • Trailing slash vs no trailing slash • Miss-spellings in the rules – It does happen! • Redirects being turned off
  • 24. Sam Partland Fetch as Google and submit your sitemaps
  • 25. Sam Partland If you changed your domain, submit a ‘change of address’
  • 26. Sam Partland What content does the site currently have? • Scan the new site to make sure everything's okay • Scan all previous URLs to confirm redirects
  • 32. Sam Partland Rankings are the first sign of migration performance Category Searches Apr-16 Jun-16 N/A 3,520,120 42.1 41.8 Category 1 401,600 26.3 25.0 Category 2 236,150 16.8 17.4 Category 3 158,410 3.2 2.2 Category 4 107,880 21.4 22.1 Category 5 81,530 16.8 17.9 Category 6 62,700 9.0 9.6 Category 7 49,520 8.9 9.2 Category 8 12,130 12.0 12.3 Category 9 9,310 5.2 5.5 Category 10 4,440 6.4 4.8 Grand Total 4,643,790 27.7 27.6 Average Rankings Category Searches Apr-16 Jun-16 N/A 3,520,120 7,829 3,855 Category 1 401,600 10,913 9,432 Category 2 236,150 7,062 6,031 Category 3 158,410 63,087 62,837 Category 4 107,880 10,332 8,964 Category 5 81,530 6,688 5,256 Category 6 62,700 17,093 13,648 Category 7 49,520 7,285 6,776 Category 8 12,130 716 671 Category 9 9,310 2,636 2,630 Category 10 4,440 1,684 1,624 Grand Total 4,643,790 135,326 121,725 Estimated Traffic
  • 33. Sam Partland Website organic search traffic would soon follow • Strip back to a unique identifier • Analyse at URL level or categorise and view at category level
  • 34. Sam Partland With GWT / search console being the next analysis point Clicks Impressions Av. Rank Category Old New Category Old New Category Old New Category 1 16,085 14,220 Category 1 42,378 39,997 Category 1 1.94 2.52 Category 2 2,160 1,746 Category 2 17,945 15,082 Category 2 2.42 2.95 Category 3 1,661 1,428 Category 3 9,781 9,283 Category 3 1.49 1.79 Category 4 1,591 1,150 Category 4 7,481 6,773 Category 4 1.23 1.22 Category 5 1,238 843 Category 5 7,063 5,539 Category 5 1.43 1.85 Category 6 776 545 Category 6 6,947 6,187 Category 6 1.61 1.83 Category 7 643 412 Category 7 6,644 4,696 Category 7 2.41 3.56 Category 8 328 313 Category 8 2,710 1,503 Category 8 4.85 6.07 Category 9 271 264 Category 9 1,381 1,737 Category 9 1.48 1.87 Category 10 260 158 Category 10 1,115 1,519 Category 10 3.51 5.61 N/A 87 52 N/A 454 385 N/A 1.15 1.38 Grand Total 25,100 21,131 Grand Total 103,899 92,701 Grand Total 1.94 2.21
  • 37. Sam Partland Download historic & recent ranking • Export as much data as possible • Sort / filter the data to avoid your account limit a bit
  • 38. Sam Partland Because SEMrush has multiple positions, only keep the best rank of each • Sort by keyword, then by ranking (low to high) • Remove dupes from keyword column
  • 39. Sam Partland Merge into a single file, with a VLOOKUP Keyword Search Volume Apr-16 Apr-16 Est. Traffic Jun-16 Jun-16 Est. Traffic Category Original URL New URL keyword 1 50000 32 0 35 0 Category 1 keyword 2 21000 31 0 35 0 Category 2 keyword 3 11000 32 0 33 0 Category 3 keyword 4 7000 5 3326.92801 5 3426.92801 Category 4 keyword 5 7000 31 0 31 0 Category 5 keyword 6 7000 84 0 84 0 Category 6 keyword 7 6500 22 0 65 0 Category 7 keyword 8 6500 25 0 25 0 Category 8 keyword 9 4500 36 0 67 0 Category 9 keyword 10 4500 15 121.5 63 0 Category 10 And then….
  • 40. Sam Partland What content does the site currently have?
  • 41. Sam Partland Run original URLs through screaming frog to get status codes Keyword Search Volume Apr-16 Apr-16 Est. Traffic Jun-16 Jun-16 Est. Traffic Category Original URL New URL keyword 1 50000 32 0 35 0 Category 1 keyword 2 21000 31 0 35 0 Category 2 keyword 3 11000 32 0 33 0 Category 3 keyword 4 7000 5 3326.92801 5 3426.92801 Category 4 keyword 5 7000 31 0 31 0 Category 5 keyword 6 7000 84 0 84 0 Category 6 keyword 7 6500 22 0 65 0 Category 7 keyword 8 6500 25 0 25 0 Category 8 keyword 9 4500 36 0 67 0 Category 9 keyword 10 4500 15 121.5 63 0 Category 10 • Confirm if the redirected-to URL, is the current ranking URL • Let you see if you missed anything
  • 42. Sam Partland Filter by original URL status code to see the impact of the migration Untouched | Redirected | Errored -4,000 (4%) | -5,500 (30%) | -4,000 (55%)
  • 44. Sam Partland Remove category-base / prefixes with SUBSTITUTE More effective than Find / Replace because you also retain original data Original text Text to change Change to (blank)
  • 45. Sam Partland Modify category-bases with categorisation formula Substitute old with new Categorise with ‘find’ Categorise with ‘category’
  • 46. Sam Partland Wordpress plugin to manage redirects & 404s
  • 47. Sam Partland ‘Guess’ a new URL by Scraping a blog posts category in Google Docs Makes Horizontal URL (cell reference) What you’re searching inside What you want to extract We could now ‘guess’ a new URL could be
  • 48. Sam Partland So to complete a successful migration you would…. • Prepare with as much data as possible • Compare old and new content and work out the differences • Investigate 3 levels of redirects – Wildcards, 1-to-1 content, and 1-to-1 category • Analyse before & after rankings along with their URLs And…
  • 49. Sam Partland What content does the site currently have?
  • 50. Sam Partland And just quickly…
  • 51. Sam Partland A new SEO tool to change the way we interpret our data
  • 52. Sam Partland Currently keyword & search volume management
  • 53. Sam Partland With categorisation of them faster & easier
  • 54. Sam Partland And so much more planned! • Assisted bulk keyword research & generation • Rank tracking of full SERPs • Search market & competitor analysis • Search Console / Google Analytics integration • And that’s just the start…